
Driven and shamed the exiled mer found no comfort in Dwemeri, Chimeri, or Nordic arms. It was only the pariahs who let in themselves in comfort and their chief took his former foes whose Logic and Reason had abandoned them in face of golden witches who smiled with lies. He wept at their story of his own, and made them brothers of himself and they all sang of betrayal and sorrow and witches and kinship and hope. In his merriment the chief lifted up their Mighty Hammer and said "COME FEAST WITH US IN BETTER LANDS" and threw the Hammer cross the stars and to the West in his kin's and now-kin's true home. "WHERE THE HAMMER FALLS YOU SHALL FIND KIN AMONGST THE KINLESS" and the now-pariahs made their journey across the North and through the Cyrod to the Land of Death where they would live far from any golden witches or kinly traitors.