Hist-o-ry of the Hist-o-Tree! By Inius Gravius – Feature Article of the Skingrad Informer for 17th Second Seed 1E 2839.

Since glorious Emperor Reman II's acceptance of the Argonian's into the Cyrodillic Empire our researchers have been able to learn more and more about the Argonian's homeland, known as the Black Marsh. As of the last week I have revived a peculiar specimen of flora from the region, specifically nearer to the border of Morrowind, it is currently sitting in a pot on my study floor and I am told that it is at its full growth and that is about a meter high. It has a fairly thin trunk that is also quite smooth, and at the top it fills out into a small rounded set of leaves. These leaves sit on small branches that out of the trunk and the leaves sit horizontally, parallel to the floor. Furthermore the leaves are rather pointy. Because of their close proximity and evenness the leaves of the Hist tree have a tendency to bounce against each other making a rough hissing sound which is what gives the trees their name. This often occurs due to the wind that blows across the trees often in the mountainous border where they grow.

One of the strange things about the Hist tree is the esteem that it would seem to hold amongst the Argonian's, particularly as seen in their literature where they would seem to hold them in the position of Gods, a strange place for such a small plant. Accounts from some researchers would indicate that this belief is seen to manifest only when the Argonian's are under the influence of the tree's highly toxic sap, a result of the concertation of other poisonous roots that grow in the hills, however in all my studying of the tree I have not seen any evidence of this sap.

However I will look forward to seeing and learning more about the Argonian homeland as time goes by and will happily continue to keep you updated! Glory to Emperor Reman II!

Editor's Note: I would like to thank Inius for his first contribution to the Skingrad Informer, in the wake of the absence of our usual writer Marsus Gravius. Marsus went on a two month research trip to Morrowind in First Seed, and whilst he provided me with the many interesting articles we have seen recently prior to his departure, not only have we now run out but there is also no sign of him. Obviously with the rumours of war between our two provinces this has not been promising, but Inius has generously offered to take up his brother's mantle.

I can only hope that what this article lacks in our normal depth, length and content is made up for in some sense of comedy…

In other news our printing press is still working efficiently, our other staff are all well, we are hiring feature article writers, and until then Inius ensures me that he is working on another research piece, tentatively titled: "The Day of the Daedra"

Thank you for reading, and your next issue of the Skingrad Informer will be available on the 24^th of Second Seed.