Requisition Orders, 3E 282

Recipient: Astius Palenix, High Imperial Nauarch of the Ghost Fleet, Solitude. Sealed this 24th of Sun’s Dusk 3E 282 by Albecius Tunia, Adjunct Logistician of the Imperial College of Battlemages, Imperial City.

His Majesty Uriel Septim, the fifth of his name, Conqueror of Roscrea, Conqueror of Cathnoquey, Conqueror of Yneslea bids you greetings! You are to prepare the Ghost Fleet for a planned campaign to the east of Tamriel in spring 3E 284. Supplies and equipment must be sufficient to last until fall. The provided sum of 51, 597 Septims has been dispatched to Solitude. Should further expenses be required, you have been provided with a red diamond seal, and thus the authority to requisition the necessary materials from Haafingar for the good of the empire. Records in the Imperial City indicate that your clerical staff in Solitude are sufficient in number to produce the necessary tax receipts.

The Ghost Fleet detachments in Dawnstar, Morthal, and Winterhold have received similar requisition orders, and to prevent duplication their contents have been summarized here. Concerning the items which should be got ready in the Pale, that is, the 10,000 measures of barley, and concerning the 15,000 measures of wine, and concerning the 5,000 livestock for slaughter, and concerning the 5,000 measures of flax to be got ready for ropes and caulking, and concerning the 6,000 iron nails for the nailing of the warships: the protonotary of the Pale gave an undertaking concerning these items. Concerning the items that should be got ready in Hjaalmarch, that is, the skiffs made for the warships, upon preparation they should be promptly dispatched to the High Imperial Nauarch in Solitude. Each skiff should have its mast and yard and 4 oars each and a rudder; also, the provision of 6 eight-oared fishing boats is required: the protonotary of Hjaalmarch gave an undertaking concerning these items. Concerning the items that should be got ready in Winterhold, that is, the 400 mooring cables, the 3,000 swords, 2,000 spears; 240,000 arrows; 4000 large arrows for the ballistae; 15,000 potions of healing salve; 10,000 potions of water breath; 1,000 potions of levitation; the construction of 7 warships and their full equipping, for which a sum has been provided: the protonotary of Winterhold gave an undertaking concerning these items.

Concerning the equipping of His Imperial Majesty’s warships in Haafingar: 50 steel cuirasses; 12 light corselets for the steersmen; 80 helmets; 12 pairs of arm-guards; 90 swords; 70 shields; 60 Altmeri bows; 10,000 arrows; 10,000 caltrops; 1500 healing potions; 1,000 magicka potions for the ploiomancers; 4 sets of chains; 400 souls gems; 6 projectors; 3 large and sturdy trees for the reinforcing and repair of the hulls.

Concerning the preparation of the 30 warships of His Imperial Majesty in Haafingar that must be prepared to attack fortifications: a wooden tower; siege sheds; large bow-ballistae with pulleys and silk bow-strings; 800 soul gems for the projectors; machines for hurling stones; shackles and bolts; pickaxes; weights; hides; buckets; shovels; 2,000 magicka potions for the ploiomancers.

Concerning the spare equipment that must be prepared for every 20 warships: 200 doubled-edged axes; 100 small spanker sails; 100 pounds of unworked copper; 200 cauldrons; 3,000 pounds of unworked iron; 6,000 large nails.

Concerning Astius Palenix, High Imperial Nauarch of the Ghost Fleet, Solitude, an additional 30 pounds of gold have been procured for additional training operations in the Sea of Ghosts and will be dispatched to the Solitude mint for immediate coining in First Seed 3E 282.

Sealed this 24th of Sun’s Dusk 3E 282 by Albecius Tunia, Adjunct Logistician of the Imperial College of Battlemages, Imperial City.