Index Mappai Solitudi: The City of Solitude

[Intraglyph: This is part of Vulf Bear-Hat's great Mappa Solitudi in its somniculized version provided by the great Athenaeum Telvannicum. An overview of all the appendices and indexes related to the map can be found here. Don't forget to read the History of Solitude. Or get a closer look at the map with the new super-zoom edition of the map.

##Preamble: Of the Lands and Cities of Haafingar

In order to provide the spectators of the Mappai Solitudi with detailed insight into each and every region and settlement on the map, His Majesty High King Thiann requested a Great Index to accompany it, so that all could gain knowledge of the history and culture of his realm. Here follows the settlement descriptions, indexations and coordinates of the first of the 5 districts of Haafingar; the City of Solitude.


#The City of Solitude (Civita Solitudi) (HEKEM-V)

The city of Solitude, also known as Civita Solitudi in Cyrodiilic and Haafingar by some locals, is the cosmopolitan center of politics and commerce in Skyrim. It is the seat of the great King Thian of Haafingar Hold, and from here he rules over his vast holdings stretching from the borders of High Rock all the way to the Eastern March. Due to the vastness of his realm, and his close ties with the Heartland, King Thian’s capital boasts a great cultural diversity which cannot be witnessed anywhere else in Skyrim. The wealthy nobles living atop the Arch make conversation in perfect Cyrodiilic, and dress in fine Breton garbs, while the less fortunate dock workers, lumbermen and farmers of the region dress in coarse, traditional Nordic peasant’s coats and grow just as coarse, ruffled beards. The bards of the ancient Bards’ College often wander the streets, visiting taverns and entertaining on the market with their saga-songs.


Brimsalt (“Foam-Salt”) (HEKEM-II)

A poor fishing settlement north of Solitude with a small harbor for the more shady travelers who want to avoid the publicans of Solitude’s docks.


Hødhvalf (“Over-Arch”) (GETH-III)

When looking west from the city of Solitude, the lofty, white peaks of the mountain of Hødhvalf dominate the horizon. The mountain is the tallest in Haafingar, and is only very sparsely populated, except by rabbits and ice-wraiths.


Hvitinflothe (From Ancient Nordic Hvitinuflôthu “White-Flow”) (HEKEM-III)

Known for its lighthouse, Whiteflow is more successful than its neighbor Brimsalt in attracting thirsty buccaneers to its main street of taverns and brothels. The other inhabitants are mostly lumbermen and fishermen.


Karthmolen (“Karth-Mill”) (HEFHED-VI)

The area around Karthmolen, situated in the fertile river valley of the lower Karth, is densely populated by fishermen, lumbermen and farmers. The town itself is center for boatbuilding and lumber trade in Haafingar.


Ketlabor (From Ancient Nordic Katilalbôrga “Kettle-Farm” or “Katla’s Town”) (GETH-V)

A port to which many merchants come to buy grain on the great grain-fair in late Hearthfire. The settlement itself isn’t much to look at, but during the fair, its population increases tenfold as farmers from the entire lower Karth valley gather to sell their crops to foreign merchants from all Skyrim and High Rock.


Ottia Solitudi (Cyrodiilic “Docks of Solitude”, colloquially known as Al Ottera or “The Docks”)

The docks district is the bustling heart of Haafingar’s economy. Here, merchants come from all corners of Tamriel to buy local fur, lumber and grain, and locals set up stands, warehouses and shops to provide it.


Volgrav (“Mountain-Tomb”) (GETH-IV)

Said to once have been a great temple dedicated to Kyne, the Goddess of the Winds, but today little remains due to the onslaught of the great Hødhvalf glacier. In ancient times, dedicated worshippers of Kyne offered their naked selves to their goddess here, embracing the lady’s freezing winds upon the cold ridges of Hødhvalf in order to secure themselves a place by her side in Sovngarde upon freeze-death.


Vuldavaar (“Cliff-Watch”) (HEFHED-IV)

Built by Potema Wolf-Queen in 3E 97, this palace is still used as summer residence by the royal family of Haafingar. Due to its location high upon one of the ridges leading up to Mount Hødhvalf, there is a magnificent view over the pine forests of Hengist Pass, and it also makes it into a safe refuge.