The 72 Khajiiti Arts of Claw and Tail Mastered by Do’stiin

###The 72 Khajiiti Arts of Claw and Tail Mastered by Do’stiin###

There are many popular and known Khajiiti arts of claw and tail. Yet the popular do not scratch the surface on the extent of Khajiiti hand-to-hand mastery. There exists numberless lesser-known forms. The most prolific of all Masters: Do’stiin was said to have mastered 72 separate arts. The following is a list of those arts in no particular order, as is tradition.

[Of course, Do’stiin had mastered “The big three” as they have come to be known.] Goutfang. Whispering Claw. Rawlith Khaj, (including its many known forms: Rain, Sand, Wind, Sun, Storm, and Two-Moons-Dance.)

Ma-Do’Do (The Unskilled Warrior) : whose seemingly innocuous attacks will eventually overwhelm the enemy. Yeb Ja’khajiit (Chubby kitten) : where a rotund stomach is turned deadly weapon. Forro-Dra (The Chiding Mother) : whose viscous assault will take far longer to heal than ordinary wounds.

Thji’var (The Moon Drunk) : where intoxicants are consumed to give oneself an unpredictability in battle. Sleep Pouncer : a defensive method said to be effective even when asleep. Stripe-Collecters : mainly focused on pulling the mane and pelt of their opponent.

Twin Claws : A method focused on confusing one’s opponent through use of an identical twin Khajiit.(note: only usable by someone with an identical twin) Faint Feint : main tactics include pretending to be unconscious until your adversary lets their guard down. The low Hanging Fruit: whose attacks are only effective on male opponents. Teenage Mock Mock Turtle (TMMT) : There are but a few remaining practitioners of this art, as it relies on the shell of a teenage Mock Turtle to be worn as armor.

Ghost Warrior : A controversial art which involves dying and returning as a ghost that is invulnerable to your opponents attacks. (Note:Only works once.) El’toro : involves mesmerizing your opponent using an infuriating cloth. Moon Shoes : Khajiit-powered anti-gravity art which chiefly performs strikes from the air.

Redundancy : which is unique in that it involves punching people. All-Meow : which involves flashy showmanship to intimidate your opponent. The tickler : A surprisingly effective art where one tickles the opponent into submission.

The Rocky : Involves getting hit so many times that the opponent eventually wears themselves out. Sweet Licorice : Uses the tail of the Khajiit in a whip-like fashion. Spin-Doctor : an art which disorients the enemy through spinning tactics.

The People’s Elbow : a martial art designed specifically for Khajiiti amputees. De-Scaler Moon : A martial art developed to combat dragons. Succumb by purrs : a method who’s strikes don’t preceed pain, but enjoyment for both parties.

Splitting the difference : an art designed specifically to combat an enemy holding a banana. (Significance has been lost to the ages). Just the tip : Focused on besting those with long-reaching spears. Mon’toy’ah : which can only be learned by a son seeking to avenge his father.

Tai-Chi : which is considered relatively useless even by its practitioners. Coat-a-Turn : which involves identifying the winning team so that you can join their side. The 8-fold Ways of the Hidden Masters : which remain a relative mystery, but probably aren’t as great as they sound.

Mane Event : one of many styles taught only to the Mane by the Moons. Finishing Move : an art designed to best opponents in a single strike. Moth Beast : a style designed around cutting off your own vision to improve your other senses.

Flatu’lens : years of bowel mastery allow the user to produce noxious fumes to drive off enemies. Ma’champ : a hypothetical style developed in-case the user ever grows an additional pair of arms. Sticks and Stones : a fall-back style in case a warrior suffers broken bones.

Ja’Kee Chan : an art that was developed specifically to awe onlookers. Ta’N-go : an art that’s more of a dance than it is a combat style. Crypt Tonight : a method of dispatching opponents invulnerable to standard attacks.

Flipping the Bird : a method to defeat enemies capable of flight. Infinite Loop : a style used to defeat dwarven automatons. By the horns : A method initially developed to defeat minotaurs, but later evolved into a philosophy for life.

Midas Touch : the art developed by the legendary adventurer Do’Midas specifically to earn his fortune. Fu’Shigi : A forbidden art which uses a sigil stone to fuel mystical movements. Hindsight : a method which can defeat all others; only works in theory, though.

Meta Gaming : a method used to maximize ones effectiveness in combat. Very dull and tedious. Reload : an art said to utterly prevent loss in all situations, though it has never been witnessed. Loaded Pockets : A method that is pure offense, opting instead to consume massive quantities of potions to heal mid-battle.

Ma’med A’Li : A method of combating insects. Ty Son : A style where biting your opponent is standard practice. Silva : an art that focuses on dodging your opponents attacks.

The Wave : a method used to fight underwater (Note: more effective against Dreugh than Argonians). Cobra Kai : whose leg sweeps are the stuff of legends. Preying Mantis : an art everyone agrees looks ridiculous.

Hand Solo : A style which capitalizes on attacking FIRST. Moon Walking : a method which appears to be attacking one direction, but is truly attacking in the opposite. Star Craft : a method that requires precise micro-management of every part of your body. Law Suit: an art focused on capitalizing upon the mistakes of others.