Ballad of atrocities

Unbeknownst to many, a big ball was hosted near Iliac Bay in 1E 102 to which many nobles from everywhere in Tamriel went to. During the night of this ball, a big party of marauding Altmer crashed the ball and murdered people relentlessly. After this, (also unbeknownst to many) many of bandit elves were made politicians in the Summerset Isles and the King of the Summerset Isles was controlled by the bandits for about 1 year until the bandits were quashed. A ballad was made to commemorate the deaths of the nobles that attended the ball. The last sentence was changed to add a more dramatic effect.

During the ball near Iliac bay,

Sinthoras the Bosmer was buried 10 feet under hard clay.

J’harzo was a sneaky Khajiit,

They put his head up on the tower, and on the wall, his feet.

Bulgruk the Orc had strong bones,

But even his sturdiness did not save him from the curses of the crones.

Abrevir had a lovely wife,

He sacrificed her to the Altmer to escape with his life.

Edwinastyr was a crafty Breton,

They bashed his head in with a big, steel baton.

And as this little ballad ends,

The knee of many a king bends.