Report for the Rift: 31st Sun's Height 1E2841:

From Imperial Captain, Gellius Bruiant, to Jarl of the Rift, Heddic Woodsmasher,

Sun's Height has seen an increase in crime in the hold; this is the continuation of the trend that we have seen of the last few months. We still believe that this trend is a result of the realisation by the populous that the harsh conditions placed upon us by the war with Morrowind will be here for a long time yet.

Particularly we have seen a rise in the theft of crops from both Farms and Markets and despite the initial fall in murder after the suspension of Writs of Execution by the Imperial Legion, it has continued to rise. However these increases in the theft of crops and murder constitute for most of the crime increase we have seen. Furthermore we have seen no increase in the theft of livestock.

Thus this month we have seen:

  • Twenty-Two Murders

  • Eight Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-Seven gold worth of stolen goods

We have also made nine domestic arrests that lasted for a period of more than two days and intercepted three deserters from the Legion, presumably straight from the Imperial Legions situated in Cheydinhal. Arrangements have been made to send them back under escort with a shipment of swords from made by the blacksmith Bodil Oreburner.

In order to alleviate some of the crime we have seen I would still recommend that the Jarl should lower his hold taxes, the people are already under enough of a burden from the Imperial taxation that is funding the war. The Jarl must remember that all other holds in Skyrim have already done so and are fully committed to the war effort.

In other news preparation for the militarisation of the Rift is progressing well and we have now placed extensive spiked wooden barriers around Riften. Furthermore we have finished our inventory of all the weapons and armour available to us.

Finally there is the issue of a particular prisoner who has been with us for most of the month. After much work we do believe that his name is Marsus Gravius. Under normal circumstances I would believe that he was a deserter, however he has clearly come from behind the border of Morrowind and certainly does not look like a soldier. Most importantly I feel that we must remove him from the hold's jail. As we will need as much of that space as possible for our militarisation in Hearth fire.

An execution would be easiest but I do not feel it would be fair, so I would recommend sending him across to Windhelm or through the mountain pass to Falkreath. Although considering the high possibility of Windhelm being militarised as well in the future, I do believe Falkreath to be the best option.

Long live Emperor Reman II and may Morrowind fall quickly!