Telvanni Separatists - 6. Coldharbour

Entry Six - 9th of Second Seed, 4E 210

“The Separatists left the Isles after their assault, allowing the Telvanni to eventually reclaim it. Following the assault, Milvera and her mages spent many months attempting to open a portal to Coldharbour in hopes of rescuing Vakamo. Finally succeeding in Morning Star of the following year, Milvera entered Coldharbour with nine other mages.

After locating Vakamo, it is revealed that Vircano had been defeated just before completing the ritual. Vakamo’s mages had pulled the Tethered Spire into Coldharbour to prevent the ritual’s curse from dispelling on Nirn. Milvera asked how Vakamo could pull the Spire into Coldharbour, to which he claimed that it was the act of the Tribunal. Milvera was skeptical, given that Vakamo had never since shown any reverence towards - or prayed for assistance from - the Living Gods.

Milvera’s rescue was turned down by Vakamo when he claimed that the opportunity to defeat Molag Bal from within Coldharbour might not come again. Strangely, Vakamo also refused to allow Milvera to follow him and his remaining mages. The journal often refers to the enigmatic nature of Milvera’s brother, but this act seems to have made her even more suspicious of his ulterior motive.

After travelling to the fabled Hollow City in Coldharbour, Milvera and her mages later became part of the force that was responsible for ending the Planemeld; this force consisting of members of the Mages and Fighters Guilds. Vakamo ultimately assisted this force in assaulting Molag Bal’s inner sanctum by drawing a large force of Daedra away from them. Following the end of the Planemeld, he returned to Solstheim with the other Separatists.

The Separatists spent their final recorded year destroying the remnants of Molag Bal’s followers and any Dark Anchors still attempting to remain anchored to the Mundus.

I now find myself at a dead end in this investigation. As new areas of these ruins are uncovered, new information is not. There must be some record of the Separatists’ fate somewhere else in Tamriel, but where would I start?

I fear the best source of information I am able to pursue is not recorded on any page or stone, but is contently kept within the mind of a Telvanni wizard. I only know of one, and he resides here on Solstheim. The truth may very well lie with him, though I am given to understand that he does not appreciate visitors.”

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