Telvanni Separatists - 7. Tel Mithryn

Entry Seven - 10th of Second Seed, 4E 210

“My search for answers begins at Tel Mithryn tower, home of the Telvanni wizard, Neloth.

Even from afar, the great fungal tower is a sight to behold.

Serving as a distraction from the image of Red Mountain behind it, Tel Mithryn's sheer size is a reminder of the magical and intellectual capabilities of the Telvanni wizards which once grew such towers.

As I approach, I notice that some minor damage has been dealt to the main tower. Workers are constructing scaffolding around the burned flesh of its fungal stalk, yet the echoing sounds of tool against wood barely mask the eerie silence.

The rumour back in Raven Rock is that Neloth attempted to capture a live Dragon. I can only imagine that this daring endeavour was met with failure. It was evidently this that led to the damage I see before me.

Some compare the Telvanni towers to the huge Graht oaks of Valenwood. The fact that these fungal towers were constructed solely by mortals makes such a proposition that much more intriguing.

I set my feet upon the ramp leading to the tower’s entrance - none notice me. Unlike the wooden floors of a Graht oak, the fungal tower bears no creek when a foot lands upon it.

Entering Tel Mithryn tower, I ascend to the top without first seeking an audience – to approach a Telvanni like you would any other mer would identify you to them as a commoner: someone not worth their time.

First impressions with a Telvanni mage are important, especially when that mage could take your head without a moment’s notice.

At the top of the tower, I locate an old Dunmer wizard on the far side of the fungal chamber. He stands hunched over a table, studying something resting upon it. His ornate robes bear the sigil of House Telvanni.


As I step forward, I notice that the table is covered in heart stones. These volcanic rocks once rested in the bowels Red Mountain, and are supposedly imbued with immense power from the Heart of Lorkhan. I dread to think what Neloth intends to use them for.

I notice Talvas Fathryon, Neloth’s apprentice, from across the room. He mumbles, attempting to gain his master’s attention.

Neloth, angered by this interruption, demands that Talvas leave him be.

Once Talvas announces me by name, his master rises slowly and turns to meet my gaze.

Obviously unaware of my work, Neloth assumes me to be a replacement steward and seems pleased that I was not ‘also’ eaten by a Dragon on my way here.

After ordering me to begin gathering supplies to repair his tower, I reveal my true reason for being here. His sighs and sarcastic tone make his disappointment evidently clear.

The Telvanni wizard demands I make my business quick.

I avoid all unnecessary details regarding my investigation and ask if he knows anything about the Telvanni Separatists.

Without hesitation or delay, Neloth briefly explains that they are a myth likely used to weaken tensions between House Telvanni and the Argonians by implying that an alliance once existed between them. Whether they existed or not is, to Neloth, “a mystery unworthy of our attention.”

The Telvanni are enigmatic, however I sense information is deliberately being hidden from me.

Neloth, eager to resume his work, demands that I leave.

I stand my ground.

Hiding deep what anxiety I have, I confront him.

Neloth neither confesses to nor denies lying. Instead, he warns me that whatever knowledge I seek belongs to the Telvanni and the Telvanni alone, and that meddling will come with a heavy price.

The old mage turns to return to his work.

I know that I have overstayed my welcome. Lest I risk my life, I must leave and accept defeat.


As I journey into the distance, I turn one last time, admiring the grandeur of Tel Mithryn. It towers over me, as if mocking me, making me wish I could do something more to pry the truth from Neloth. But I cannot.


If there is one thing that I have learned from my encounter today, it is that the Separatists were most definitely real. Neloth could have lied about even recognising the name, yet he did not.

If the rest of House Telvanni shares Neloth’s views, they must be trying to cover up the legitimacy of the Separatists’ legacy. For what reason, I cannot yet say.

To gain any measure of concrete evidence on the Separatists, their origins or their downfall, I must find written information. But such information can only be found in the lands of the Telvanni themselves.

Sadrith Mora is not an option: the Telvanni's presence there is much too great. My only alternative is the Telvanni Isles.

Passage into the Isles will not be cheap, but if I can find a ship to get me there, maybe I can discover why Neloth was so inclined on hiding the truth.”

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