Telvanni Separatists - 9. Tel Midrith


“An everlasting shadow is cast upon Port Telvannis.

Tel Midrith stands above me, its stalk like a monolith alive with tendrils interlocking to form an impenetrable tower. My neck aches as I attempt to admire the roof at the fungal tower’s summit.

Veins of the tower branch out to nourish the many smaller towers around it; though unlike branches, these veins are smooth and elegantly thin.

The stone path I walk upon is a beautifully polished black. The fungal veins rise above the path to form archways. Tiny capillaries branch out, forming spiralling patterns in the arches.

On either side of the path is verdant ground covered with all forms of thorny plants. Even after centuries of abandonment, everything the Telvanni made is either preserved or renewed. I can scarcely believe the Argonians ever came here.

Everything in sight is organic. Even the street lanterns: they burrow up from the ground around the tower, illuminating the city with a dim orange glow.

For all of this, Tel Midrith is more intimidating than anything I have seen before. I walk this ground with an uncomprehending fascination that is rivalled only by a child’s.

The path to the tower’s base is like a labyrinth. It is as if the Telvanni constructed it with the intention of keeping people away, despite the tower being the political centre of the Isles. There are no inorganic settlements in sight - the other Houses dare not desecrate a land they barely understand.


Tel Midrith lies at the edge of Port Telvannis, a coastal region. It appears to have been built into a crater at the centre of the island. As such, very little natural light reaches the base of the tower. Even with the street lanterns in place, the towers of Tel Midrith are still covered in shadows. Everything here feels as if it is warning of pending danger.

I walk along the path, noticing that it circles the tower with perfect accuracy. Even the veins branch out regularly and perpendicularly from the stalk; the surrounding towers and pods they innervate sit perfectly equidistant from the tower and from one another.

Though I have noticed only Redoran guards since I reached the borders of Port Telvannis, there appears to be fewer Dunmer the closer I get to the tower.

At the centre of the labyrinth, I approach a huge archway in the stalk and follow the path to gain entry. Two Redoran guards stand by either side of the opening; four others stand in a line, barring the way. They wear full bonemold armour; their faces are hidden.

One of the four steps forward. My own Redoran guards step in line with me but do not appear to acknowledge their kin.

I present my letter of identification from Councillor Morvayn.

The guard slips it from my hand, briefly examines it, and then returns it to me.

This guard and his closest comrade step aside in unison, granting us passage. Not one word is spoken.

I step through into Tel Midrith’s heart. The walls of the tower are twice as thick as the island’s own stone walls.


Councillor Morvayn suggested I speak to Councillor Irdani, the representative of House Redoran stationed here in Port Telvannis. He suspects that Irdani’s workers may have uncovered old Telvanni texts in the city that could make reference to the Separatists.

Expecting there to be multiple levels to the tower, I raise my head to the hypothetical low-lying roof. Instead, I realise that there is only one roof.

Above me, I see the entire length of the stalk reach up to the very top of the tower - at least I assume so: the roof is too distant to see. The inside of the stalk glows orange with the augmented magical properties of the fungus tree. I notice ledges at regular points up the tower with accompanying doors, but no physical means of reaching them.

The Telvanni would often create towers which forced mages into using levitation magic to ascend, thereby denying access to the unworthy. Tel Midrith appears to be no exception.

Other than several small closed doors and the guards standing by them, the tower chamber is devoid of both life and content.

The fungus forms an elevated floor. At the centre of the chamber are a set of fungal veins which rise from the ground to form an ornamental structure that surrounds a glowing seed-like object. Six Redoran guards stand at each of the six veins forming the structure, spears in hand.

Taking nearly a minute to reach the centre, I approach the guards expecting to be answered when I request counsel with Irdani.

The guards stand motionless, their helmets masking any vestige of emotion.

I repeat myself. No reply; only deafening silence.

I turn to my mages. They appear as confused as I am.

I step towards the structure, intent on examining the seed. Whatever it is, it might help me locate Irdani.

Within a fraction of a second, I hear the shrieking of blades being readied.”

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