On Sword-Singing

Dear Sister,

Please be thorough yet swift with your proofreading. Weltan comes to Taneth in six months to read his new book of poetry and I wish to let him read my study of Sword Singing styles derived from ancient Ansei of Yokuda. I will send more as I finish it. Thanks sister and may Morwha bless you with extra arms to grab Owyn and force him to settle down.

Variations of Sword Singing Styles
by Talib

At the height of their fame and glory, Sword Singers turned on one another, each struggling in vain for ultimate supremacy. In the passion and depth of their struggle the very art that had raised them to heights only bested by Tall Papa ,whose fingers brush the scattered stars, the art of the Shehai was lost. Their techniques split resulting in a variation of styles. It is said this variation can be seen in the reciting of maxims by students of different styles.

One such style know as Melisma was explained thus by prominent Master of the style Bsure al-Taneth as “striking the same point while moving between angles.” They practice these intricate movements while singing their metaphor laden maxims of love for their swords. Each change in movement signified by change in tone of the singer.