Telvanni Separatists - 11. Port Telvannis

Entry Ten - 15th of Second Seed, 4E 210

“I am tormented by nightmarish dreams.

The twitching red eyes; the sharpness of the wind; the wailing; the taste of blood: always the same.

Firis claims to be having similar dreams; my other mage is nowhere to be seen. When last I saw him, he claimed to have detected hints of necromantic energy surrounding the tower. It is most likely the Telvanni magic used to prolong the fungus’ life, but my assistant seemed adamant on disproving my suggestion. I find myself beginning to question it.

I sense something dark still calls this place home. Whatever it is, it has undoubtedly had an effect on the Redoran stationed here; maybe even Councillor Irdani.

It is unwise for a Dunmer to show fear if they wish to be taken seriously, however I feel must admit. Port Telvannis; the Isles themselves: they are unlike anything one could find on the mainland. Their frightening majesty surpasses even the greatest of Dwemer ruins.

Once I have the information I need, I intend to leave the Isles as soon as possible. Remaining here for a single moment more, I fear, could come with great consequence.

While anxiously waiting for the return of Irdani’s mercenary group, I have been wandering Port Telvannis, attempting to find what details I can about its history and where the Tethered Spire might once have stood.


The southern district of Port Telvannis is vast, lying on a great hill that leads down to the coast. Unlike Tel Midrith, the city’s older settlements are placed with no particular pattern in mind.

Old Telvanni towers lie broken about the roads, their heights still standing far above the tallest of mer. Their naturally black stonework makes the fire damage seem minimal.

History speaks through the walls of these towers. Inside, half-burned books can be found, their content still surprisingly legible.

Downhill are a small set of makeshift docks whose oaken piers and service buildings still look like Argonian slums next to the ruined city. Charred bits of old wood scatter the pale-brown sands of the coast: an indication of the much larger Telvanni docks once present.

Tel Midrith’s shadow manages only to reach the edge of the city and the sun is still hidden from view, however the glowing southern sky provides an adequate amount of light for work to go on without difficulty.

More Redoran guards stand lifeless by the docks. The workers carry crates to and from two small ships docked here – they walk as if in pain, hunched and limp. I almost mistake them for slaves before I see their Redoran apparel. Their skin appears as pale as Irdani’s.

One of the workers notices me from afar. He freezes; stares at me, his posture uncorrected. I sense a great pain behind his eyes.

The worker’s behaviour compels me to halt my advance towards the docks. Moments later, three other workers stop and turn. I begin to feel my heart pounding.

Like the Telvanni, they seem suspicious of strangers, yet they certainly do not carry themselves like the former inhabitants of the Isles.

Motionless, they stare, their expressions seemingly blank and animalistic.

I feel like any movement might provoke them, so I stay put.

Moments pass. The air around me seems to cool.

All at once, the workers turn slowly to continue their work. My beating heart settles, though my concern does not.

I make no further advance. Without a personal escort, I would be foolish to risk a confrontation.

I return to Tel Midrith with the few sources I have collected, remaining even more wary of my surroundings as I make my way up the hill again.


The information I have found is vague but nonetheless relevant.

During the Akaviri invasion of eastern Tamriel in 2E 572, the Akavir anchored here in the Isles and inflicted heavy casualties on the Telvanni.

Back then, there were no walls to protect the Telvanni from massive assaults. It was only by providing their Argonian slaves with armaments that they were able to repel the invaders.

By Sun’s Dawn of the following year, the crisis had been averted, but at the cost of the Telvanni slaves who, for the most part, had escaped the Isles following their temporary liberation.

Following the Akaviri invasion, the Telvanni had the walls built to protect against further invasions. The sources suggest that the walls were completed within a mere two decades. This might well be an indication of the sheer size of their slave labour force.

I can find no reference to the Tethered Spire. I do not expect that this proves it never existed, no, but I’ll be damned if this is the case.

Tel Midrith was apparently constructed in 2E 590. It took several months to grow, this being only a fraction of the time required to construct a stone tower, even with a massive slave labour force in tow.


I have not seen Councillor Irdani since he provided me and my mages with accommodation in the tower, nor have I seen any other House representatives in Tel Midrith. I suspect his absence is due to his duty to maintain peace, however I cannot understand why House Redoran doesn’t appear to have sent anyone else to help manage political affairs.

I peer out of my window, delaying my inevitable return to a nightmare-ridden slumber.

Looking upon the southern district, I attempt to retrace my steps on the winding road, realising now how numerous the stone towers are.

Setting eyes on the docks reminds me of my experience with the workers. It is clear now that I can find no safe haven in these lands, not even from this high place.

If I am to board the Redoran’s Pride and escape this dark land, I am relying on the repository to be opened by tomorrow evening. I have the upmost confidence that what I seek will be hidden there, but what dangers will await us is anyone’s guess: for where the Telvanni are concerned, access to hidden knowledge never comes freely.”

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