Telvanni Separatists - 12. The Deal

Entry Eleven - 16th of Second Seed, 4E 210

“The nightmares persist, the screams becoming louder and the taste of blood more intense. The dark corridors I wander are long and never-ending. I feel as if I am being pulled backward by bony hands gripping my flesh, yet I see nothing when I turn my back. The walls are black stone, and the ground is bathed in blood. The further I go, the harder it is to wade through the increasingly deep pools. Despite all this, I don’t seem to feel fear until I awake.


I jump up in bed as Councillor Irdani’s moonlit silhouette calls out to me.

“It’s time”, he says.

Taking a moment to recuperate from my dreams, I look out through the window: the two moons hang like giants above the horizon.

The starlit sky is ever so slightly golden, and the land is still covered in shadow. It must be early morning.

Using Irdani’s portals, I travel to my mages’ quarters to call upon them. One is still missing, and Firis’ fright is evident from the moment he awakes. His dreams must be as tormenting as my own.


The two of us descend to the base of the tower. Councillor Irdani stands facing the entrance. His skin seems even paler than when last I saw him, yet he shows no signs of physical weakness.

Standing with his arms behind his back, he awaits the arrival of his prize. The six Redoran guards stand just behind him.

Three mer enter the tower with swords in hand. Their armour is made from chitin – Morag Tong?

The central Dunmer carries his helmet underarm. His grey skin is covered in scars and war paint. Physically, he seems quite unlike any of the locals.

As they approach, Irdani asks if they have retrieved the blood.

The left-hand Dunmer steps forward, holding out a small glass vial for his comrade.

Contained within the vial is a purple fluid with the consistency of water. Though it doesn’t appear to be blood, I know for certain that it is – I can smell it.

Irdani steps forward and attempts to grab the vial with haste. The unmasked mercenary snags Irdani’s arm and leans in close.

Irdani doesn’t even flinch.

“You first.”

Irdani reaches into the pocket of his robes, presenting a small sack of gold. The mercenary snatches it, predicting the value of its contents before untying the thread.

Fixing his gaze on Irdani, the mercenary flips the sack and lets the gold fall to the ground.

“You think this is what we agreed on?”

“Business has been shortcoming.”

The mercenary holds out the vial to the side, threatening to drop it.

“Drop that and neither of us will be better off. What I propose is-“

“Money up front or the glass breaks.”

“You know why I need that vial. You know what it unlocks. What is buried beneath can earn you far more than anything I can provide. Give me the vial and the secrets of the Telvanni will be yours to trade.”

The mercenary looks on scornfully as his arm lowers and the vial falls into Irdani’s hands.

Irdani turns; brings the vial close. He watches the blood as it sweeps like waves across the glass. His cheeks seem to flush and his eyes become bloodshot.

For a moment, he seems to be in a trance; that is until the mercenary talks.

“Well? Get on with it.”

Irdani walks towards the seed, opening the bung as he does do. As he approaches, he tips the vial. The contents flow onto the seed like a waterfall: a waterfall of blood.

The seed cracks and splits.

The ground rumbles as the six veins part, receding, gripping onto the veins that form the floor, and bury deep.

The veins of the floor wriggle about, receding from the centre of the room and loosening their grip on one another.

Suddenly the veins appear moist; new, as if they had returned to life from aeons of dormancy.

I step back.

In the space left by the receded veins is a gaping hole in the ground. Its walls are also fungus. From within the hole is a faint orange glow. We all step forward to discover what lurks at the bottom.

It’s too dark to see, but the hole is clearly much deeper than anticipated.

The glowing comes from the stalk, yet it is so subtle that the hole seems infinitely deep.

Irdani orders his Redoran guards to travel down first. Before falling to their doom, the guards produce levitation spells that slow their descent.

Irdani steps into the abyss, followed by the mercenaries.

Firis and I approach the edge together. Whether those ahead of us are calling out for help or are just silent, we cannot tell.

I take Firis’ arm as he casts a levitation spell.

I take a deep breath; we step over the edge.

Falling fast, the levitation spell only slows our descent as we progress further. Wind sweeps up, brushing gently against me. The passing lights of the fungus are the only indication I have as to how fast we are going.

The hole is just large enough for the both of us to fall side by side, though the darkness creates the impression that the walls are much further away.


Soon the whistling of air ceases and we exit the pit. Councillor Irdani awaits my arrival.

I find myself in a small room with walls of fungus and a mossy stone floor riddled with more veins and the inescapable bones of Argonian raiders that crunch beneath the feet. The only light is from the fungus in the next chamber.

I follow Irdani through a narrow corridor, nearing the torchlight of a Redoran guard.

We step into the next chamber. Before I have a chance to survey the surroundings, I am met with a haunting sight – the doors of a ruin: a Chimer ruin.

The realisation is haunting: could they have been the Chimer ruins beneath the Tethered Spire; the same ruins that Tel Midrith now stands above?

If my suspicions are to be believed, it would seem the Telvanni wanted these ruins to stay buried; hidden. I fear we may soon discover why.

By Irdani’s command, the Redoran guards begin to push hard at the doors.

For the first time in almost two centuries, the doors of the repository swing open.”

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