Query, Part I

Bloodstained Query to an Unspecified Organisation

As your organisation surely knows, since the unexplained deaths of brothers Hassiri, Ra'jiradh and Urjabhi, and subsequent revival of the business under the umbrella East Empire Company, the Black Horse Courier has grown far from the honourable source of information it once was.

Five months ago, the Courier hired me for my credentials as a freelance mystic. I took the opportunity figuring that I would scry for changing weather patterns or Daedric cultist sites with the potential for a controversial interview.

Instead, I was asked to impinge upon the local Dreamsleeve radar in search of newsworthy content. The aetherial landscape consisted mainly of disorganised data that could not be tracked to any source. Eventually I came upon a particularly impressive moth-ward, which I pointed out to my employers, and they bid me attempt to breach it. It took me hours to pass the barrier and transcribe a copy of the transmission. Our prize was well worth the effort.

>Dreamsleeve transmission;

>urgency mode = foreign high-tier wards;

>low-tier wards within range of w-g;

>oculatus moth-signal

> ~ ~ ~ ~

>To His Imperial Majesty, Titus Mede II

> The following is not the concise report I had expected it would be when I first arrived in Alinor. As per your orders, my position as Imperial Ambassador to Alinor has expanded beyond my de jure duties, and frankly, the intelligence I have gathered thus far is complex and disconcerting enough to surprise even myself. It is urgent that I address this complexity in full.

> Especially as my presence here begins to rouse suspicion among the public, hazard has convinced me to compile all worthy information into the account it deserves while my opportunities are still open. I assure you that the potential danger in transmitting all intelligence in one report does not outweigh the risk of my arrest or assassination after transmitting an incomplete report. Divines willing, the White-Gold Tower will see this report whole and confidential. The topics I aim to cover are as follows:

>Background of Altmeri society;

>Crises and other causes for the rise of the Thalmor;

>Current public opinion on Talos; [This title has been circled in ink.]

>The purpose of the White-Gold Concordat;

>Thalmor aims in their truest, least fabricated sense.

> [Continued]