Origin of Animals on Nirn and a Reexaminaition of the Khajiit.

-Crassius Draccimus, Synod Scholar and ex-Battlemage.

It is long established by people above me that Men and Mer are the descendants of the Ehlnofey, yet we hardly have any clues as to where the the animals of Nirn originate. Are they also descendants of the ancient Ehlnofey, or are their origins more complicated than that? One theory is that they are connected to the Hist in some way, likely because of the texts that suggest that Argonians were once lizards that were blessed by the hist. But there are no other evidence to support this theory at all.

I have had the rare chanse so sit down and speak to one of the Khajiiti Clanmothers. She said to me that The Khajiit are related to the wild Senche-Tigers of northern Elsweyr, this greatly confused me at first, but the I realised that thad would mean that these tigers, and possibly other animals have a connection to Azurah, and possibly even Lorkhaj. Azurah is said to have changed the ''Children of Nirni'' and made them what is now the Khajiit. But who were these children? The most commonly accepted theory is that there were Elves, however is it possible that these children were the wild cats of what would become Elsweyr? The term Senche, wich is a ''breed'' of Khajiit is often confused with the term Sence-Tiger(Leopard or Lion), despite being theese terms beeing almost completely unrelated to eachother.

Why would the Khajiit use the same word to describe two completely different things, just because the similarities in appearance? Hardly. My beleif is that it was indeed the Tigers of Southern Tamriel that Azurah used to create the Khajiit. The Khajiit therefore called their more tiger like children for ''Senche'' in honour of their ancestors. I also belive that these Tigers were also Ehlnofey as well as all other animals. I don't beleive that all Ehlnofey took on the Elf-like appearances that many beleive when they ascended to Nirn, but that they took on many different forms and had many different kinds of offspring, including the many animals of Nirn.

The body of this ''Scholar'' who wrote this bad excuse of a research note of was found in a Goblin Camp west of Dune. These heretical thoughts are ridicolous and mad, and should not be released to the general public. I suggest that this text be burned or locked up. However it is your decison Advisor Andonil of Alinor.

-Elsweyr Ambassador Oldiniil of Firsthold