We will be limitless.

We will be limitless.

Your view on time is wrong. Stop thinking of time as a road traveled. Think of time as static moments. These moments contain everything within them. This moment never changes. It never moves. In our view it is a fleeting speck of what is real. As soon as it arrives, it is gone. It is always that precise moment. Time is the movement through these moments. It is an uncountably infinite amount of moments all jumbled up. Infinity is not a number. To number it is to impose limits of quantity. Uncountably infinite is without limit. Instead of moving through time, imagine yourself moving from one moment to the next as you move through space. It is the movement through space that changes what moment you are in. You are limited to which new moment you can access by the space you are in and your movement within it. Changing within space is what allows you to move from moment to moment. Space is limit and change.

Now imagine the Dawn Era. All of these moments overlap. They don't exist at the same time, more precisely, you exist in all of them at once. There is no direction. There is no movement through space. There is no limit. You are in all moments simultaneously and are omnipresent. This is non-linear time. This is the Dawn Era. This is immortality. No event nor moment occurs before or after the other, not because time was chaotic, but instead because no limits are placed on your ability to access the moments.

Now think of Akatosh. He is time, yes? Omnipresent and static. He exists in each precise moment, everywhere and everywhen. However, Akatosh is present time. Always linear. He moves through time in a straight fashion, always forward. He is bound by Lorkhan. He is caged. He is limited. This is why Akatosh is both stasis and change. Bound by the serpent he becomes aspects of both sides. He becomes corrupted by Man. This is why the Nirnian manifestation of limit must be removed, so the Dragon may be unbound and the restraints of limit can be lifted.

So we can be limitless.
