The Basics: The Bs'rii

Pretty self-explanatory! I love me some bug elves.

###The Bs'rii People


The Bs’r body structure varies across subspecies but the overall form is much the same. A mer and man-like jaw is formed from separate mandible sections, which converge at their bottoms to create a pseudo-neck that leads into the thorax. From the thorax the abdomen extends, connected by thick, almost skin-like, sinewy tissue. The placement of the arms and legs of the average Bs’r individual is one varying factor, whether two or three segmented parts are attached to the upper or mid thorax are major aids in identifying different subgroups. One common trait across all Bs’r are the vocalization organs’ odd location in the chest, and the wide, segmented faces.


The Bs’r language, or Bs’rii, is a complex series of nearly inaudible clicks and affricates, with standard vowels being almost nonexistent. Specialized organs in the chest allow Bs’r individuals to communicate through other series of high-frequency chirps and caws, which we uninitiated will almost certainly never understand. It’s very tonal, with certain tones taking on both declensions and individual meanings. (see this post for more info)

Language (continued):

On the topic of their chest organs: The Bs’rii language will never be understood in full by non-Bs’rii because of certain tones being inaudible to others. The special organs located in the chest pick up on chirps so high pitched the best -mer ears wouldn’t hear a thing; maybe the Dwemer could use some sort of technobabble to understand, but they’re long gone so hey.


There’s no one cohesive religious sect due to the vast distances apart from one another each population is, but the largest and most organized of the groups are the Wrothgarian northern-cicada folk. They follow their own tribunal of sorts, consisting of what is believed to be Malacath, Sanguine and Hircine, though the names are different. They’re referred to as ancient peoples, and respectively are called M’k’ts, S’n’t, and H’r’as. A unique part of their language dictates that 2 segmented pieces in a word, separated by an apostrophe, delineates peoples, or species. It’s lead scholars to believe that they possibly think of the daedra, or “ancient” equivalents, as multiple systems, with many members comprising the whole. Their southern Valenwood cousins are a mystery to most; it’s unsure whether they’ve formed their own green pact, or worship the northern H’r’as god, our Hircine. By all accounts of their tribal revelry and dance they should, by modern measure, worship S’n’t.

Real-world Cultural Influences:

The main influence for the Bs’r are the Assyrian/Syriac tribal peoples, of which I am myself. I take a lot of the cuisine, music and religious beliefs into account when writing about the Bs’r, and use my own familial experiences to expand upon a lot of their lore.

Bs’r Ward Magic:

The Bs’r specialize in defensive, warding magic much less akin to magic as it’s worked in the games for the most part. They utilize seals, runes and other magical items much more than the player ever would, to set up nearly invisible magical defenses. It’s not uncommon to come across Bs’rii seals in the dirt, and to find yourself walking in circles for hours, days even weeks, or at least until they deem you unthreatening. I gotta write more on this later hm.

Knowledge of Metaphysical Nonsense:

Limited, outside religious leaders who still don’t particularly know the full scope of what they’re a part of. Bs’rii warding magic allows for ease-of-access travel through pocket planes of Oblivion so they’re well aware they’re not alone in the world, but knowledge of larger metaphysical concepts is uncommon at best.

Why Is Bs’r Two Parts When Three Are Used to Mean People/Species?:

The Bs’r title uses only one break because two-segment words are used for individuals and singular nouns, and they believe themselves to all be connected at the core, or one people.

Feel free to expand or ask any questions! I’m eager to answer.