[UM] An Overview of Gods and Worship in Echmer Society

>#An Overview of Gods and Worship in Echmer Society >##By Brother Wardein of the Imperial College >__

#Introduction Within Tamriel, the gods and goddesses of the Aurbis are opened to interpretation depending on the specific culture that worships them, and Dawn’s Beauty is home to thousands of cultural groups. Most of these nigh-infinite pantheons or monotheisms are in direct conflict with one another, specifically the ancient yet standard merish and mannish religions of the central provinces. Ultimately, however, the views on divine forces are left to the individual themselves. If one wishes to worship the Aedric forces, they may do so. If one wishes to worship the Daedric forces, they may do so. And if one wishes to worship neither of these forces, which is a strange notion and nearly impossible to accomplish, they may certainly do so.

In the archipelago-continent of Yneslea, this system is upheld by its dominant culture (the technologically advanced race of beast-elves known as the Echmer) and its more primitive civilizations (the Hyu-Ket, Broh-Kah, Terenjoe, etc.). The ‘Collective of ATEDA’ – what the Echmer call their pantheon – resembles the Tamrielic pantheons in the sense that it is (at its heart) a combination of Aedric and Daedric divinities, cultural god-heroes, and entities unique to their belief system. Hero Cults and Ancestor Worship are also a huge part of Bat Elven religion, as it is in all of the other mer civilizations found across Nirn (but perhaps even more so).

However, one of the greatest differences between Tamrielic faith and Echmeri faith is that the Echmer do not equate their ATEDA (their word for “et’ada”) with the gods of Tamriel. According to the deeper metaphysics of their people (as derived from the teachings of the Dwemer, whose relationship with them was complex and intriguing), the ATEDA are the ‘verifiable spiritual sources’ behind the gods and goddesses of the universe, or in more simpler terms their spheres of power and influence; therefore, cultural representations of the Collective is practically nonexistent in bat elven society and the Echmer utilize their gods more than worship them. For example: MEHAGON is not Mehrunes Dagon; he is simply the Source of Destruction that resides within the Oblivion. When a group of Echmer communicate with MEHAGON, they are merely invoking the primordial destruction that can be proven to exist. Because of this aloof attitude towards the gods, the Echmer frown down upon the ‘excessive zeal’ they believe the Tamrielics and the more primitive Ynesleans show for the gods; this attitude has also resulted in many worshippers of the Nine Divines and other minor cults to universally look down on the Bat Elves as heretics and recusants.

Another central Echmeri belief in regards to the ATEDA is that they will always exist because they are all fragments of a Higher Being that was never born, but dreamed into life by another. The Primordial Powers do not actually need the power of prayer for sustenance, and simply choose to refrain from or meddle in the affairs of mortals on an unconscious whim. The Echmer have several records of the immortals walking amongst their people, playing the roles of advisors, tricksters, and destroyers. The Imperial College is currently working on interpreting the meaning behind these events.

The most important entity in Echmeri faith is HRAHNDEYL, the ATEDA of Sound and Talk. He is an ascended god-hero of the Bat Elven people who became enlightened from his earthly wanderings and eventually bound their souls to the ‘Black-Welkin’, their afterlife. The Black-Welkin is (according to the Echmer themselves) their word for the Void, and once their souls enter it they cease to exist instead of living on forever like souls sent to Aetherius. This is the ultimate destination for the Echmer, who share the mer perspective of the Aurbis being a prison created to torture its inhabitants and therefore accept death without complaint (although because of their warrior instincts, a majority would rather die in a honorable way when presented with it).

#The Collective of ATEDA This is the Imperial College’s best attempt at categorizing the deities recognized and respected by the Echmer of the Ynesleaic archipelago. Widely respected ancestor spirits and hero/villain cult figures are also contained within if they have enough cultural influence and significance. And of course, there are a few entities that have no direct association with any Tamrielic entity as well (for those that do have association with an entity, that association is mentioned in that deity’s description). To avoid reader confusion, genius loci is the Echmeri term for ‘god’, ‘Chaos Numen’ is their term for a Daedric Prince, ‘DRA’ is Daedra, ‘AEDR’ is Aedra, and ‘EHLFY’ is Ehlnofey.

ALORKH (Dead Mallet): The Primordial Source of Space, and the Echmeri Lorkhan. He is the genius loci of creativity. Interestingly enough, he is (alongside TOSH) the deity that is less invoked by the Echmer in the Collective, a surprising change from his more influential Tamrielic counterpart. It was his actions in Aeon Null (the Dawn Era) that led to the creation of the world, but it was also this action that almost led to its destruction. After losing his immortality, he led the Wandering EHLFY (the ancestors of Men) into battle against TOSH and his Old EHLFY (the ancestors of Mer) that culminated in TRINAK tearing out his Heart, resulting in his death. Now vulnerable to his brethren, the AEDR chained his essence to Nirn and cursed his soul to walk the earth in fractured pieces for all eternity.

AZRAH (The Day To Begin): The Primordial Source of Dawn and Dusk, and the Echmeri Azura. She is the genius loci of beginnings and ends. AZRAH is largely invoked by Echmer scientists and writers in order to make sure their projects end successfully, and to question problems that don’t seem to have solutions.

BELLA (Harmless Enchantress): The Primordial Source of Beauty, and the Echmeri Dibella. She is the genius loci of allure, attraction, fascination, and relationships. BELLA’s role in Echmeri society is somewhat minor in nature, considering the fact that the core of Echi ideology is that the creation of the Aurbis was a cruel and ugly thing they must confront and embrace everyday. Despite this, the Bat Elf populace finds comfort with BELLA, who shows them that despite the suffering around them it is possible to find appeal in even the most distrustful things.

BO (The World’s Plot): The Primordial Source of Drama, and the Echmeri Boethiah. She is the genius loci of war, murder, and conspiracies. BO, out of all of the Chaos Numen, seems to be the one most involved in the machinations of the world. An understudy of ALORKH, BO continues her siblings plan for the world (in fact, Echmer legend has it that she is the only one privy to all of ALORKH’s ideas for Mundus) by making sure mortals are never bored or lazy, forcing them to either work or (in her favored way) fight.

BROH-KAH (The Warchief): Broh-Kah (at this point it must be stated that the race of the same name do not derive their title from this deity, as it was taken from the war cries they often emit during their savage raids) is a loan-god taken from the race of hairy frog-men that periodically terrorize the archipelago. He is the God of the World and War and was the creator of the first “VALANGA!” (a term used to refer to a great battle where the scattered Broh-Kah tribes unite as one to fight a random, greater enemy). He also taught them how to create weapons from ripping out their own bones and sharpening them. While some Echmer theologists state that Broh-Kah seems to be another cultural form of ALORKH, the majority of them will also state that the Broh-Kahs’ extrakalpic origins makes their pantheon somewhat hard to place when compared to the pantheons of other races.

CATH (Oath Keeper): The Primordial Source of Loneliness, and the Echmeri Malacath. He is the genius loci of curses, isolationism, and the spurned. The Bat Elves, interestingly, believe that CATH existed at the same time TRINAK did, and should therefore be recognized as a separate entity from him. This at odds with the majority of the creation myths regarding Malacath as the entity Trinimac transformed into willingly or unwillingly. CATH is often separated into three distinct entities depending on an Echmer’s particular reason for contacting him – as CA he is the Guardian of the Forgotten, as AT he is the Keeper of the Perished, and as TH he is the Driver of Will. Often represents the Echmeri preference for solitude.

CINEH (Beast Tongue): The Primordial Source of Hunger, and the Echmeri Hircine. He is the genius loci of the hunt and pursuit. CINEH is believed to be one of the creators of animals, specifically predators, and is their greatest protector. He is also the father of all the species of lycanthropes that roam the world. He is more respected amongst the Exul than the Dweech Echmer, who are the main game hunters and monster slayers of their people.

CLAVIL (Creator of False-Truths): The Primordial Source of Deception, and the Echmeri Clavicus Vile. He is the genius loci of lies. CLAVIL is a trickster god of sorts and is widely despised by the Bat Elven population, who value facts and honesty above all else. He is also known as the Great Liar, the Wish Maker, and the One-Who-Makes-Facts-Untrue.

ERPHYTE (The Wrathful Codifier): The Primordial Source of Balance, and the Echmeri Peryite. He is the genius loci of law and punishment (and is therefore an immortal representation of the Law of the Echmer Directorate). Interestingly enough, Echmer records state he shares ties with TOSH but the two are distinct individuals. ERPHYTE’s anger is stated to be truly terrifying, and it is often quoted to show the seriousness of a crime committed in the archipelago.

GANUS (King Elder Gone): The Primordial Source of Magicka, and the Echmeri Magnus. He is the genius loci of imagination and construction. In Echi mythology he is considered to be the maker (or father) of both MORRAH, MERID, and MNEM, and considers himself an enemy of his brothers ALORKH and TOSH. GANUS was the one who formed the framework of Nirn back in Aeon Null, but fled to Aetherius with his followers the GE after realizing his mistake and never returned. He is also known as the Great Abandoner, and is well-respected by the craftsmer of the Ynesleaic archipelago, who view him as a patron.

GE (Sky Sigils): The Primordial Sources of Fate. The GE are an entire of host of minor ATEDA that live in Aetherius and who have hero cults scattered across the Yneslean archipelago. They are incapable of entering the Mundus during normal times, but are said to be able to walk the earth during Null Epochs (Dragon Breaks). MNEM is a popular GE, and MERID is believed to be a former sister of the order.

GOL-THEK (The Spirit Chief): A loan-god from Hyu-Ket culture, and the most important deity of their religious pantheon. The Gol-Thek is believed to be (by Echmer and Imperial reckoning) the unified spiritual subconscious of the entire Hyu-Ket people that manifests in times of great conflict. It has materialized two times in Yneslea’s history – at the end of the Merethic Era, where it helped the goblins defeat a renegade dragon and during the Second Era, during the Planemeld instigated by MOBAL. A false return of the Spirit Chief was what ultimately resulted in the abolishment of Hyu-Ket enslavement in the Ynesleaic archipelago in the early Third Era.

HANNAR (The Almost-King): An infamous god-hero amongst the brigands, a pseudo-subculture of the Echmer race. The son of MOBAL, Hannar was born in the mid-First Era and lived a difficult life that came to a head at the brutal attack on his mother by a group of deviant pirates, which resulted in her death and the godling taking the blame. Hannar eventually escaped imprisonment and tracked down the leader of the pirates, killing him and taking his place by Echmer dueling tradition, and renamed the pirates ‘brigands’; enraged at the mistreatment and lack of support he faced at the hands of the Directorate, Hannar gathered a large force of Exul, Broh-Kah, Hyu-Ket, and automatons and began the Hannar Wars to topple the Bat Elf government. Although he was almost successful, the Almost-King was killed shortly after the accidental deaths of his wife and children in his stronghold. Some of the more superstitious Bat Elves believe that Hannar’s half-immortal soul still exists somewhere, biding his time, until he returns to exact vengeance on the government that wronged him.

HRAHNDEYL (Talk-Incarnated): The Primordial Source of Sound, and the genius loci of talk and speech. He is an Echmeri god-hero similar to Emperor Reman of Cyrodiil and Ysmir of Skyrim, and was once an influential member of the Directorates’ government before ascending into godhood through ‘enlightenment’. He resides within the Pleonastic Spire hidden deep within the Dweech, where he meditates for days on end before venturing out to share wisdom with his people. Interestingly enough, he shares many attributes with TOSH and (although no Bat Elf would ever admit it) appears to be the head of the Echmeri pantheon. The mortal Hrahndeyl was exiled to walk Nirn for twenty years before his enlightenment due to his former brash, apathetic, and insulting personality; because of this, he often appears (in some form or another) in some Tamrielic, Yokudan, Akaviri, and even Atmoran myths and legends.

JULLS (Rationale-Splitters): The Primordial Sources of Modification, and the genius loci of repair. They are the daughters/sheddings of TOSH, and were created by ALORKH during the Dawn in an effort to pacify his brothers’ insanity. They are the ones that fix the errors in time their father either accidentally or purposefully creates, most commonly Null Epochs. Believed to be the Echi representation of the mythical jills, who are reportedly female dragons.

JYGORATH (The Knight With A Cane): The Primordial Source of Insanity, and an Echmeri fusion of what seems to be Sheogorath and the obscure god Jyggalag. It is the genius loci of rigidness, eccentricity, and repetition. JYGORATH is believed to represent the archaic dualism between ALORKH and TOSH, and was created as a direct response to the former’s death. Is often separated into two distinct entities (JYGO or GORATH) depending on which mind is in control at the time, but no matter the mental state, this deity is despised by the Bat Elves for its unpredictable nature and often avoided at all costs. In records it materializes in the form of a giant white knight wielding a cane, with a grizzled beard, one purple eye, and one orange eye.

LYEDNHARH (The Silent One): The Primordial Source of Silence, and the genius loci of incapability. An obscure deity that is mentioned in HRAHNDEYL records and by several Bat Elven Doom Cults, specifically the Mirror-Talker cult. He is Talk God’s nemesis, and the most hated entity in the Collective of ATEDA, as he is believed to represent the inner pain and self-doubt of the Echmer people. According to some cult doctrines and prophecies he will supposedly herald the end times.

NAMI (Ancient Darkness): The Primordial Source of Entropy, and the Echmeri Namira. She is the genius loci of disgust, insects, and detestation. NAMI is one of five entities (the others being NOCKT, MOBAL, MORRAH and TOD) that has a special interest in the Bat Elf people, but even more so. This ATEDA regards the Echmer as her ‘property’, as she is the Mother of Bats and therefore the womb from which the Bat Elves were originally birthed. The Echmer themselves don’t seem to hold a special reverence for her, but do noticeably respect her more than any other ATEDA in the Collective (sans HRAHNDEYL of course). Is often (humorously) referred to as ‘Ma or Mama NAMI’ in conversation.

NEDARR (Breaking Stone): The Primordial Source of Mercy, and the Echmeri Stendarr. He is the genius loci of redemption. During Aeon Null he showed compassion to the Old Ehlnofey and was punished by ALORKH as a result, becoming a more strict and law abiding deity. Despite this, he continues to be a pillar of sympathy in the Aurbis and instructs his students to have pity on the lost and the damned. Is popular amongst Bat Elf swordsmer and law enforcement.

NOCKT (The Wonder Dark):* The Primordial Source of Darkness, and the Echmeri Nocturnal. She is the genius loci of mystery and shadows. NOCKT represents the Dweech in Echmer culture, and the dozens of untold secrets it holds. An ancient legend dictates that the Protoechi, the first Bat Elves, made a pact with NOCKT in order to make the Yneslean nights longer and more beautiful in exchange for a permanent ATEDA portal to her realm. The lake of NOCKT’s Mere is suspected to be this portal by the local population. It is believed that the Ordos, an organization of the Directorate that trains messenger ravens, were originally disciples of this ATEDA.

MAR (Open Kiss): The Primordial Source of Love, and the Echmeri Mara. She is the genius loci of empathy and companionship. MAR is often invoked by Echmer for matters of the heart, but surprisingly has a great deal of followers amongst their scholars, who claim that she represents not only the love for one’s family but also the love for one’s work as well.

MEHAGON (Destroying Change): The Primordial Source of Destruction, and the Echmeri Mehrunes Dagon. He is the genius loci of revolution and sudden disaster. This entity is frowned down upon by the Echmer, as they perceive him as the catalyst of most of the spontaneous strife that erupts in Yneslea and outside lands. In one of the previous ‘world-cycles’ (the Bat Elves seem to have a similar concept to the Nordic ‘kalpa’) MEHAGON was a much more tame deity, but foolishly invoked the wrath of TOSH and was cursed with eternal rage as a result. He is a popular figure in children tales, where he often plays the role of a fallen hero striving to save the day.

MERID (Burning Sigil): The Primordial Source of Life, and the Echmeri Meridia. She is the genius loci of light, restoration, and survival. A child of GANUS who forsook her father during Aeon Null, she is often associated with the stars and her former siblings the GE. She is scarcely referenced in Echmeri mythology beyond her role in the mythic beginnings of the Chaos Numen (the Daedric Princes), where she served as their guide during their initial conquests of Oblivion. Her artifact, Dawnbreaker, is famous amongst aspiring adventurers.

MNEM (Blue Star): One of the GE, who is commonly associated with the sacred power of Memory. She is the most popular Sky Sigil revered in Echmer hero cults, and only appears during Null Epochs; because of this, the Blue Star has become a telltale sign that time has become nonlinear in Yneslea (and other lands…). Is also associated with prophecies.

MOBAL (Ungraceful Dominator): The Primordial Source of Domination, and the Echmeri Molag Bal. He is the genius loci of pain, subjugation, defilement, and hatred. A cruel and unforgiving force in the Aurbis, MOBAL is often responsible for some of the more cruel incidents in the archipelago and seems to take a special glee in destabilizing the peace of the Echmer Directorate. He is infamous for being the sire of Hannar Almost-King, a brigand that almost conquered the archipelago back during the First Era, and for bringing vampirism to the islands.

MORRAH (Old Hoarder): The Primordial Source of Knowledge, and the Echmeri Hermaeus Mora. He is the genius loci of erudition, comprehension, fate, and the lost. In Bat Elven mythohistory it was his counsel during the Dawn that resulted in the execution of ALORKH and his banishment from the mythic. MORRAH is believed to have born from the scrapped schematics of the Mundus created by GANUS, and is therefore considered a rotting representation of possible existences. He is probably the most popular entity in the Collective amongst the Bat Elf common folk, as he synergizes well with the Echmeri focus on scholarship. Back when he was a mortal, HRAHNDEYL served as an apprentice to ‘Grandpa MORRAH’ in the years prior to his exile, and his raids into the more forbidden portions of Apocrypha are legendary.

PHALLA (Perverted Web): The Primordial Source of Deceit, and the Echmeri Mephala. She is the genius loci of sex, whispers, secrets, and secret murder (assassination). PHALLA is not liked by the general Echmer population, who abhor the act of withholding information and cowardly killing, but she remains the matron entity of the Hȳdan Cwellan (an ancient and unsanctioned Bat Elven assassin guild that takes it upon themselves to kill those they feel are morally wrong or are threats to the safety of the archipelago).

REVE-WUM (Dead Sound Singer): The Primordial Source of Undeath, and the genius loci of resurrection, ghosts, and troubled spirits. Tamrielic scholars believe he is connected to the obscure deity Revenant, the ‘God of Worms’ necromancers worshiped as an ascended Mannimarco. Ancient texts suggest a mortal origin, while others state he was present during the Dawn Wars in Aeon Null. The deity TOD is believed to be his son, although how this came about is unknown. REVE-WUM hates the Echmer people due to how difficult their souls are to manipulate and control, and therefore tormented Yneslea by creating the first revenants, ghost-like entities born from Bat Elf memories that arise from the sea.

SANGI (Bloody Stains): The Primordial Source of Indulgence, and the Echmeri Sanguine. He is the genius loci of debauchery, excess, and fetishes. He is somewhat unpopular in the archipelago, where the only worthwhile thing he did in the eyes of the Echmer was creating the first alcoholic brews (which, as legend has it, was developed from his poisoned blood) for mortals to drink. The Bat Elves openly avoid SANGI’s abnormal orgies and parties, and it is proudly said that no Echmer has ever entered one of his realms freely on their own account.

THAL (Old Mer Sea): The Primordial Source of Water, and the genius loci of the oceans, vastness, and the indecipherable. THAL is mostly described as an immortal elemental by the Bat Elves, who generated consciousness towards the end of the Dawn Wars, where the first seas sprung up as an after effect of the EHLFY battles. THAL can never truly be understood, as the sea is ultimately unknowable, and is stated to stay in a meditational state for the majority of the time; when he awakens, it is only when the sea must consume something forever (like the continent of Yokuda). Well-liked by Bat Elven sailors, fishermer, and navigators.

TOD (The Reaper): The Primordial Source of Death, the son of REVE-WUM, and the apprentice of XAXS. Similar to THAL, TOD is less genius loci and more like the literal embodiment of death in the Aurbis. He is the ATEDA less understood by the Echmer, but his purpose is clear – he is the force that kills all mortals, no matter the death, so that the immortals (usually XAXS) or some other powerful spirit may claim their soul. Because Echmer souls are unique in regards to other mortal souls, TOD personally shepherds them to the Black-Welkin for erasure himself.

TOSH (Completely Broken Rationale): The Primordial Source of Time, and the Echmeri Akatosh. He is the genius loci of order, structure, and the infinite. TOSH is believed to be the younger brother of GANUS and ALORKH, but was nevertheless the leader of the ATEDA during the Dawn. According to the Echmer, he is irrevocably insane and a great hindrance on the Aurbis as a whole. TOSH is the one who ultimately ends the world-cycle for the current existence, transforming into a great dragon that eats the world before vomiting out a new world-skin for life to begin anew once more, as it always has.

TRINAK (Dying Crusader): The Primordial Source of Victory, and the Echmeri Trinimac/Zenithar. He is the genius loci of determination, mercantilism, war, and success. It was his strength and battle prowess that resulted in the death of ALORKH and the end of the Dawn Wars, although he soon vanishes from the mythic due to mysterious circumstances. According to Echmer mythologists, TRINAK became disgusted by his rising association with the Chaos Numen CATH and retired from the world; this only served to further supplement his image with CATH, who took on the moniker of ‘TRINAK reborn’ all to gladly. Though he has almost faded away completely in other lands, Echmer recognition of TRINAK remains strong in Yneslea and he is a popular entity amongst warriors and merchants.

VAE (Teeth In The Dark): The Primordial Source of Terror, and the Echmeri Vaermina. She is the genius loci of dreams, nightmares, hallucinations, evil omens, torture, and witchcraft. Before the unchronicled and misunderstood Oblivion Wars that forged the Pact of the Chaos Numen, VAE acted as a sort of jailor for the more demented denizens of Oblivion. NOCKT offered her a chance to choose her own fate and the Teeth In The Dark accepted it, freeing some of the other future Daedric Princes so that they may begin their conquests. Echmeri dream-catchers are stated to work superbly, and some eccentric Bat Elves train their minds against mental attacks by traveling to VAE’s realm and enduring the horrors that await them there.

YFRE (Evergreen): The Primordial Source of Growth, and the Echmeri Y’ffre. She is the genius loci of vegetation, animals, and the harvest. YFRE is the wife of GANUS in some myths, and it was her sacrifice to make Nirn capable of sustaining life that made his leave from the Mundus the more permanent. Although the Echmer are well-known for their love of technology and science, their interest in gardening and landscape sculpting is relatively unknown and YFRE remains a constant factor in the lives of Exul.

XAXS (Trick At The End): The Primordial Source of Demise, and the Echmeri Xarxes (and possibly the Imperial Arkay). He is the genius loci of souls, the dead, and the afterlife. XAXS records the lineages of all the mortal races, documenting them in his eternal archives so that every individual that existed can always be remembered. However, the Echmer believe that he does this for a darker purpose – to make sure all of these recorded souls are forced into some form of Aetherian afterlife. When HRAHNDEYL ascended to the heavens he removed Yneslea from XAXS gaze, ensuring all Echmer (or at least, the ones that avoid the direct attention of the Trick At The End) souls will go on to the Void instead.