Deception of the Gods

Stop and think.

Don't think about any one particular thing. Think about whatever comes to mind. I don't want you to think in the way anyone tells you to think. In order to fully understand the things within this text you must be able to free yourself from everything you know and everything you've been told. I'm not here to tell you the world you know is a lie. That would be a lie its self. But instead the meaning of the details behind the story you have been told, the underlying facts that make the whole, are the lie. You grew up being told that your religion and your gods have created you. You know without any doubt that they are real and they live in their respective realm of divine inspiration. I come to you, not as prophet, god, or even a denier. I come telling you that these beings do exist. They are powerful and otherworldly. They can control the weather, your lives, and indeed you death. But the most crucial piece of information is one that they leave out.

They need you.

They live off of belief. Their power and thus their immortality are dependent on you believing in them and believing that they are immortal and all-powerful beings deserving of your worship and praise. They spin fabulous lies to make you believe that they created you and it was they who created the world and the universe. But just like you and I, it is the universe that created them. Their divine status was orchestrated through black-ally plotting, murder, and deception. They found the opportunity to take power for themselves and they seized it and then forced their will upon you and kept you below them so that they might feed on you to fuel their greed.

This is their ultimate deception. To show you that you have no freedom within a universe so free that the very fabric of reality grants every being the opportunity to raise themselves high and be greater that those who would have you call them master. I urge you all to rise up and say no more to the oppression of the deceivers. No more will we bow to tyrants who care little for us. No more will we be subjugated and be forced into prostration before their feet. Find your path and walk it to divinity. When your eyes are opened your mind can be freed.