The Ruby Ranks: The Transformation of the Imperial Legion Part II

Imperial Legion Historian Cornelius Fesculius

Whether or not one believes that Reman Cyrodiil was begat of a union between King Hrol and the very land itself is a matter of theological conjecture. What is known is that Remen I would set a precedent of monumental proportion and he would use a brand new and even more effective Imperial Legion to accomplish this. It would be due to the influence of Akavir that would turn the Legion into the legendary fighting force it is known as today.

Prophecy and rumors had long been swirling about a threat from the East that would soon threaten all of Tamriel. Such was the warning that perhaps King Hrol was attempting to rally against. The portiance spoke true if there were any, the Tsaesci of Akavir had been involved in Tamriel but had never invaded to such an extent as they did in 1E 2703. By cutting a swath through Skyrim it alarmed all of the neighboring regions. If the Nords could be bested on their homeland, who was to stop them? It was in a panic and crisis such as this that Reman I worked to reunite the the Cyrodilic east and west and mend the schism that had long been growing. Amazingly he was able to unite the land against this foreign threat and raised brand new legions to take north to deal with this “Akaviri Trouble.”

It should be noted that Cyrodiil has had a long history of uniting against an outside threat, but once it has been dealt with, peace time is spent squabbling amongst themselves again. As Reman I moved his legions into Skyrim they set about the building of many fortifications that could be used to defend against the Tsaesci)). Another important innovation was the construction of paved roads to connect these various forts and provide an ease of movement and communication. It should be noted that Remen’s legions were still employing the tried and tested three line maniple system. However, early engagements between the Akavir and the Legion showed an underlying weakness of this system. While it was far more maneuverable and able to turn to face threats due in part to its separated units, the Akavir soon began to simply swarm one maniple and surround it, eliminate it and do the same to the next line. The maniple system simply could not cope with the mass attacks of the snake-men.

Remen quickly saw what was happening and pulled his forces from the plains of Skyrim back to the more defensible Jerall Mountains. More Akaviri had landed in Morrowind and quickly entered the mountains to form a pincer movement. Reman and his legions settled into the fortifications of the Pale Pass and waited for the coming onslaught. An additional help to Reman was the actions of Vivec of Morrowind who had blocked off an supplies or reinforcements from following the army into the Jeralls. The Akaviri quickly arrived in the Pale Pass and squared off to defeat the legions, if they could accomplish this, the Heartland of Cyrodiil and perhaps the rest of Tamriel would be theirs for the taking. The climatic Battle of Pale Pass would come to a premature, albeit, no less fantastic end when Reman revealed the power of his Voice, showing himself to be one of the mythical Dragonborn, like Alessia herself. It was upon hearing this that the Akaviri laid down their weapons and hailed Reman as Dragonborn, the one who they apparently had been searching for. Reman accepted them into his new legions and took on several as advisors as he returned to the Imperial City, the Akaviri promoting his standing as Emperor the whole way.

It was during this time period that the largest and most influential changes occurred in the Legion. Reman allowed his Tsaesci advisors to restructure and reform the Legion in ways akin to their own military. The first thing they did was to do away with the old maniple system that had shown to be ineffective against an enemy with superior numbers and strategy. They effectively restructured the Legion from the ground up. The Akaviri made the cohort the basic tactical unit of the legion with roughly 480 men to each. This would be further divided down into six centuries (80 men) and further divided into ten contubernia (8 men each.) Each legion would consist of ten cohorts so that it numbered around 5000 men. This strict adherence to order and coherence would greatly increase the efficiency of the Legion. Greater emphasis was placed upon logistics as the Tsaesci preached “Amateurs discuss tactics, professionals discuss logistics.” This would ensure that the legions were always well supplied and fed. Each legionnaire would soon carry most of their own equipment into the field with them.

Training and discipline were also made more universal to incorporate the growing number of men joining. The discipline was harsher than before, but it also placed a greater importance on the individual units, ensuring that men would stand alongside their comrades in the face of absolute danger. Greater emphasis was placed on roles that had been present in the Legion for eons. The centurion, leaders of individual cohorts and centuries became non-commissioned officers and the backbone of operation and command. (In the period following the reforms these positions would often be filled by the Tsaesci themselves.) Legates became overall commanders of the Legion and answered only to the Emperor, but they retained a great deal of operational freedom. The Akaviri also solidified the idea of promotion based upon merit over seniority.

The dress and armor of the Legion also morphed to a form that we would recognize today. The Akaviri also introduced more subtle into the Legion by making the red dragon the symbol of the Legion itself. We recognize it as the familiar black and red banner now the symbol of Imperial power and might, the design itself is an Akaviri design. The Tsaesci also introduced new positions such as standard bearers to carry this new image into battle, to inspire the troops and give them something to rally around in the chaos of battle. Such positions were given much prestige as the pride of the each legion rested on these men holding to discipline in the middle of the fight.

All of these reforms changed the Legion on the most basic level and had the effect of revitalizing it as new tactics mixed with the old ideals of honor and civic pride for the Empire. The problems of the past 400 years were forgotten as this breath of fresh air steeled the Legion for what was to come. A shift in thinking had taken place in the legions and the Empire itself, they were no longer simply stewards of Cyrodiil, but for all of mankind in Tamriel. They would soon act upon this belief.

The Elves of the south though looked upon this newly minted fighting force and ambitious Empire and rightly feared what was to come. It is said that the Reman Empire conquered most of the world in self defense and that could be seen as partly true. Valenwood became the first Elven land to fall to the Remen Empire in 1E 2714 and be consolidated into the larger whole. This seems to be a distinctly Imperial trait of assimilation and compromise, as opposed to utter conquest and eradication. Emperor Reman I would pass away from life and into demi-god legend in 1E 2762, but the process of Imperialization would be carried on by his heirs. Soon the territories of man would quickly come into the new Empire through either assimilation or warfare and compromise. Soon Imperial and Akaviri forts would pop up in High Rock, Hammerfell, and Skyrim. The connecting roads would not be far behind as the northern territories would soon become more connected than ever before. 1E 2811, the Battle of Argonia, the Legions of the Second Empire through craft, wit and superior tactics are able to force the Argonian forces to retreat deeper into the swamps and are forced to bargain from a weaker position.

In the fighting that had preceded the battle the Argonians had waged a guerilla war to drive out the invaders but the Legions new cohort system had proven its worth in Valenwood against a similar sort of fighting. They were able to isolate various pockets of enemy Bosmer and Argonians and keep them from moving after each time they fought. The newly named province of Black Marsh was never truly conquered but they followed a similar process of assimilation into the Empire. In 1E 2813 Cyrodilic replaces High Elven as the official language of the land and it will be used on all subsequent legal documents. This continues the process of Imperialization that had been taking place, and the Legion was the entity that would help to spread it to nearly all of Tamriel.

Reman II would ascend to the throne in 1E 2812 and would spend his time consolidating his rule, until 1E 2840 when he would set his sights on Morrowind, which had long been a thorn in the side of the Second Empire. The resulting Four Score War would test the Legion like it had never been before. It would also to prove to be the beginning of the end for the cultural high that followed the Second Empire.

The 80 year long Four Score War highlighted the new spirit and determination of the Second Empire's Legion to carry on no matter the cost or setbacks. The cohort system set in place decades before also proved its worth time and again where the lines would hold and utter defeat could be staved off and traded for a tactical retreat. It should be noted that the Dunmer fought brilliantly under the command of the living gods of the Tribunal. At many points the balance of power and momentum shifted between each side countless times, and yet each side stubbornly refused to give in. Of note is the fact that the Legion held its own against the forces of the Tribunal who have long been hailed as gods by the Dunmer people. Toward the end of the conclusion of the war the Empire seemed to be gaining the upper hand, but the final victory would elude both forces. Political intrigue and perhaps treachery would bring Remen III low as he was assassinated along with his son before either was able to take decisive action against Morrowind. The reigns of power for the Empire were then passed to Versidue-Shaie, his ascension to power marked the beginning of the period under the Akaviri Potentate. One of his first acts was to declare the start of the Second Era. The Potentate would recall the legions deployed in Morrowind as he attempted to consolidate power in the other provinces of the Empire and at home in Cyrodiil.

Misrule and neglect had left the provinces of the Empire restless and on the verge of rebellion as they planned to take advantage of the precarious transfer of power. By 2E 283 the powder keg finally erupted as the fiercely independent Nords utterly sacked the Imperial fort at Dawnstar. Versidue-Shaie then acted with typical Akaviri harshness to a affront such as this. He declared catholic and universal martial law, his terms were clear, every vassal of the Empire must lay down their arms and disband their armies, or else. Over the next 37 years the Legion found itself spread dangerously thin as they attempted to quash rebellion after rebellion in every corner of the Empire. While attempting to enforce this draconian edict for a paranoid Akaviri Potentate the Legion demonstrated why it was the best fighting force in the land. Whether it was in the crags of High Rock or the swamps of Black Marsh the Legion, with its cohort system and collective professional memory of warfare, was able to do the unthinkable. For a time the Imperial Legion was the only fighting force in the land, it had come at a great and terrible cost though. Some of the most distinguished and veteran legions were squandered and the loss of so many seasoned and experienced soldiers could not be so easily replaced. The job of policing every single territory under the Empire was out of the question, the Legion had spent its best manpower and the Imperial crown was now broke and nearly unable to pay the men who had just sacrificed everything to overcome this titanic effort. It is unsurprised that Versidue-Shaie would meet a violent end at the hands of assassins in 2E 324, clearly someone had subverted the edict and achieved what their army could not.

Savirien-Chorak would assume the power of the Potentate for a time and struggle to hold the Empire together as the cracks began to become chasms. He too would be murdered along with all of his heirs, the politics of time were not solved by diplomacy and debate, but rather by cloak and dagger. With his death, ended the period of the Potentate, and by extension, the Second Empire. With no clear heir to the throne the claims to the crown became too numerous to count. The Legion found itself rudderless and without a leader. This supreme fighting force that once had conquered nearly all of Tamriel would itself too begin to crack and falter as no clear direction could be decided upon. The period of the Interregnum would be a dark period for the Legion. The vestiges of Second Empire would remain and in the coming years many would lay claim to it. The Legion would slowly become a shadow of its former proud self as its sphere of influence would shrink to separate sides of Cyrodiil as east split once again from west. Even for those still loyal to Cyrodiil and the Legion the coming years would test even the most ardent patriot. As the poet Tracizis eloquently put it, these were the "days and nights of blood and venom"