On the Aurorans Pt III
The Colored Rooms are islands, separated by rivers, forming the shape of a threefold Venn Diagram.
Red Room
The red room is a vast red rock desert. Some Aurorans live here.
Blue Room
The blue room is where many of the Ayleids, including Umaril the Unfeathered (who the Mund-Ara viewed as "the boss's kid that we have to treat nicely or we'll get fired") who worshiped Meridia went when they died.
Yellow Room
Ara-Se, the center of Mund-Ara culture, is located here. Many of the denizens follow Nahmay (their version of Magnus). As such, Nahmay has become a common Auroran name. (Aurorans, like Argonians, change their name every once and a while.)
Green Room
The green room is a vast sprawling plain, mainly used as ranch area. (The Aurorans eat jufor, a large land owl.)
Orange Room
The orange room, an eternally autumnal region, is a popular area for vacations among Mund-Ara.
Purple Room
The purple room is where many of Meridia's favored Merid-Ara live in luxury.
White Room
The white room contains Merid-Se, Meridia's capital. Meridia resides in the Tower of Light, a tower in the center of Merid-Se.