"A Space Falmer C0DA" - theories and apocrypha

The following three short writings are part of a greater "Space Falmer C0DA" I am writing with a few fellow scholars, like my friend Ayleidsornothing here on /teslore (here something about our settings: https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/3n4oli/falmer_shrines_and_the_reflection_of_memory/). Everyone of us adds different stories and writings about the setting, we have no common story, but instead a series of writings to enrich the setting, my first contribution will be a series of short stories called "Melandrin's Tale", following the protagonist Melandrin and his sister on their path to Auri-El.

Some information on our general C0DA settings :

  • post-Landfall
  • small falmeri tribes have survived Landfall and found a way to escape Nirn through the use of memory
  • Space Falmer with Memory-Portals and Memory-Mining trying to survive on a daedric plane called Liebali, resembling a frozen wasteland
  • Falmer magic is snow and ice magic, water is memory, ergo memory can be stored in snow and especially in ice
  • reflections of ice are reflections of memory
  • three different main tribes: Sun's Gift (classy Auri-El revering Falmer), Dawn's Raid (bitter, raiding Falmer who hunt what are the Nords in their time) and the Wisp Cult (strange and reclusive cultists who venerate Wispmothers)

I hope I got your interest, of course more informations on the setting will come as we proceed with our stories and theories. See it as our own open source RPG. And now have fun with the first three parts of "Melandrin's Tale".


Melandrin looked at the Memory Archivar of "Not-So-Memory", the latest colonization ship they sent out to define new what they once lost. "The armour of the old, praising the new? Or is it an armour renewed, in glory of the old?" "This is up to you my sanctified brother, a prototype to counter atmospheric hazards made from the lack of That-What-We-Gather, because they ate all of it and left nothing over for us to leech on." "Something new then?", the Brother of Spirit-Seed asked the Memory Archivar, while looking through the file and opening it with the blessing his people call That-What-We-Gather.


New developments added by the Memory Archivar of "Not-So-Memory":

  • 4x1 memorical countainer to counter hazardous infections caused by environmental trauma, insert-pods of That-What-We-Gather (Note. Overdose could prove fatal... 97% certainty . Note.)
  • Channel added for cord-void-talk, newest update included, encryption [:::]
  • Sanctus iubatus, focusing reflection of non-reflecting gatherings, allowing to refill memorical countainers without need of intruding machines !TEST! !TEST! !TEST! - Might lead to death through That-What-We-Gather
  • Hardfibered chestplate to deal with the reflection of light in order not to disrupt mining and to suppress interferences of magnical energy
  • "BannerBaecon Z-E-A-L" for better localisation and visualization


He looked up, face of the Memory Archivar, face of his mother, resemblance of his father. "I will try it as soon as possible."


It was already late at night when he woke up. Was it? Was it really? Time and space lost its meaning when one literally moves through space but no time, or when one praises the time without having any space through That-What-We-Gather or through That-What-We-Lost, akin memory but being manifested as homeland, long lost homeland, strangely sought homeland. Back then when the Not-So-Shining-Skin has walked as a mortal and yet as a god, as the common Typus Genitivus, saying no to everything that was while yet being a byproduct of no, as no is ON and ON is creation, when the switch went from 0 to 1 and in their minds back to 0, back then it was lost, even though it was lost a long time ago already. A very long time ago. Back then they cried, back then everyone cried, but they started living, more than they did in thousands of years. And now they were, only because they had cried, as it was liquid and so is That-What-We-Gather.

Whatever it was exactly, he woke up to it because the dream was bugging him like memory always does, but why a dream about it? Melandrin wasted no more thoughts about it, as ressources are expensive and important, and he is tasked with finding new ones.

"Praise be The One Who Is All Who Shall Become One, paladin Melandrin, duty calls and so do the voices in our heads who shall be praised again" "Praise be", not that enthusiastic as he was supposed to, but that was just him anyway. Melandrin had always been a good brother, and he also praised The One Who Is All Who Shall Become One, but yet he was different, as he never had that much joy like the others did. He missed what he lost, what they lost, but he did it more than anyone else on this colonyship "Not-So-Memory". Every time he got up he heard his father who is his mother who is is sister, as the closest bond is the most lawful one, as the bloodiest bond is the most loyal one, even though it might be frowned upon by some brothers. "Brothers who can't tell me what my memory shall be, even though they would", was the only thing Melandrin said while slowly dressing himself, the usual ceremony attire, long, white robes with some fine ornaments, some spikes here and there, made out of the teeth of Ice Wraiths, or their stronger siblings, the Ice Wraths. Melandrin looked at his left shoulder, a giant Ice Wrath tooth, an accomplishment he is very proud of, mostly because it marks the transition of a knight to a paladin (both coming after the brother), which is also the reason why his robes are more than just for ceremony. They are like a trench coat, when he goes out mining That-What-We-Gather, or hunting the fears of the icy surface, he wears it as an additional layer over his paladin armour.

His chest was filled with pride while his sister saw him doing what nobody ever saw and ever will see, as Melandrin has sworn to himself that nobody shall ever see what is not to be seen with his own eyes and the eyes of what he loved, breaking with the tradition and yet keeping it clean. He had an own interpretation of the laws of The One Who Is All Who Shall Become One, they are not radically different, but still differ in some points. But it was not out of his own desire he came up with those rules, no, it was the archetype of his family that told him what to do, as change was about to come (because change was always and ever coming and never stopped to come), and they were afraid and they cherished it and they liked it. Reformation ist what they called it, breaking the old, starry system which has no heart anymore, as the heart is home of something new which is old but did change. Some stayed there. Rumours, legends, they said a spirit is haunting the realms again. They have heard of it, it is the animal they cherish the most: the fox. And the Fox lived again, but nobody knows why. Legends, rumours.

Legends and rumours both awoke some feelings in his heart and his memory, and nobody knowed how to feel about this. It was an intruder, but it didn't seem to be harmful. It was followed by the most illusive again, singing and dancing like they did. A threat? Or a possibility?

"Whatever it is, it is not up to me to decide how we are going to handle this situation", Melandrin tried to calm his sister down. "Not yet." And he was right, as he had no executional power over what is about to happen, either in the close future, or the distant one, distant as they stars he could not even see at the moment. But maybe he would, one day. Or was this just a dream? Dreams are suppressed fears and wishes, but what was it, a fear or a wish? Does he want to have it, or does he fear to have it? What did his sister want back then? Did she want to have it, or did she fear having it? Again, memories and thoughts came together to create or uncreate, the way it always happened, the way it is meant to happen.

Time to go to the ceremony room, he needed time to contemplate what is to be and what ought to be, time for the ones they praise. Melandrin knew the ship "Not-So-Memory" with all its secrets, making it easy for him to got where he wanted to. Frozen walls were a sheer possibility for him, not only a library like they are for many. So he went, and he ran, and yet he had no stress, the paradoxon of being connected with one he loves.

'Memory-Cabin in honour of The One Who Is All Who Shall Become One, insert Strings in order to achieve mortality through royalty through Inverted Divinity (ID=648b)' Melandrin touched the icy wall under the display, his finger frozen and connected to his ancestors. 'Melandrin of the Third Group, number 648, line clear, blood frozen in time. Welcome paladin Melandrin, may your blessings be old and new.' [CONNECTION BUILT, ENTRY IN 3-2-1]

He entered it like he always did, icy spikes came out of the room when the door opened and dragged him into a small chamber, dark, but filled with white mist, making it harder to breath, but giving him all of That-What-We-Gather he ever wanted, and that only through breathing. "Indeed, the blessings of our people are many", silent words to protect the holiness of the sacred room while Melandrin used the him presented Ice Wraith tooth to slice his chest open, just a little bit, so that he could connect with the Frozen Cord. He sticked it in the open wound, stopping the bleeding, bringing his thoughts to the surface, crystallizing around him in the form of little shiny pieces of ice. He grabbed one, two, three, he grabbed them for over an hour, two, three, until time eventually stopped and he had access to his family's library. And that was a vast one, a huge one, filled with the many pre-stomping thoughts, filled with the many emotions, fears, ambitions. Criminals, priests, leaders, everything was there to be found. And so he started his search for the truth he always saw but never realized.


[Sun's Gift – Section 9 – Third Group – Number 648/Melandrin = ACCESS APPROVED BY INVERTED DIVINITY (ID=648b)!!! Enabled through That-What-We-Gather made by Those-Who-We-Love]

"So this is the Library of my Ancestors, the crucible of our knowledge" "Yes, it is", a soft, cold voice whispering in his ear. Melandrin looked to his right, nothing, to his left, nothing. Emptiness. Only fog and walls of ice, how it is supposed to be. "The Elders were not lying, it is beautiful – TRANSMISSION ERROR – powerful... Confusion was taking over, what did just happen? He could not speak with his own words. He could not feel his own spit inside his mouth and yet it felt familiar. "I have been waiting for you." That voice, again, close and yet so distant. Sister. "Your time is sane again, you, my sweet brother, broke it back then when that what should have never happened did indeed happen, but now you are once again." "Who are you? What are you?" "I am you and you are me, sit down and let me tell you a story, the story."

He had no other choice, a higher power forced him to sit down on the floor that did not exist at all and to keep his mouth closed, not able to speak a single word.

"I am you and you are me. You existed in two timelines at the same time but now you are healed, sane again. I am pretty sure you always asked yourself why the Elders sent you here, why they allowed you to roam FREE through your ancestors library, because that is a privilege normally strictly reserved for the High-Priests of Sun and Reflection? Because you are special. Because we are special. You are more than you think Melandrin. You have also realized that sometimes you feel like you are trapped inside different ages, different times. That is because you are. You – WE are an experiment. Fibral-atomos-transgressional-Errants, F.A.T.E.'s how the High-Priests of Sun and Reflection call us. We are one, my sweet brother, I am Nirdnalem, your reflection. Did you ever ask yourself why you were raised by the priests themselves? Because you are their experiment. The experiment of binding pure magnical energy into a body, of creating an embryo of memory. Your sadness, your loneliness – all the byproduct of us, the opposite of sensory deprivation. Sensory Indulgence. SI. Madgod's realm, always interpretated in a wrong way, it really means Sensory Indulgence. This is why you have me, the voice in your head. Not only normal memory speaking to you, no, a permanent companion sent by the Sun itself. You were created, your mother killed. You were ripped out of her womb, the priests cut her open and let her bleed out in order to let all of her body rest in peace. They took you and breathed at you, breathed for days, until you were finally frozen. YOU were frozen. But you were not the only one. I was also there, twins, but not of the same gender. So they did the same with me, as this was their plan. WE were frozen, but two different pieces of chrystal. One was brought to "Not-So-Memory", that was you. The ignorant one, the one with the strong body but the lack of mind. I was brought to "Not-So-Resistance", the weak one, the one with the strong mind but the lack of endurance. Did you ever realize your ship never left its course? Neither did mine. You were trained to be a Paladin, a shining example of the Sun, I was trained to be a Memory-Scribe, a glowing reflection of the Gift. But before we were born, if we can call it like that, we were caught in stasis, caught in chrystallized ice. The ships, although in different sectors of Liebali, but yet on the same Meridian,

as the Lady of Colours and Light only lets her blessing corpulate with the intruding energy of the Architect on certain lines of existence, certain lines of land. The ships stayed in the same line, lenses were surrounding our icy prisons, and Broken-Reflected-Blessing was brought through the Portal to Liebali and shot through those lenses. Yes, we were always connected, an umbilical cord of light and memory, and everyone, everything who crossed this line of light became a part of it and fed our archetypus adeptus, forming our body and soul, synthesis of Sun and Gift.

We were foreseen Melandrin. The foreseen Paragons. Foreseen by the High-Priests of Sun and Reflection, as it was told in the ancient tales and wirtten down by the old scribes of the tribe Sun's Gift, hidden in the Temple of Sun and Reflection at the Cortex of Liebali. We are one, Reformator and Keeper, Wilderer and Lover, Paladin and Memory-Scribe. Chieftain and Mother. P-A-R-A-G-O-N of the next assembly of the Hight-Priests of Sun and Reflection. WE ARE ONE , the holy words ENOER AE W, the acceptable blasphemy. Our tribe has been hunted back then, hunted by the icy demons who came with ships. Not even our shifting brothers of the Valen could help us, too far away, yet the only brothers we had. Nedics? Trade and mutual agreement, yet not enough help. Alone, like we are now. And yet we can have more allies than ever. They fear us. They hope for us. Because we are wild like the frozen waste you roam, we are the Paladins who hunt, they are the Ice Wraiths. We will either bring doom or glory, but we will bring stasis in the end. This is our parents legacy. And now speak my sweet brother."

[ERROR] [TRANSMISSION – ERROR] [S.I. SI. S.I.T.H.I.S. BEGINNING OF SENSORIC INDULGENCE.] 'That-What-We-Gather reducing down to 13%, stabilizing nymic-connectional transmission to an acceptable degree, SYNCHRONIZATION with Library of Ancestors approaching the carid-limbus, sea opened!!!' ... Sun's Gift – Section 9 – Third Group – Number 648/Melandrin ...

  • reverse-intruded by - ... Sun's Gift – Section 4 – Third Group – Number 648/Nirdnalem ...

[That-What-We-Gather in forma liquidus approaching, 1-2-3-INTRUDED] {Wake up} [That-What-We-Gather in forma liquidus approaching, 1-2-3-INTRUDED] {Hear me} [That-What-We-Gather in forma liquidus approaching, 1-2-3-INTRUDED] {Love me} 'That-What-We-Gather stabilized, reduction succesful, going back to normal, 78% maximum' [/ALIVE/]