Yonus' Restoration, by Chronus. Part 1


I compile this work from the notes of my late companion and colleague, Yonus. He kept meticulous notes, and I would feel bad if they went to waste. He was the undisputed true master of the school of Restoration. He could walk into a room, take a passing look around, walk out, and everyone would be better. Since his capture and subsequent demise, the Master has been feeling rather down. He retreats to his library more often these days. I also compile these notes and recollections partially in the hope that he will feel less melancholy.

Our Master. The greatest, most powerful, most knowledgeable Wizard to ever exist. Time manipulation is where I shine, so I know what I' write is true. There is one Wizard who, on the basis of skill alone, could match our Master, but even he would not have the pure magical power that our Master has. Possibly the Master might give it to him, but, he never asks.

Each of us under him excels in a certain aspect of magic. We are, of course, still experts if not masters in the other schools, but in our fields we are truly the best. This is why the Master keeps us around, so to speak. However, Yonus was more skilled in the other schools not of his mastery than any of us. This may be why the Master is so unhappy with Yonus' demise. In reading his notes, which I had not before, the reason for this skill becomes evident.

Chapter 1: The Understandings

There are three understandings of how to perform in the school of Restoration, Yonus writes. The first, and least useful and most dangerous way, is to simply heal the whole. Not even alchemists are that stupid. The second way is to heal parts of the whole. The skill of individuals operating under this understanding increases the more parts they are able to split the whole into. The third way is the ultimate result of following these splittings, to a point where you are capable of no longer restoring the whole, instead recreating it.

This requires a great deal of understanding of all of the other aspects of magic, including yes Destruction, which many see as the opposite of Restoration. In fact, Destruction is very important in Restoration. One burns away disease, not just bolster the body around it. Unless you have no true skill.

The first understanding is the most dangerous because there are multiple things in the whole you do not wish to bolster. By whole-sale (a curious term in from all angles) healing the body, you may in fact kill the person you are attempting to heal.

The second understanding is the most useful, because not only does it allow even an idiot some degree of success in Restoration, but also because it leads to the third understanding. Most of Yonus' notes are related to this second understanding.

The third understanding, outlined only in the last chapter, is the most powerful and the most dangerous way to use the school of Restoration, but Yonus believes that if you get to that point, you know what you're doing so it actually isn't that dangerous.

Chapter Two: The Splits

Yonus writes of 3 major splits. The physical, the spiritual, and the mental. Each of these has their own splits within them, and all work together to create the individual.

The physical refers to the body and what creates that. Here, Yonus writes, are night infinite splits. The mental splits are less in number, but still numerous. The spiritual has the least amount of splits, being confined to only 5. soul, spirit, will, connection, memory

The major splits in the body are the organs within the body. Brains, heart, liver, etc. Brains connect us to the mental splits, the major split of which are between child and adult. Between the two of them are an incredible number of connections, each distinct though connecting in some locations. The spiritual splits are in order of importance, according to Yonus' writings, Will, Connection, Memory, Soul, and Spirit. These we will get into in chapter 9.