On This Day We Remember

On this day, the 11th of Sun's Dusk, we remember the noble men and women of the Legion who made the ultimate sacrifice for the Empire. They laid down their lives so that we may live in peace and prosperity. No matter the terrors they faced, these brave souls from all parts of this glorious Empire set aside their differences and fought for the good of the citizens. Today marks the end of Alessia's Rebellion, and we honour the sacrifices of those who lost their lives in that fight for freedom. We also honour the sacrifices of all the Legionaires who came after, both men and mer. For without them our glorious Empire would not be what it is today. Even those survived the many wars fought did not leave those battlefields unharmed, even if they did not bleed. To our surviving veterans, we thank you for your service to Tamriel. May the Nine watch over you and guard you, as you have for us.

Thank you.