Dwemer Confession

[this fragment, discovered in the ruins of [REDACTED] is of uncertain provenance. Lumenocentric magic reveals that it is not a Remembered text and certain scholars have suggested it is a temporal errata of trans-hypnogogic origin, possibly related to recent events...]

“Logic only takes one so far – this was the hardest lesson for us, we who had all but enshrined Logic and Reason as gods. Our delvings into the holy art of mythematics had rendered it a system of hard-lines and irrefutable syllogisms. I suppose we thought the cold comfort of digital assignation – with its zeroes and ones – would bring us to liberation. But by each datum – each assertion – we merely forged the iron bars of our confinement.

“In the end we saw two paths: denial of everything, or blind faith in the possibility of everything. You cannot know the horror of those days or the humiliation of our decision. We placed our gods upon an altar and did the unthinkable, though we knew their deaths would be our own: the end of all that we were. It was then we learned our greatest paradox and discovered the peace so long denied us: for our gods did not die – they were transformed. We stood face to face in that moment and knew them truly for the first time, and then only by way of the one enemy we had despised most:


