Destruction: Magical Instructions Vol. III

Volume I: Alteration

Volume II: Conjuration

Volume III: Destruction

Volume IV: Illusion

Volume V: Mysticism

Volume VI: Restoration

Volume VII: Other Magics


Destruction is possibly the oldest school of magick. As the name implies, spells in this school are meant to damage, injure, kill, and all matters of harm. There are many spells in this school, and the greatest of destruction masters are said to be able to raze a single city within a single hour. It should also be known that there are spells that inflict sun damage upon opponents, tho some place such spells in the school of restoration. Berevar Bero once proposed moving all destruction spells into the school of alteration, but his request was denied. In 3E 431, Skingrad had become the best source of knowledge on Destruction magic. Dunmer are particularly talented in Destruction magic.


Absorb Fatigue steals your opponents fatigue and adds it to your own. Simply force your magical energy into the opponent's lungs and pull as much of it into your own body as you can.

Absorb Health steals your opponents health and adds it to your own. Pour your magic into the very cells of your opponent. Grab hold of only the newest and freshest cells and pull them into yourself

Absorb Magicka steals your opponents magicka pool and adds it to your own. Pour your magic into your opponents pool. Match your energy with his and then pull it into yourself. Unfortunately, there is the risk that your opponent might attempt to do the same once your energys synch.

Damage Skill forces your opponent to become clumsy with different skills, such as their personality and speechcraft. Pour your magical energies into different regions of their brain and crush it. Different regions of the brain will affect different skills.

Damage Attribute damages things such as your opponents luck, strength, endurance, etc. Few people have mastered this skill and it's unknown how to cast it.

Damage Fatigue, Damage Health, and Damage Magicka damages your opponents fatigue, magic, and health. Refer to Absorb Fatigue, Health, and Magic, but instead of absorbing it, crush it!

Disintegrate Armor and Disintegrate Weapon forces your opponents armor to go through the process of aging faster than normal. It's unknown how to cast this spell, as few have mastered it.

Fire Damage inflicts fire to your opponent. Simply build up magic in your palm, heat it up, and release.

Frost Damage inflicts ice to your opponent. Simply build up magic in your palm, lower the temperature, and release it. It will also make your opponent slower.

Shock Damage shocks your opponent. Simply build up magic in your palm, increase the wattage, and then release it. It will also lower your opponents magical pool.

Poison does just that. To inflict poison, build up magic in your palm and infect it with damaged and infected blood cells, or even with various bodily fluids and stomach acids, then release it.

Sun Damage only works on the undead. The sun is the largest hole leading to Aetherius. Collect magic ONLY from the sun, and release it on your opponent

Weakness to Common Disease. Simply pour your magic into your opponents cells and destroy as many healthy cells they have as possible.

Weakness to Fire, Weakness to Frost, Weakness to Shock, Weakness to Magicka, Weakness to Normal Weapons, and Weakness to Poison are rare spells and its unknown how to cast them.