Mysticism: Magical Instructions: Vol. V

Volume I: Alteration

Volume II: Conjuration

Volume III: Destruction

Volume IV: Illusion

Volume V: Mysticism

Volume VI: Restoration

Volume VII: Other Magics


Mysticism is the most confusing school of magic. Many simply regard it as a junkyard, a place to throw spells that dont belong in the other schools. This is simply untrue. Mysticism is the manipulation of magic itself, the paradoxical, imagination, and madness itself. Mysticism can have its roots traced back as far as the Psijiic Order, whom refer to Mysticism as "The Old Way", perhaps inferring that it is the earliest school of magic. It's a popular school among Necromancers, and has received much shunning. The most well known Mystics include Sotha Sil, Vanus Galerion, and Mannimarco. In 3E 431, Leyawiin had become the best source of knowledge on Mysticism magic.

Unfortunately, the school of Mysticism has been removed and all its spells moved to other schools. However, this scholar heavily believes that the school of Mysticism is an important part of the history of magic, and has its due place in the world of mages.


Almsivi Intervention and Divine Intervention will transport your body to the nearest religious shrine of the Tribunal Temple and Imperial Cult Temple respectively. Simply picture the location in your mind, every smell, every feeling, and you will find yourself in that location.

Detect Animal allows you to see animals through walls and far distances. Simply pour your magic into your eyes as you think ONLY of your primal instincts. Hunger, knowledge, thirst, etc. Essentially become the animal!

Detect Enchantment and Detect Key allow you to see all enchanted items and keys respectively in your vicinity. It's unknown how to cast this spell, as few have mastered it.

Dispel allows you to cancel all temporary effects on yourself such as diseases and damaged attributes. To cast the spell, simply imagine yourself without the effect, tho this is known to be very difficult to perform.

Mark is a very easy spell to learn. Simply place a thick amount of your magical essense onto the ground.

Recall will take you back to the location marked. To perform the spell, you must imagine yourself in the EXACT location you had marked. Every detail, every smell, every sound.

Reflect reflects your opponents magical energy. Simply cover your body in thick magical energy. The thicker, the better.

Spell Trap is difficult. You must force your magic into the opponent and grab hold of their soul, then rip it out and force it into a soul gem. This is difficult because the soul is thin and near impossible to detect.

Spell Absorption allows you to absorb spells. To do this, you must match your energy with the incoming spell. For instance, if youre about to be hit with a fire spell, increase your body temperature. If you're about to be hit with calm humanoid, simply take a deep breath and calm down, which will negate the effect and only raw magicka will remain, free for the taking.