"A Remembrance of Ayleids and Reflection on the Fate of the Dunmer" from the late First Era

A remembrance of Ayleids and reflection on the fate of the Dunmer

From the Imperial Master of Speechcraft, Bremman Invel – 11^th Sun's Height 1E 2839

In light of the trouble and hostility that has so recently been coming forth from our neighbours in Morrowind I have often found myself thinking about how important it is that we reflect on our Merish cousins. We must reflect on both those who surround the Imperial heartland and those that once made refuge here, on those who benefit from our bread basket and on those who have and do seek to destroy it.

The Merethic era or the era without an empire is a muddled mess of events and it is hard to tell from the lack records, besides those of the cultured elves, in what order many its main events took place. What we do know is that it was a time of strife as many of the once upstanding Aldmer descended into vice and Daedra worship. They forsook the eight that had brought this world to being in a bid to pursue their own unholy desires.

The Ayleids are a collection of Aldmer characterised by their decision to leave the Summerset Isles during the middle of the Merethic era. They deserted their homeland and fled to the center of Tamriel to escape justice and indulge in foul practices, slaughtering the children of the first women and men who were still opening their eyes to the world. But the Gods do not forget, and spreading their arms to embrace women and men a covenant was formed to strike down all who claimed the role of the eight for as long and forever as man remembered their saviours. The Ayleids payed for their digressions five-fold and now their souls freeze in the wastes of the Daedra they called equal to the eight.

The same was and will be true of the Dunmer.

The Chimer, predecessors of the Dunmer who are entirely one and the same people, albeit with a different name and colour of skin, also fled justice across Tamriel in the late middle Merethic era. However their crimes are far beyond the Aylieds. Following the lead of the heretic Veloth they called upon Daedric princes to destroy Trinimac, a god of the Aldmer pantheon – who are much the same and equal in reverence and power to our own pantheon. So callous where they in their actions they did not stop to think of the effect on Trinimac's devout whom the Daedra in turn corrupted, disheveling this group who we now know as the Orsimer and making them outcasts from their home.

As the Chimer moved further into the north east of Tamriel they continued with their disobedience and disregard for the true pantheon of eight in any form, so corrupt they became they even stopped worshiping the Daedra in favour of a select group of their own for whom they desecrated themselves before even the eyes of the Daedra who cursed them with grey skin as an eternal remainder of their infidelity.

Twice Aldmer have left their bountiful homeland. Twice have they worshiped the Daedra and others. Twice the gods have looked upon them with scorn. Twice the have ruined the lives of others with their disregard.

Now twice we bring them to justice for the eight. And twice we will win.

The Elder Scrolls govern all of our actions; however they are as much poetry as prophesy. The Scrolls follow narrative conventions and within them history does repeat itself. There may come a time when Elves once more turn from the natural order and the proper observance of the true pantheon's – in whatever form they take – rule of law, they may once again desecrate its Gods, and upset our way of life. There may also come a time, the same time, where the rule of three is not in our favour and the poetry of the scrolls deserts us, when Emperors as great and Akatosh blessed as the Cyrodiil's do not live. Then we will succumb to these threats.

But now, now we must do what is right, what we are charged by the Gods to do and what we will succeed in doing. Serve the Eight with all your actions and remain strong in your faith, and should it come to war follow Emperor Reman with the knowledge that we will win.