Crafting Brass-Gold

In the flickering blue light that threw the minute details on the walls into a rippling pattern, Ferggo woke. His eyes traced over the larger details on the walls, and then traced the true lines of the smaller ones. This task complete, a sharpening of his mind, Ferggo reached out for his parental unit.

<Parental Unit,> Ferggo Called, <I believe this a good day to learn how to craft Brass-Gold.>

<Offspring,> Drenuch replied, <come to the Forge and I shall show you how to craft Brass-Gold.>

Upon entering the Forge, Ferggo took in the view. He catalouged every entity and their positions, from the tools on the bench, to the unstruggling bound slave held over the Forge Flames by ropes.

The slave was not drugged, but did not struggle because their spirit had been broken. So broken that it would not work, and thus it was to be repurposed.

Ferggo walked toward his parental unit which stood at the Forge, and exchanged the brief but necessary rituals wherein the lesser submitted to the greater, and the greater acknowledged the existence of the lesser. Then, he learned how to craft Brass-Gold.

First the First Tone, that of Necessity, was hammered forth and left to hum. In a separate container, corundum was molten down, and exposed to the Fourteenth Tone, that of Purity. Brass was made soft as hard milk processed by that-would-could-not-be-seen, by lowering rods of it through a rotating Metal Calling gear. A sheet of Purity Tone hovered below the rotating gear.

The soft Brass was laid 1 unit thick, and an orb of Gold, already exposted a week or more ago to the Tone of Purity, was laid into the center of the square. The Gold sphere was 1/3rd of a unit thick. The Gold was then covered by another layer of 1 unit thick Brass.

The First Tone was allowed echo into a smaller chamber, and then mixed with the Fourth Tone, that of Strength. This Tone was poured over the Brass square by a hammer and smoothed by a curved hollow knife.

The corundum was then allowed to cool slightly, and patches of it were picked up and placed gently against the square of Brass. The layer of corundum was, as Math dictated, less than 1/12th of a unit thick.

Again the mixture of Necessity and Strength was applied to the square.

This process was continued until there was a sheet of 12 squares by 12 squares, each 1 unit away from another. The soul of the slave was dismantled by shaking echoes, made thick, and laid over the sheet of squares. The body of the slave burned away into ash, which fell into the Forge Fires.

Then the First Tone, having echoed unto itself into grand proportions, was sent into the sheet from below. The soul was pulled through the squares, which were then exposed to the First and Fourth Tones.

Thus was Brass-Gold crafted, and the secrets passed from greater to lesser. The greater was not diminished, and the lesser was improved. Ferggo thanked his parental unit, which set Ferggo to crafting another sheet of Brass-Gold, to prove understanding of the subject. Thus Logic dictated.