Racial Variations in Torture and Interrogation: Imperials

Entry 754, Tirdas, 4 Morning Star, 3E 124

Subject: Horace Warhaft, Soldier serving under the banner of Falkreath, captured in skirmish outside Bruma, heretofore noted as Prisoner 34b

Prisoner has been confined to cell for 48 hours. Bed, food, water, lights and windows have been denied to him. Contact with prisoner has been kept to absolute minimum. Prisoner was hostile at first, demanding "honorable" treatment as a captured warrior, food, water, bucket, etc. Has quieted in the last 30 hours, probably conserving energy. A guard reports prisoner has attempted to drink his own urine. Passive observation will continue for another 12 hours before deciding how to proceed.

Entry 758, Fredas, 7 Morning Star, 3E 124

Subject: Prisoner 34b

Prisoner asked for water after 75 hours in solitary confinement. Stale half-loaf of bread and water were provided. Prisoner attempted to ignore bread, but relented and ate it before long. No further contact given or requested. Sleep deprivation regimen will begin as scheduled.

Entry 760, Morndas, 10 Morning Star, 3E 124

Subject: Prisoner 34b

Sleep deprivation has proven to be an effective tactic. Beginning Fredas, prisoner has been marched from his cell once every hour, taken down the hall and forced to jog his way back. Initial efforts were met with indifference from prisoner, as expected. As the regimen continued, he became aggressive and hostile, eventually refusing to comply with the guards. One was forced to break two of his fingers with a truncheon when he fought being removed from his cell. This incident occurred the evening of Loredas, the 8th. Since then, prisoner has pleaded with guards to let him sleep. When he was ignored, guards reported prisoner began sobbing. Questioning should be able to begin soon.

Entry 767, Middas, 12 Morning Star, 3E 124

Subject: Prisoner 34b

Despite previous expectations, prisoner resisted initial attempts to question him. All attempts were met with silence. After 4 hours, a flesh smith was called to assist. Smith given 2 hours with prisoner. Removed 4 teeth, a big toe, and the bottom of one ear. Questioning was allowed to resume as normal after that. Prisoner has begun to cooperate fully with interrogators after being assured the pain will cease. The flesh smith has been placed on standby, pending further need.

Entry 770, Fredas, 14 Morning Star, 3E 124

Subject: Prisoner 34b

Unfortunately, the investment of time and energy in Prisoner 34b has yielded little fruit. His knowledge of Falkreath's troop movements was almost nonexistent, as was any information regarding the movements or political leanings of the town’s Jarl. Prisoner also knew nothing of any local sympathy for the true Emperor Cephorus I or his brother Magnus, or of any significant dissent against the pretender Uriel III or his mother Potema. Prisoner has requested release, promises to return to Falkreath and provide further information as it becomes available to him. However, interrogators see little to no value in him as an asset if he is allowed to return. This interrogator recommends we cut losses and dispose of 34b immediately.