Concerning the Origins of the Last Dragonborn


Severus Aurelius, First Scholar to the Elder Council,

Discovered deep inside the ancient Ruins of Dovahrodrem, we came across several ancient writings, preserved by magics unknown to even our greatest Warlocks. The scriptures in question referred to what would come to be known in Early Nordic History as the Seige of Dovahrunir, referred to by the Legendary Figure Hakon One-Eye as "The Battle Below". And indeed, such a battle did indeed take place at the Foot of the Throat of the World as the Tongues battled against Alduin atop the peak. Yet, the Seige of Dovahrunir, from historical accounts of the time, lasted far longer, and the remains of the city are all but gone, obliterated in fact.

Such revelations were overwhelmingly shocking, for we believed we had found both the spot and contents of what is arguably the one of the most important battles in the History of Skyrim.

However, these discoveries, taken from minor texts found in the tomb, were nothing in comparison to the detail provided by the Qethsegol-Kuld (Memorial Script in the Dragon Tongue). The script went as follows (Translated into both Dragon and the Ancient Nordic Language):

And so, as the sun set on the Powerful City of Odanhiim, the greatest and one of the last strongholds of man, the Guard of the Ancient Fortress met the gaze of evil eyes. Eyes of malice and despicable terror, that brought fear and despair into the hearts of all who saw them. They were dragons. Yet these eyes were not few in number, as we had initially thought. They came closer, and closer, and as more and more followed suite, all hope died, the first casualty of that Night of Despair.

It was not long before they came. It was not long before the fire descended from the untouchable sky and the roars of delight, a deafening eternal choir that would never cease for those who survived, even into the depths of Sovngarde itself.

The City of Immortal Stone burnt before our eyes, and with it the hopes, aspirations, and victories, of all those who resided there. There was no battle, no resistance. As how could there be? Whilst this citadel, believed to be Man's Eternal place through all evils, was ravished with pain and death beyond the comprehension of the Gods themselves.

But this was not the end for all, as standing calm and strong through such destruction and anarchy, were three heroes. The Dragon Warriors. Srelvir Dragon-Seer - Old and Wise, possessing of the foresight that even many Dragons would observe with envy. Yet, through all the years we spent fighting, he would never say who would win. He would never reveal the truths which we would desire - only that which we would unknowingly need. None would claim him to be understandable, for the limitless wisdom of such a character lead some to believe he was an avatar, or blessed spirit, of the Owl God himself.

And then there was Hroldar Dragon-Heart. And indeed, this was name earned well. Through the glory days of the Dragon Cult in the benevolent land of Atmora, he fought with a spirit and power that lead many to believe him to be an avatar, or blessed spirit of the Bear.

But then, there was Hrelvas, Hrelvas Dragon-Blade. The mightiest Nordic Warrior of the age, and a Well documented Dragonborn whose power would rival Miraak himself. He devoutly served the Atmoran and Skyrim Dragon Cults, proving himself to be capable of defeating even the greatest of foes. Some would go as far to say that Hrelvas was a spirit or avatar of Alduin himself, the Dragon God. This was not a claim contested, but rumour would even go as far to say that Hrelvas was actually the Great and Honourable Dragon Priest, Vahlok the Jailer.

Regardless, his deeds and abilities were uncontested, and Alduin himself would fear him.

And so, these three heroes lead up to One Hundred Citizens out of the city, killing more than 75 dragons in the process. Such a feat itself would be considered legendary, but is relatively nothing to his feats to come...

  • This is the translation as of now, but we will work on the rest shortly for the benefit of the Empire and the enlightenment of the Draconic History.

Yours faithfully,

Arch Mage Savos Aren, of the College of Winterhold