Unique Snows and Their Uses

Fire Snow: It can be hard to distinguish ash from the ash-coloured Fire Snow that falls in the northern reaches of Morrowind, but it is well worth it for the budding entrepreneur. Master Enchanters and those very, very few Blacksmiths that know of Fire Snow and are magically talented will pay top septim for a handful of Fire Snow. The snow can be mixed with metals still hot on the forge, giving the metal a strength not found in mundane metals and making them easier to enchant with flame or frost enchantments. Master Enchanters can use Fire Snow to bind flame and frost enchantments on the same item much more easily than normal.

Whale Snow: Prized by thrill seekers and the depressed, Whale Snow is found in random patches in the mountains ringing Skyrim. Whale Snow is created by Snow Whales, and it's primary use is feeling good. Whale Snow, when rubbed against the skin or inhaled, induces incredible amounts of happiness. If eaten, Whale Snow proves to be very deadly, as the consumer will be so happy they will stand still and do nothing for days, usually starving to death while looking at something only they can see.

Hist Ice: Hist Sap does not really ever freeze, but it can become something akin to a hard amber. If carried in a specialized container, Hist Ice can be used by Argonians as a potent healing device. Those in the know in taxidermy can use Hist Ice to set their pieces, which usually makes the dead animal seem more alive. Hist Ice is dangerous to ingest, even to Argonians, who usually let it melt on their tongues.

Dew Top Ice: Slushy ice and snow from the top leaves of the moving trees, graht-oaks. Though difficult to obtain, and even more difficult to remove from Valenwood due to the illegality of touching the stuff, Dew Top Ice proves to be a powerful addition to restoration potions as well as a wonderful catalyst for alteration spells.

Stalhrim: Evidently deposits of ice enchanted to absorb the bodies of the dead, Stalhrim is more akin to a metal than an ice form. As such, it can be used to create armor and weaponry; any other use such as mugs or spoons, is unheard of. Stalhrim is worth twice it's weight in gold, and can also be used to create potions of frost damage. Unlike the other forms of snow and ice mentioned here, Stalhrim is a non-replenishing resource, and care must be taken to preserve it for future generations.