Concerning the Origins of the Last Dragonborn Part III - Arrival at Dovahrunir and the Trials of Three

NOTE: You may be wondering what the Title has to do with this series, but please trust me, all will be clear in the end. I expect this series to run for at least 2 more parts following this one.



Severus Aurelius, First Scholar to the Elder Council,

You will be pleased to know I have successfully translated what appears to be an extremely significant segment of the Qethsegol-Kuld and the story of the Three Heroes, detailing their individual fates as the Oncoming Danger draws ever closer.

And so they did go their separate ways. Hroldar to the Cities of the West and East, Srelvir to the North, and Hrelvas to the South, to Dovahrunir. And as he arrived to the Stone Gates, guarded by both Man and Allied Dovah, they looked upon him with dread. Very rarely would the Dragonborn of the Age come to their city, to the capital of the Rebellion. His arrival would herald a present, or soon coming doom. With grim expressions on their faces they allowed the hero to enter the city with his refugees.

It was not long before the Lord of the Lands, Jarl Arelvir, would come to greet them. He looked to Hrelvas and the citizens, wounded and burnt by the terrors of Battle, whilst concerned onlookers watched and helped the Refugees, weakened, and petrified in their state of despair. Arelvir ushered Hrelvas into the Keep, too afraid to say a single word in the earshot of vulnerable citizens. Something was coming, and it was coming faster than they all thought...

Once they entered the Jarl's Private Quarters, lavish and luxurious for a man ruling famished subjects, he looked to Hrelvas and said with a quiver in his voice: "Our Priests are most troubled, something has happened, something which has angered and scared the Gods themselves, an act of despicable and unimaginable evil. All I wish to know, Hrelvas Dragon-Blade, is what?"

Hrelvas looked to the Jarl with dread in his heart. He knew what had happened, yet that meant nothing to him now, what mattered was what would happen next. "Odanhiim has been destroyed. Every single House, Tower, Shop, Temple, and Castle has been obliterated. And yet worse, my Jarl, are the casualties. A grand city that once housed hundreds of thousands of people has left but 38 Survivors. The Civilians, Myself, Hroldar Dragon-Heart, and Srelvir Dragon-Seer. Neither of them are here. Hroldar has gone to the East and West in search of Allies and help for your city, and Srelvir has gone off to face what approaches. What happened at Odanhiim was devastating, my Lord, but the Prophet Srelvir believes a far worse fate awaits Dovahrunir, I am here to provide assistance, as will my friends shortly, should they survive their current endeavours...."

Hroldar sprinted across the Open Fields, fleeing not merely for haste but for his life, as Dragons encircled him and brought down fire from the Sky. Little could be done to stop them, for to stop himself would be to die. Hroldar Dragon-Heart, brave and undefeated in Battle, had little to choice but to run. Odstrun and Rahrodein, proud cities bordering the East and West of Dovahrunir's Land respectively, were allies of the City, and had agreed at Hroldar's Request to send Aid, for the word of Srelvir Dragon-Seer was the word of inevitability, what he said would come, would come. Yet even he did not know all. And it was only at this point in time, that the truth in its entirety had been revealed to him...

Srelvir walked for Miles, retracing many of his steps as he travelled to the North Western Mountains near Bromjunaar, the Loksiintuls, the Sky Beacons. Yet, this old Seer was weakened by his journey, and struggle. His powers declined as the reality of mortality met this God blessed herald. He was weakened. So he did call upon his ancient friend, a being whom had known him all of his life, the Great Dragon Koraaviik, Seer in the tongue of man. This Great Golden Dragon, a Seer himself, whom had provided to Srelvir the gift of seeing through time itself, took pity his closest friend, and allowed Srelvir to ride upon his back, to the peak of the Mountains. Upon landing, the sympathy Koraaviik felt for Srelvir had increased, for unknown to the Mortal Seer, Koraaviik had noticed something which he had not. He looked to Srelvir, though, and merely said: "Doom is approaching, soon a war is to start that will not ever end, and what you do will prove crucial to its outcome. Stay true to your morals, your wisdom, and the Gods, and there is slither of hope. But know it only as a Sliver..." With this, he left Srelvir, not to be seen by him again for many, many, years....

Srelvir looked to the North, where he knew the danger to be, yet his eyes met no sign of Doom or Death, for they were blinded a Light of Divine Power. All negative thoughts and emotions left Srelvir then, for he was the safest man in all of reality, for he was in the presence of a God, he was in the presence of the Fox God, of a deity many then would begin to call "Shor". He was a towering warrior, 5 times the size of any mortal man, and a radiant light shone from him. His Battle Axe, Black and Sharp, his Armour, White and Carved, his Helm, Horned and Strong. "Srelvir, you come to these mountains not to see the truth, but to be told it. I shall be the one to do so. As we speak, the Dragon Cult is assembling the greatest army in all of time and reality. A Million Men, many Priests and Followers resurrected from beyond death itself, and the Eight Great Dragon Priests, who themselves are selecting their Konahriik. But all of this means nothing. For you will also to have to face a Thousand Dragons, the most powerful in the Land. Your armies will amount to no more than 500,000, and 25 Dragons, as this omnipotent army is lead by Odahviing himself! These forces shall meet yours at Dovahrunir, and wage war with one another in the Greatest ever to occur. This will be your greatest test, and the fate of the Dragon War relies on the victors of this conflict. Stay Strong. Stay True, and follow the lead and judgement of Hrelvas Dragon-Blade. This is your ultimate test, this is the ultimate test of all of Mankind itself. Good luck, Wise Seer, and good luck to all those who will fight in Dovahrunir in the years to come."

In one last blinding light, Shor ascended to the heavens once more. Srelvir could now see in the parted clouds this great army. It was not a lie, it was not down to chance, Evgir Unslaad was had come at last. The Season Unending. War Without End....

This is the progress I have made thus far, Severus. I will soon, however have more, as it appears we are now getting to the true nature of the story and the Start of the Seige. I look forward to your appreciation and speculation on the Subject.

Yours Faithfully,

Savos Aren, Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold.