Concerning the Origins of the Last Dragonborn Part IV - Evgir Unslaad

NOTE: Do not dismiss this as a lore based story, it is actually building up to an extremely important revelation and theory regarding the Origins of the Last Dragonborn, a theory I now personally follow.




Severus Aurelius, First Scholar to the Elder Council,

After weeks of work my translation of the story has finally reached an incredibly exciting phase! Whether this is myth or truth remains to be seen, but the proof of our exploits seems to indicate the Siege did indeed happen. This is the Segment I've been working on:

Whilst Srelvir, reinvigorated with fear and divinity, fled the Northern Lands to Dovahrunir, Hroldar Dragon Heart could run no more. His struggle for survival against the Dragons' might had failed, and thus it was not long before their malicious cultists had surrounded and trapped this once undefeatable Warrior. Yet they did not kill him. Hroldar was a figure head of the rebellion, an example and Hero to all those who would defy Order and Justice. He was taken prisoner, and the cultists returned to their army, the army Srelvir had seen, the army Just 20 Miles away from their goal...

The City Gates of Dovahrunir were closed that day. The Guards watched anxiously and restlessly. Many did not believe the tales of Srelvir, and even went as far to say that the man was mad. Many included the Guards aligning those walls at that point in time. But when they saw Srelvir running towards the gates, his fear was evident, his dread was evident; Their Doom was evident. "Open the Gates! I must speak with the Jarl!" And so Srelvir sprinted to the top of this Impenetrable mountain fortress, whilst his heart sank. For he was the one who looked upon this city and saw its inevitable destruction, to him, they were already dead. "Jarl Arelvir! Hrelvas!" he shouted across the Palace as he entered. "I must speak with you". Srelvir ran to the Private Quarters, directed by his far seeing knowledge. He came in to find these two men, noble and powerful, look to him as if he was the messenger of all evil in the World. "I was right. Shor himself, the Fox God, spoke to me. And I saw it with my own eyes. The Dragon Cult has assembled the greatest and most powerful army known to man. Over a million men resurrected priests, and a thousand dragons! Prepare for war! Gather every able bodied man, woman, and older child! There is not a moment to lose! Our food grows from within the walls, within the buildings themselves through our powerful magics. The mountain guards our backs, and these walls were said to be built to be unbreakable by any - mortal or immortal. We must hold it!

"You suggest a siege? We have little more than three hundred thousand men! And only 10 Dragons are with us today. Yes we are on the defensive, and yes, we can hold out, but for how long? And at what cost? The death of all those who would reside here? The widowing of wives and orphaning of children? We must flee! To our neighbouring cities!" said Arelvir, fully aware of his own doom.

"If we leave now, they will find us and kill us along the way! Their Dragons see far, and the armies are closer than you think! Yes, many will die, but not a single man woman or child in this city would want to die for nothing, should it be their early doom! And you forget, we have Hrelvas Dragon-Blade! A Dragonborn and War Hero, whose very presence can turn the tide of war! And we have - Where is Hroldar?"

"Our spies fear he has been found by the enemy. We know not whether the message for reinforcement has sent. If not, then we've already lost" muttered Hrelvas. He did bring courage to the Battle, but that merely meant more men were prepared to run to their deaths, and he did not believe that courage or his presence would win them this war. He was no God, despite what some would say....

It was on that on that night that the Soldiers prepared for Battle. It was on that night that Jarl Arelvir looked out to the lands once his and saw the armies of the Dragons muster. Men and Women sharpener their spears and axes and swords, kissed their children goodbye, and armoured themselves. The weak were sent to the Citadel's inner levels. All others stayed outside, and ate and drank by their fires, the last time for many. Archers climbed to the Walls and Towers, black as night and tall as the Mountains. Wizards and Warlocks prepared their staves and shouts, all the while watching out with their fellow men and waiting for the call. Spies and Agents and Barbarians worked as one, hiding in the surrounding Land, ready to strike out of nowhere. But it was the warriors who stood at the City Gates. Who with their weaponry in hand and helmets on head were to face the Great Dragon Cult head on. Not a single soldier was left behind. They knew not of the enemy's numbers. Perhaps they would stand down if they did. But for those who presumed, and sensed, they had courage. They knew that this War, from the moment the first Bow was fired and the Horn sounded. To the moment the last Soldier fell and never-ending fire was no more. This, was it.

The Dragon Cult marched closer, their endless stamping on the ground shaking their very earth beneath their feet, and the feet of Dovahrunir's Men less than 200 metres away. And then then they stopped. It was here that every single participator in this battle, man and dragon alike, looked at one another in deep understanding. For these would be the haunting faces that each must look to for Years on end. The Bows were drawn and fired. The Spears were thrown. And the Marching turned to a sprint. As the forces ran to one another, the first swords clanged. The first flaming rocks were hurled from the Catapults. And the first Dragons sung their fiery song o death. The Siege of Dovahrunir had begun....

I shall have sent a second translation within the next few days. Everyone at the excavation site and the college are working this now! How intriguing and exciting this story is appearing to be...

Yours Sincerely,

Savos Aren, Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold.