Generals of the Dread Lord

Listen up Churls! As you know our Master has decided to assault the Mundus using "Dark Anchors" currently being created in the Black Forge. You have been selected to be part of this invasion, but don't let that make you feel special - you are all as special as a Scamp in a Deadland Firepit. As I hope that you know you have been put into Units led by different Generals, who have been selected by the Dark Lord himself. I shall now announce which Units who have been placed under which General or Generals.

DDAUDr 12 and 14 have been placed under the command of the Generals Amkaos, Kathutet and Ranyu. These Dremora have proven themselves ruthless and fearless to our Lord. Rumour has it that they once bit off the throats of a hundred Soul Shriven.

DDAUDr 8 and 11, aswell as DDAUX 1 and 3 have been placed under the Generals Anaxes and Medrike. They have long served under Stonefire as torturers and are very good a extracting information, a skill they have been known to use on other Daedra.

DDAUDr 6 and 9 and UDAUV 2 have been placed under Lord Dregas Volar. He is the carrier of one of the last remaining Daedric Crescents, which he has or will receive(d) for faithful service to the foul Mehrunes Dagon. But he has seen the truth in Molag Bal's cause and has turned to our cause.

DDAUDS 1 and 2, aswell as DDAUWT 3 and 7 have been placed under Dylora, Jansa and Vika. These Dark Seducers have and/or will serve many different Masters than Schemer. Why the Master chose to make them Generals in anyone's guess, but if you question it you know where you'll end up.

UDAUV 1, 3 and 5 aswell as UDAUZ 2 have been placed under Fangaril, King Styriche and Zayzahad. Apparently these were once/will one day be Mortals (who will be) gifted with immortality by Molag Bal, and have since/will work(ed) their way up the ladder.

UDAUL 1 and UDAUZ 1 and 3 have been placed under Gedna Relvel. Her position is nothing short of a miracle, she was once a powerful Dunmeri (you know what He thinks about them) sorceress who aceived Lichdom. From what I have heard she did not even worship Molag Bal, but was still granted a powerful rank in his Army.

DDAUO 1 and 2 have been placed under Glut, Hogshead and Stumble. They are not much different from your regular eon-to-eon Ogrim.

DDAUDa 4 and 5 have been placed under Hrelvesuu. Deep in the Dwemeri city of Nchurdamz Molag Bal found/will find this Daedroth, determined to extract revenge upon Nirn after being defeated by the Imperial Larienna Macrina.

DDAUDa 1 and 2 have been placed under Menta Na. He has long served Molag Bal faithfully and is well known among aömost all Daedroth here in Coldharbour.

DDAUDr 3 and 7 aswell as DDAUWT 4 and 6 have been placed under Methats, Sumeer and Vonshala. Some of Molag Bal's most favoured Dremora servants.

DDAUFA 1 and 2, aswell as DDAUSA 3 and 4 have been placed under Nomeg Haga. He is said to have been forged by the frozen Azure Plasm of the newly created Coldharbour by Lord Molag Bal.

DDAUDr 1 and 2, aswell as DDAUWT 1 and 5 have been placed under Ozzozachar. Ozzozachar Was created after Molag Bal's Domination of the Dragon Lotsahlorel.

DDAUH 1 has been placed under Molag Bal's personal harvester of souls Rhagothan.

DDAUDr 10 and 15, aswell as UDAUR-N 1 have been placed under Velehk Sain. This Dremora has/will long defend(ed) the Portal The Maelstrom of Bal against some Mortals, while other times tricking them into it.

DDAUWa 1 and 3, aswell as DDAUDS 3 and 5 have been placed under Yggmanei, Molag Bal's personal Watcher spy on Tamriel.

DDAUSA 1 and 2, aswell as DDAUFA 2 have been placed under Zymel Hriz, the Storm Atronach Perfected in the Vile Laboratory.

If your Unit was not mentoned here you are in the Wrong Room. Now begone Churls!

This is all that was said my Markynaz Kezelkt to the Forces of Coldharbour at the start of the Planemeld, written down by a Soul Shriven servant.