[ASIIT]: The Mandatory Diary/Autobiography of Paddomai, 4th AFD (Age From Dawn)


[AND SO IT IS THAT]: I, <Post-Magic Monk of the HISTic Order>: SOAH TANOK of the Ka.Po.Tun write my diary/autobiography as mandated by <First Dragon of Vivec>: TOSH RAKA of the Ka.Po.Tun and His laws, and here I do write the mandatory disclaimer as on all mandated diary/autobiographies that this is indeed the true life and words of SOAH TANOK of the Ka.Po.Tun, and place my blood and dreamsleeve print on the page to verify my truth.

[AND SO IT IS THAT]: I, <Post-Magic Monk of the HISTic Order>: SOAH TANOK of the Ka.Po.Tun, being sworn to be true in my words to the letter of what I do and do not believe, must, as mandated by His laws (TOSH RAKA), must, to avoid being in hypocrisy, write/update the diary/autobiography of all identities I believe to be mine too, including past lives, ghostforms, dreamsleeve echoes, and being of the HISTic order, I, SOAH TANOK of the Ka.Po.Tun am taught that I have had many lives and shared the lives of All Argonians, but cannot, in practice, write the lives of all Argonians.

[AND SO IT IS THAT]: I, <Post-Magic Monk of the HISTic Order>: SOAH TANOK, of the Ka.Po.Tun, being unable to break His laws, am sworn to find a solution, and so it is that I write of the Roots of the Hist, the root from which all argonian and HISTic life can be derived, and that is the one who is the antithesis to Jubal The Everything, Paddomai. Moreover, because the hist have deemed me to now be argonian, I too, am derived of Paddomai, and must, under His laws, write of Paddomai as Diarist and Autobiographer.


Although His law compels me, even the most advanced HISTics know the First Lesson of HIST is "We do not understand HIST", and even the Saxh.leel of Tamri-el did not understand HIST. Thus, much of my diary and autobiography for Paddomai is guesswork, half-remembered daydreams, and possibly contradictory. But it is what I believe and understand has been taught to me by HIST, and I have no others to go on. I have Seen the images of all of this in HIST, but the images are hard to know without becoming HIST. Misinterpretation is simple, easy, and comforting.

Paddomai was of an Everything called Uin, hung far ahead on the last day of time, across the oceans of Dream.Sleeve. When Paddomai was a person, they learned the Vivec.Truth, and mastered Will/Love. But Paddomai was not strong enough in concentration to keep the crown from breaking. Yet Paddomai was strongly souled, and so when Paddomai collapsed under the weight of Vivec.Truth, their Will was so strong, and Loved so completely, that when Paddomai crumbled, Uin The Everything followed.

The weight of the Collapse was so heavy, it tore a hole in Dream.Sleeve the precise shape of Paddomai's soul, and like a hole in water, all the waters of Dream.Sleeve poured down endlessly into Paddomai The Nothing, and this was the birth and blooming of Nothing. And so exact was the shape of the hole, that it behaved and pretended to be what Paddomai was, but all the hole was, was Not.

Paddomai's not-soul's not-Will and not-Love still not-existed, and not-ghosted across Dream.Sleeve, and HIST burst lovingly off Paddomai's not-skin and infected Dream.Sleeve, [AND SO IT IS THAT] this is their nature. And the not-Will and not-Love were still set with one not-intention born of not-Love, and that was to return to Uin, regain Uin, to recreate Uin, and so Paddomai not-travelled to the Everything that Uin was born during, back a day in time.

But Paddomai was not a person anymore, and their not-memories of Ald Uin did not-exist, but the Will was determined to create Ald Uin precisely, but all that could be gained through magic and mystery were the memories of the end of Ald Uin The Everything, and what it was like after that. [AND SO IT IS THAT]: Paddomai would always try to create Ald Uin exactly as they not-remembered it. Paddomai's Nothing was so big, that when Paddomai reached the shores of the new Everything, Paddomai had always been there, and became the Nothing that sparked possibility in the Everything, and eventually ate the new Everything just as Paddomai had eaten Uin The Last Everything, because Paddomai still not-Loved everything, and had such powerful not-Will, and had not-seen all Everythings from Dream.Sleeve. For Paddomai could not help but eat Everything, because this was how Paddomai not-remembered Ald Uin. And HIST had seen and still sees what Paddomai not-saw.

[AND SO IT WAS THAT]: Paddomai travelled from shore to shore, still not-searching for a way back to Ald Uin, for they could not become an Everything themselves, not-ghosting as an inanimate, empty zombie will with one not-purpose, travelling back the days of Dream.Sleeve time, carrying HIST on their back, and HIST would [[--REDACTED BY TOSH RAKA--]], and this is why HIST would create a soul for Paddomai in each Everything, so Paddomai could not-live again each time and again, searching for Ald Uin in Everything.

Paddomai has arrived to Jubal The Everything, who still falls through them like water to this day, [AND SO IT WAS THAT]: they went back to try to recreate Ald Uin in the shores of Anu The Everything and the Starry Heart, and the shores of Sinis The Everything and the Bladed Continent. And it is known that Paddomai is searching for the root of Everything at the first of the Godhead, not-searching for the way to get Ald Uin back. And Paddomai is lived through Jubal through the soul, SISOTHIS.

But as HIST knows and not-knows, it is not so easy to destroy an Everything the closer you get to Ald Everything, because the closer you get in Dream.Sleeve, the stronger the presence of AKA.VIRUS becomes, the shattered dragon that spread the Virus Of Time through Dream.Sleeve, and the shards of AKA.VIRUS grow stronger in our land, because TOSH RAKA has declared our land the center and heart of AKA.VIRUS.

[AND SO IT IS THAT]: We Post-Magic monks of HIST still to this day, on Paddomai's behalf, preach to end the worship of AKA.VIRUS present in today, to cease the worship of AKA.DRAGON (FOR: The only dragon worth worship is TOSH RAKA) and veneration of the bubbling Jills that parasite across the AKA.VIRUS's infection-radius, for in no shores is AKA.VIRUS stronger than in this land of dragons, where Jills mingle freely in the land of Ka.Po.Tun, protected by us from the rightful hunt of TSAESCI. The land and grass we walk on is a shattered piece of AKA.VIRUS

AKA.VIRUS is so strong here that the Star-Hearted of Tamri-El have named our land "Akavir" presumably in inspiration of our sickness, and it threatens that Paddomai might never recreate Ald Uin in Jubal as Paddomai has done in All Everything in the future and past, and might never Eat The Godhead as already prophecied by TSAESCI. And though the fact that Paddomai already has reached Anu The Everything and Beyond should, to the uneducated, mean that Paddomai has already Eaten Jubal, AKA.VIRUS's nature is to shatter, and the more AKA.VIRUS shatters, the less that Time may flow and make sense, and so Jubal exists on the shattered dragon uneaten while Paddomai is reaching the shores of Anu The Everything.

((--FREQUENT MISTAKE: It is not that Time is born of AKA.VIRUS, but it is that AKA.VIRUS infects Time and forces it to be carried on its skin, and breaks Time Again and Again--))

[AND SO IT IS THAT]: I, <Post-Magic Monk of the HISTic Order>: SOAH TANOK of the Ka.Po.Tun still, to this day, beseech of <First Dragon of Vivec>: TOSH RAKA to reconsider the quest of TSAESCI and SISOTHIS, and cure this land that belongs to <First Dragon of Vivec>: TOSH RAKA of AKA.VIRUS, and begin by killing the Jills and feeding them to TSAESCI, and ceasing the sick worship of AKA-