Ode to the All-Maker

By Ridsulf Wolf-Smasher

Oh, All-Maker: Mother-Father to gods,

Oh, All-Maker: keeping stasis against all odds.

Oh, All-Maker: God-Head and God-Child,

Oh, All-Maker: whose touch is beyond mild.

Oh, All-Maker: Ever Here and Never There,

Oh, All-Maker: trapped forever in Creation's snare.

Oh, All-Maker: Both Foe and Lover by the Adversary's hearth,

Oh, All-Maker: holding to Aka a staff and to Shor a sparth.

Oh, All-Maker: Lover of Man and Mer both,

Oh, All-Maker: just as much as Change you loath'.

Oh, All-Maker: Beyond Time and beyond Existence,

Oh, All-Maker: to blissful mortality you your Grandchildren sentence.

Oh, All-Maker: At death we deny our own entry into Shors Hall,

Oh, All-Maker: for we love only you, and we are the Skaal.