The Spectral Steed - From the Journal of Dawen Propheta, 16th of Sun’s Dawn, 4E203

often while playing, I'll have a mini-adventure that I tell myself I should write down/type out as a journal entry... then I keep playing, and by the time I save and quit, it's way past my bedtime, so I'll do it later. I finally decided to actually do it this time. I posted it to /r/Skyrim, but its current score is 0, and someone suggested I post here instead.

Journal of Dawen Propheta Turdas, 16th of Sun’s Dawn, 4E203

I am writing this from the comfort of my kitchen in Breezehome, here in Whiterun. I am beginning to regret that I do not carry paper and quill with me, so that I may better record happenings such as this. I shall be speaking with Belethor about changing this. In the meantime, I shall endeavor as best I can to recount the fascinating adventure which recently betided me.

Yesterday morning, I left Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead. The librarian at the College of Winterhold had asked me to retrieve a book from Treva’s Watch, and I had received word that there was a Stormcloak camp not far from the Watch, north of Sarethi’s Farm, which might be a fitting recipient of my particular brand of brutal marksmanship. I started on the road towards when I saw something that momentarily made me question my own senses.

I shall momentarily digress to recount something which occurred several months ago (before I began keeping this journal). I was emerging from Redoran’s Retreat after taking care of some bandits by request of Whiterun’s Jarl, when I saw what appeared to be a spectral visage of a horse and rider. They seemed to be heading north, but by the time I reached my horse to give chase, I lost sight of them. I can’t be sure, but the rider appeared to be missing his head. I later recounted the tale to Jenassa at The Drunken Huntsman, but I was on my fifth ale at this point, so I did not blame her for not believing me. By this point I wasn’t so sure I believed it myself.

Yet, yesterday morning, just outside of Ivarstead, I was now much more certain of it, for there I saw a spectral horse. There was no rider this time, and I had no way of knowing if this was the same beast I had seen before, but as I was already on my mount, I gave chase.

Almost immediately we were set upon by wolves. I dealt with them easily, and the equine spirit continued. Over the next hour we encountered another pack of wolves, and two great bears. At each encounter, the horse seemed annoyed rather than frightened; I suspect since it seemed to have no corporeal form, these animals were a mere irritation and delay, rather than threat.

I was so focused on my quarry that I was paying little attention to my surroundings, and was not completely aware of where I was, but suddenly I realized we were speeding through Riverwood. There were a few gasps and one scream (it sounded like Faendal, though I can’t be certain), but it all happened so fast I ponder that the witnesses would soon be questioning themselves as I had. Perhaps I’ll return there soon to tell the tale, perhaps not. Soon we were heading towards Whiterun. We passed some Imperial soldiers transporting a prisoner, and two of them drew their weapons, startled, when they first glimpsed this strange sight, but they somehow seemed to know that they were not in danger, and simply watched in amazement as we passed.

Soon we were passing the Whiterun stables, and then approaching the vicinity of Redoran’s Retreat, making me all the more certain of what I had seen before. Finally, the spectral steed halted, unceremoniously, at Hamvir’s Rest. I had passed there once before, while investigating Dustman’s Cairn, but had had no motivation to visit. I saw before me 13 graves, covered with stones and marked with decorated stones, 2 encaged sarcophagi, and a single standing sarcophagus. The horse was standing at the entrance, occasionally pawing at the ground, as if prompting me to investigate.

I dismounted and approached the cages, when I suddenly heard a distinct clatter of bones. I quickly drew my sword as 3 reanimated skeletons challenged me. They were no match for my blade, nor was the draugr which then emerged from the center sarcophagus, apparently to guard a nearby chest which contained a small amount of gold and some amulets, probably left as a tribute to the dead. When the battle was won, I glanced towards the entrance, and my strange companion had vanished.

I don’t know if my actions satisfied the spirit, or if simply visiting this site was its purpose, I only know that I somehow perceived that I would never see it again, almost as if it had been whispered to me.

I took the gold from the chest, but did not touch the baubles. I then left a ring of my own before closing the chest, placed a few mountain flowers on some of the graves, and mounted my steed to return to Whiterun, and to my bed.

I must soon make my way back towards Ivarstead to take care of the tasks which this event distracted me from. I think I will stop by the Huntsman, and if Jenassa is there I shall ask her to accompany me, and then, after the tasks, return to Hamvir’s Rest, so I can tell her the full story, in the proper setting, with no drink to cloud either of us.



I know not what will become of this journal. My life these last few years have been eventful to say the least, so I suspect my writings may end up in a collection somewhere, likely in the impressive College library. So, if this is being read by some aspiring adventurer or fledgling mercenary, I tell you this: question everything you see, but do not dismiss that which you cannot immediately confirm nor explain, it may be exactly what it seems to be, no matter how unlikely.


  • after finishing the first draft of this write-up I investigated and discovered that this was likely a glitch of some sort, as there are accounts of the headless horseman, but nothing about the horse by itself.

  • I had actually already encountered and killed the skeletons and draugr the day before this happened, but I felt the story was better as presented, since it was the way Bethesda intended it to unfold.

  • I did not speak with Belethor, that mofo's been dead for weeks.

  • I'm sorry if "betided" is too archaic, I originally had "befell", but realized that word is more appropriate for misfortune, and even though I've never used "betided" before in my life, it seemed like the best synonym in the context. also, I know "encaged" isn't actually a word, but it seemed better than "behind some wire grids".

  • I checked out Redoran's Retreat before heading back to Whiterun. The bandits had respawned, and since I'm more than tough enough to handle them (level 74), I toyed with the Chief and let him beat on me for a bit. Before I was done, I gained a skill level on my Heavy Armour, Block and Two-Handed. Nothing to do with the Horseman, really, just a fun postscript.