
...all was ANU, ANU WAS NOT, but ANU refused to accept that possibility. "AE ANU-BIS, AE AI!" ANU spoke, for he loved himself above all else. Therefore he in jealousy ate everything and became all he consumed. He consumed all that he once loved and all that he once hated. But ANU realized that he had not yet BECOME, so he wept. And out of his tears LOVE was born. LOVE reshaped ANU and ANU BECAME. "I name thee Amaranth, for that is what is, was, and will be!" LOVE said to ANU. ANU understood, and threw all that he had consumed up and shaped AURBIS. But AURBIS had no heart, so ANU threw LOVE into his creation - for what is a better heart than LOVE itself? Now AURBIS had a heart, but no brain. So ANU took off his own head and threw it into AURBIS - for what is a better brain that the very head of the Amaranth? Now AURBIS came to life. AURBIS stood up and gazed upon it's father, then AURBIS swallowed ANU - for what is better food than the Amaranth itself?

ANU in that moment died and became himself. Anu, mirror-child of ANU burst out from within himself. But Anu could no longer think or feel, only BE. Then LOVE, who on his own rage had become PADHOME approched Anu and they furiously made love. From this interaction two children were born, PADHOME named them ANUI-EL and SITHIS. ANUI-EL was bright and beautiful, but SITHIS was dark and foul. SITHIS was jealous of ANUI-EL, so SITHIS took the mantle of his father, PADHOME, by making love to her, against her will. ANUI-EL gave birth to many children, these were the ET'ADA. The first of the ET'ADA was AURI-EL, who was near identical to his mother ANUI-EL. The second was LKHAN, who was like his father SITHIS in all ways. AURI-EL was happy with his existence and wanted no change, but LKHAN hated what he WAS/WAS NOT. LKAN wanted more that the nothing the lived in. LKHAN then went to AURI-EL and asked: "Is this existence not boring, do you not wish for more?" AURI-EL agreed,but he loved all of his brothers and sisters and wanted no harm to them. "What propose you?" answered AURI-EL. "Creation" LKHAN answered back. "Spread he word that we shall create a world for ourselves where we can live forever in eternal bliss." AURI-EL did as LKHAN asked. All of his brothers agreed to help in this goal, all except sixteen. "Why would we use our power to create?" they said to AURI-EL...

...When AURI-EL had gathered all of their willing brothers and sisters LKHAN spoke to them: "You have all gathered here to create paradise, to be able to have all. you have come for NU-MANTIA - freedom!". All of the ADA present cheered for LKHAN. LKHAN them told then to infuse their power into...

...died, Magnus, greatest of the younger ADA took his followers from their sanctuary in LYG and fled LKHAN's realm. These became the MAGNA-GE: Star Orphans. Among these star orphans...