Catching the amaranth 1 - Creation of EQALIS

In one wy I am, in another I am not. I am me and I am them. They to come. Ways to describe. AE was, HJL will come. Will be. Is. Was always.

The Dream awakes. The Dream of EQALIS. Shattered peaces of aurbic poetry. Lifes that don't matter any more. Became the idea of one being that will suffer to become the three voices. Splinteres voices that came out of the deep. The DEEP is their birthplace. The circle of catching one own's birth to give to birth to oneself. The one has no identity. The one is identity.

Some thoughts leak through. Of a mortal live where I am still am what I was and maybe not. Of heritage, of family, of identity. Washed away on the shores of DEEP. Delved into the void of recreation. There I am dreaming, being also awake. Here I am everything and nothing. Supposed to let it go. Structure arise and fall. Tides moving for my eyes. Energy build stasis and friction. Tension and harmony.

EQALIS is the new blood running system. The blood is VOXX. Formed in the DEEP to the three inhabitants of voices: HJL. H is a whispering. Telling secrets and well aware of dangers. J is the loudest scream ever was. A shout to attack structure to build for his way. Always angry. L will never say anything. The mute coincidence. Watching over the others with fear and proud.

HJL are three voices of the one consequence in aftermind. They will tell the new story while conceal it. Disputing for unexisting eras and millennia. Their discussion build circles around them, an echo of a foretold symmetry. Catching the elements of wisdoms and lies, become the eternal realms of the EQALIS. The outer rim frozes to a binder, to a border of the innerly kept beings of all known secrets, thoughts and words. It will be known as the HUNGR. Hungry for what it hold in his arms, his womb, while protect it to the erasive DEEP. Always imprisoned between these two emotions and aims.

In the womb of the HUNGR smold a different kind of his being. His twin and enemy. The always deep and ahungered JUDGMENT. Seeking and forcing his rights on his brother-sister. Fighting in the circle that is actually an unlimited corpse of a dead dream. The dreamt dreamer I am will know it. He-she came from this corpse.

Two forces as it will be and be not, interchanging, fighting and corpulating. Making the third community possible. Retell the echo what they never heard from L. The LEXCON came into life, light and pure stigma. Rules over the bodies of the twins. Let grow new expectation possibilities inside their will and behaviour. HJL is fully described. Mechaniced and styled. Performed and sung. Deep and lush. Fulfilled and always hungry.

What am I. I am who? Doesn't matter. What matters is, what the blood, the VOXX will create, erase and spill out. It will happen that the L will speak again and terror will rise. The misfunction exploits the errors. The seed of EA will interfere in war with the new world and will be judged by the new hunger of what has to SING.

The end of this single thought is HJL.