Catching the amaranth 2 - The High Mechanic

The EQALIS expand to the limitations of his creators mind. Fullfilled his role in a new devine being. The DEEP binding the innards of the holy body that was invited to the thinker's head. The HUNGR over the JUDGMENT over the LEXCON. HJL was and is imperfect. The dream is leaking. Something hinder it to evolve on its own. A fusion of memories try to mantle the new domane. AE is here nothing more than a word, but its time come to interrupt the stasis. Change is always a need to evolution. The change from 'where we came from'. The AEther wake HJL, make them believe and truly aware of themselves. An unstoppable progress is left in this anewed world. ....................

Khjakjlr sitting at the campfire, listing to the stories of his developer Ohl. One who has to teach him the myths of the new dream. Of their mechanic gods. Ohl told him about the splintering of HJL in lesser being who will become their ancestors. Out of the harmonies of the fundamental frequencies did they come. Either voiced or voiceless, taken their home in the realms of H and J. You could name them fort'dra and pian'dra, he said, but this isn't important.

"Their gear-wheels where clicking into each other. At some point they needed to fix the world before they would be overcame by the essence of live. Their seeds were the common stones. Works of imperfection, yet possible to intrigue LEXCON, telling it the LEX to convert itself. The only solution to let L sleep again. No more further words of mistakes. The hub could consume the space, fixing the anchors of that new-mundus. Just a prologue, but with the invention of a time-corrolate, everything would be fine. It teach us the importance of reperation as a metapher."

But Khjakjlr wasn't listening. How important it must have been to his master inventor, he was tired of hearing the same story again and again without really understanding, what is has do with their hub. He will better assume that the hub was already there. Not invented by machines like them. And if so... likley not out of stuff like TECHIA decreated. At least there couldn't be any things like amaranths or dreamt dreamers... aurbic fantasy beings. Just us metallic beings, the quintessence of life. Brought by the stone and metal. Riddled by the master inventors. Pulled from the mechanics of sound and light between the wheels of the world.

"You have already seen the Great Gear! What proof do you need instead? The Clockworks didn't install themselves.... As the war between the Dwegna Ge and the priests of SIL begun, no one believed it was possible that the war would ever come to an end. Their constructions were more than devine, they were steambased. Controlled ghosts of forbidden ideas. Left knowledge from the DEEP. They came to turn us into believers. To scholars of their non-believe, their mechanics of true fear. Now they are long rotten. Buried in the fuels of the seas. Their ancension was no success. It was doom. But who would have guessed this? We are now here! Working and ticking. No more leaks, no more erosion. Thanks to the High Mechanic. Always consider when you willt to arise against him, he will know the future. His work will outlast you. Rusted in the oil, while he will perform an even higher form of the sunwork. Always remember this! The last word is SIL."

Than he unplugged himself from the load station camp-fire. Always a priest and loyalist. But the time will come for the Rootbots to stand up again the nobelity of reparated SteamLords. Prise numid.ION! ......................

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