CHIM and How it Relates to the End of the Amaranth

A thought just popped into my head about CHIM and existence, at least in the context of 'existence as a living dream'.

First I'd like to lay down my (pretty limited) understanding of things to give context. The way I've seen it described, CHIM is the true realisation of the whole existence, the individual and the individual's place within existence (realising one is in a dream), such that said individual is able to fundamentally define and exert themselves within and upon existence (taking conscious control of the dream). When the world is described as a dream, I tend to think of kalpas and amaranths as new dreams to varying degrees (kalpas being the series of dreams you may have in a given period of sleep, and amaranths being entirely new periods of sleep). This is probably not wholly accurate, as I haven't quite managed to get a good definition of either in my head, but it probably won't matter too much.

CHIM and Lucid Dreaming

So the parallels between CHIM and lucid dreaming are obvious and not exactly ground-breaking in their revelation, but the implications of CHIM's existence, at least from my experience, would be somewhat apocalyptic. If anyone has ever dreamed lucidly, you're likely to have noticed how difficult it is to maintain without waking up once you realise what's going on. You can't exert to much influence or else your concious mind overrides everything, the dream ends and you wake up. To spit-ball for a second, I think the reason for this is that exerting too much control over the dream (ie creating things out of nowhere, giving your dream self crazy powers, etc.) causes the brain to realise the inherent inconsistency with real life and conclude that the things happening are just a dream. It's also worth noting that lucid dreams tend to happen towards the end of sleep, when the brain is starting to enter the waking state and become more conscious.

CHIM: A Quick and Easy Way to Become Almost-God

Now apply this to existence as a dream and several implications could be made. Someone achieving CHIM would imply that that person has become the dreamer's dream self and as such has almost become one with the dreamer. I say almost because they are more of an avatar at this point, acting mostly on their own accord based on their own dream logic, separate from the dreamer. It like how in a dream, 'your' actions, decision and logic are somewhat removed from what you would do in real life. Your experiencing the dream through this avatar which acts as a kind of facsimile of yourself within the dream. That's all well and good, but there are yet more implications.

How to Achieve FTL Travel: Step 1: Achieve CHIM Step 2: Go faster than light because CHIM Step 3: ??? Step 4: End the world and become God

So what would happen if said person exerted too much influence within the dream? As in a lucid dream, the dreamer mind would twig that something would be amiss. This person, while an avatar, still exists within the dream and its logic sphere, so thus should still operate by its rules. Because they aren't, this must mean that the avatar exists outside of the dream while still being inside it. Obviously that shit doesn't fly. No matter what bizarro laws the universe operates on, they're still laws. They are what defines that existence as real. Breaking any of those laws (say moving at the speed of light whilst having mass in our universe), therefore denies the realness of that existence, and thus existence itself. Because the dreamer was experiencing this universe, it had to be something, just not a real thing. The dreamer mind concludes that the dream is a dream, and thus can't be real, and therefore doesn't exist, causing the dream to implode and disappear in puff of logic. It is at this point that the CHIMer (I can't think of a better word) is absorbed into dreamer mind as they could not have been anything else at that point. To summarise, someone who has achieved CHIM could end the world by simply going too fast (faster than the universe's fundamental speed).

CHIM and the End of the World

The final implication, and the first one that I actually came here to talk about before all the above nonsense rudely cut the queue, is how the very existence of CHIM is pretty much the death knell of the amaranth, god-headed upstarts notwithstanding, as its existence turns the dream into a lucid one. If you remember, lucid dreams only really seem happen in the final stages of sleep when the brain begins to wake up, so are therefore signs that the sleep is ending. Scaling that up we can surmise that CHIM being achieved is sign that the current amaranth is ending, which to anyone involved is basically synonymous with the world is ending. It may or may not be by the hands of someone with no better sense, but no matter what, the dreamer has to wake. That's not to say CHIM=the end of the world, simply that CHIM implies the end of the world.

So there we go: my rambling, semi-lucid, and likely totally misguided thoughts on this whole CHIM business. It's getting on for 3am and my head started to hurt about half way through this so I'm going to call it at that.