Elements: Structure in Magicka and Atronachs

In many stories magic come in many forms, especially in an elemental way. TES give us there just three options: fire, ice... and storm? Why is that so I wonder? Fire is one dominant and ice is an opponent. Storm being clearly pure energy. So: concentration and temperature are the key words. It seems that magic has a degree, but only to its destructive order. And only if taken literally trenched together to a fine line, it even becomer more destructive.

I personally set magicka as free flowing (aetherial) creatia. And creatia seems to be possible to anything, just limited and interpreted through the user (and his own 'elements'?). It would be quite interesting to know more about that processes to see what are the mortal laws for magicka use beside mere live force and teaching meanings.

I always asked myself if there really no way for other elemental magics like water and earth. And to what interpretations would that lead? If we look at atronachs, we have personified types of elemental magic. They kind of consists of these elements seperatly and can use them, with and without sentience. Are they manifested totems of the powers, created through raw creatia (see below)? Air atronachs are said to merge the three forces to one ('chaos magic').

>So, fire+ice+storm=air

>or, balanced temperature and energy -> more powerful element?

We could also take the attempt to build the elements seperatly up. What has all of the temperature change and loads of energy to do with each other? They come together at one point: weather. So air atronachs using 'weather magic' of some kind. Sounds rather than an origin to split from as the opposite to me. At yet it remember me on the time as it began to rain in the world...

That drag me directly to another possible force, linked to weather: Water. And we know how powerful water can be, water consist even all the memory of nirn. Memory magic? But who has used the magic to control the oceans in some way through storms? The maormer did that quite effectivly, only hitten by the psijic monks with the same weapon, I think. Only a more increased version. Maybe they learned the real concept behind the elements.

But far as we know there is no water atronach. Intrigued me to guess that the function of water is more 'elemental' (!) than the others, being a big constant. I personally would keep up with my own theory of the 'water of mundus' being the same as the waters of oblivion, being raw creatia/magicka (-> azure plasm). So, more of an increaser, a binding conduit? To feed the power? Even working with lost memory of destroyed knowledge as a fuel?

What is left? The Uesp keep a note about rarely seen stone atronachs. Than, what is special about stone in TES? I dunno. Maybe it is related to Y'ffre and the earthbones of some way. And as I think about this... wasn't there in ESO a quest, where it happens that the aspects of the earthbones were corrupted. Iirc, it were earth, water and air (?). They seem to me almost as mundane versions of the atronachs. There we go again:

>Air (the fire/ice/storm combo)

>water (the fuel of memory)

>earth (the unknown one, maybe stability)

And yeah, I thought about the spriggans as avatars of all three. Plant-like they have a connection to the elements as their sources. Are they 'perfect avatars' of that principle? Could be or could be not.

In any case, all connect to a powerfull mass. The ingredients for refined creatia/magicka? The stormy air (power, possibilities) with water (fuel/ instructions) to the weather account (influence). Now adding earth (control/stability), the unrelenting force of nature - both great at change and responsibility? I don't have any real idea of this result. Different sides of the same law?

Neither know I yet the consequences of the mortal or aurbic laws. What do you think of might broad account on the touchy thing?

EDIT: Recognized that clouds (->weather) are linked through lightnings with the earth

2nd EDIT: Remember the analogy of ocean and sky as mirrors? Same influence/force so?