Five Year War - The Skirmish near Dune

Reaper's March, southwest of Rawl'Kha - 3E395

J'Khal was hiding. Hiding in the shadows of the trees. Always waiting for an attempt to attack, but he has to await the special signal for that. They are not the primary force in this plan, not the primary ones to attack and defend if it will come to a battle. And he was almost sure it will come that way. Not noticed yet, they will rise fast to us when the bosmeri see their beloved trees burning. The dagi could it smell just right from here, a few miles back, the sky turning a little red, but mostly deep gray from the smoke. If he would be a greenlover, than he would probably hear the oaks scream of pain. But he was just a dagi, and a loyal khajiit as well of course.

But loyality was not the main reason for him to took over to this unnamed war over the boarder, as his clan mother would have suggest. But in some other way, she was and is right. His family, his clan is the most important part and he would be glad to defend them. Their primary aim was it instead to irritate the foes enough to out their eyes on this zone, sending forces from the original war place far more in the south.

Of course, he was afraid what that means for his actually home place, not far away, nearby Dune. But his folk was right to not accept this murder, this masacre on his people. The slaughter of Torval was just now a new word of terror. The reason are left behind for this action, now they are on war, even this little dagi here. They were sent to distract the bosmeri army to split, making another war point, weakening them with putting their holy symbols on fire.

So, they were now on the other side of the Xylo, no sound in the wild except frightend birds, flighing from their abandoned nests. Some howling back there, but nothing else. The Suthay- and Cathay-raht marching further with torches in their hands, some with a grim smile in their face. J'Khal would disagree with this if they weren't on the the same side. Now he was needed as they are, ready to take claw and teeth it has to be. Was he even shivering? Just in his mind...

In a sudden moment, a few khajiits were impaled with arrows out of nowhere. The dagi hold his breath in shock, don't daring to let it loose again. He was like a rigid statue, observing the beginning fight on the ground. Fast as they could, the fellow soldiers holding up wooden shields to deflect the rain of following arrows, leaving the fallen comrades back behind.

J'Khal couldn't see the origins of the foreign attacks in the trees, good hiding. Were it even Jaqspur? He just tried to not move again, but can't hold the statue-like form any longer. With a tiny relaxing he was now aware of the point that the invinsible enemy couldn't see them as well. They were hidden enough, using the higher branches who cannot carry a weight of a bosmer. An known advantage of the dagi-kind, being little and light enough for that sort of guerilla-tactics.

The fight on the ground became more and more a grounded battle with frustated bosmeri joining the play of death at the floor. Swords against claws, already in favor of the khajiit. But there were yet these archerer, forcing them to use the shield further, which were to heavy to move. Now it would time for the plan B. And the dagi hearing effect a sound from a music instrument - giving place for... than he realize that is was the wrong appell, followed by the surprise attack of the hidden Ohmes in their backs.

The seconds tearing his soul apart, the tension was touchable. If the signal wouldn't come, the Ohmes would die in the arrow rain and the two-fronts-battle would be effectivly over. J'Khal was waiting and waiting. Nothing happend. The Ohmes tried to avoid the air attacks both with the melee, both slowly becoming trapped within the own trap. A few were alread lying dead on the ground with crystal eyes. The dagi couldn't wait any longer on the failed signal. Furred fellows were dying right know!

He used the flexibility of the branch to jump in the next tree, appearing with heart beating fear between the surprised range fighters. Why was he jumping here in the first place? Before he could take up that thought, he was supported with magical attacks from his dagi team members. It rained fire among the archerers and just after that, J'Khal used his own destruction skills to bath them in fire and lightning. Burned and screaming were they falling to the ground.

The favors were swapped again. The Ohmes were eased as they realized that a won ground again. As the next archerers were falling out of sky seemingly, it took away their honor and worry about their trees. The most left soldiers were already leaving as fast as they could, just followed by some Senche under the eased laughing of the whole pack.

J'Khay joined them with a dry and raspy voice, yet stressed by the uneasy event behind him. They did it, the plan functioned, but he was sure that it was just the beginning. His doubt about the war was planted, but now he was just happy to join with his group, celebrating before burying the fallen ones.