Five Year War - Downburn of Athay

Near village Athay, along the coast of the Strid River - 3E397

The sea was still and at peace. Nothing foreshadows what is about to happen next. The unknown official are sitting in the lower deck, taking a short rest while the trip to Arenthia. Captain Seeron sighed. He could count the things he would like to do instead of shipping this fat bosmeri along the coast. But he also the official order of the king in his hand. He had to deliver this living fright for chance to end the war. He should dispute arrangement with the Khajiits in the north, at least making the war less big as it is supposed to be now.

One can jsut ask why they seem to lose this war at all or who started it, but that was never a matter to the captain. All he wanted was to do his trades like always. If the trade flowerates with the Khajiit in charge, why not? Yes, he seems not be very loyal at all, but at least an order of the king is an order of the king, no matter how he will see politics. For such a trouble Seeron is more of a little number to stand up against such deal, not being a tiny bit noble. The only thing that terrifies him is, that it had to going to fast, meaning to stop boarding the goods on the ship, meaning lesser profit for him and his crew. Damn that king not even giving him a compensation for that lost money!

The strid river at least was happy as always, keeping his proud ship 'the Anchor' on course. A funny name, but it just means what it means: not coming far from course. Yes, he could be a better captain among the abecain sea, but he loves it at peace, just following this river for two decades now without being bored. The money is stable as are the waters here. Even in the war they have nothing fear of at this coast. They will never come this close, he believes. Now, as Seeron thought about... there is this little village close and the official is sleeping. What about a detour to rise his money a bit? The captain smiled as he gave the orders.

Now, with coming closer to the rough, but green coast Seeron remembered the name of the settlement: Athay. Just another coast-point with few inhabitants. Loyal bosmeri fishers like everyone. He know the major and had often stopped here for the god crabs and shrimps from here. A nice tip, almost a secret. It will be his own benefit for the unessecary trip. In his mind he could easlily imagine the taste and the smell of the sea food. A deserved snack indeed...

Suddenly his mind changed as the wind brought another smell to his nose. Smoke? How could this be... than he saw it. Big clouds out of black smoke, seeking its way to the open sea, coloring the sky dark as night. As fast as he could he demand to bring him a spy-glass. They have no crow's nest, because they never needed one. In the lense was horror and the captain almost didn't trust his eyes. The town was on fire, burnt already to the ground, turned to ashes und dusts. He stood still, trying to understand what that means. Where are the residents? The major... Soldiers, anyone? What...

His frigthened thought ending with an arrow shot a half foot to the left at him. There were Khajiit standing on the harbour-side! With tensed bows in their hands? What..? More arrows followed the first and only now he listened to what his comrades trying to tell him. They were shooting with burning arrows! The 'anchor' had already started to burn on herself, forcing herself to be a torch. Seeron was overstrained by managing this attack, giving the orders to draw back to the distence, but it was already to late. He hearing screams from hitten and burning crew members, jumping to the waters.

His ship was lost, this whole trip was cursed from the beginning! The only thing coming to his mind right now was more loyal that every thing in his past live. If he couldn't stop the attack nor winning the battle, the captain had a chance to stop the war. Seeron ran with all his possible strenght to the lower deck, already screaming to wake the official, who looked confused. But there was no time to explain anything, Seeron took him along with himself, right to the unattacked side of the ship. Now was no time for fighting but for surviving.

They jumped together as the ship collapsed, breaking down in two parts with a horrible noice. Water welcomed them, brushing against their skin and Captain Seeron could convince himself to believe that he fullfilled his promise the king, being a hero at last. Then it came to his mind, that he can't swim....

>Sorry for my English! I am no native...