Colovian Identity: A Guide for Lore, RP, and Writing

Hey there everybody, Zinitrad here again. I've been working on something for myself for a week now, and I felt like sharing it with you guys. Basically I decided to sit down and mash together all I know about cyrodiilic culture, geography, and peoples as its been depicted in game, forums, and in my own nonsense, starting with Colovia. The result is this long document, providing details on Colovian culture, religion, peoples, and the geography of the rugged western highlands. I hope you all find it interesting, and hopefully useful for at least one or two of you.


Who are colovians? Colovians are the inhabitants of western Cyrodiil. There are different subethnicities and cultures of colovians, but nowhere near as much variety as fellow manish cultures. They are the dominant population of the cities of Sarchal, Stirk, Chorrol, Skingrad, Kvatch, Anvil, and Sutch. Ethnically their roots lie in the ancient ethnic mixing pot that was ayleid slave stock, which included nedes from the western plains and hills, the eastern river systems, the Kreath, and the edge of the Deadlands. They were the freedslaves that went west both independently and to serve under/work for the nordic mercenaries who had been granted those lands by Alessia for their services in the revolution. These nords were an extreme minority, and while they shaped the culture and language of the early colovians significantly they rather quickly were absorbed into the culture being created. Early noble individuals like Rislav Larich, despite his completely colovian name, would have been either a significant part nordic or mostly nordic in ethnicity. Very few modern colovians have significant nordic blood despite the undeniably nord descended culture, aside from those living in the northern highlands in and around Chorrol, or those south in Skingrad. The climate simply is not preferrable to nords, and most who do live there find the summers uncomfortably warm. Bretons and Redguards have both extensively interbred with the populace, and influenced culturally both through linguistics and the adoption of certain traditions, foods, ways of dress, etc. Breton blood runs in a large portion of the population of places like anvil, the southern highlands, and the lands around skingrad and sarchal. Redguard blood is significant in Sutch and Kvatch, with many individuals who consider themselves colovian mistakeable for redguards. Bosmer also make up a notable portion of colovian society- in cities like Anvil and in places throughout the southern highlands, 'civilized' colovian-culture Bosmer make up large minorities of the population. As with all of cyrodiil there are relatively large minorities of all of Tamriel's peoples here, but they do not significantly contribute to the shape of colovian culture.

The subdivisions of colovian ethnicity, while increasingly becoming homogenized under both colovian desire for unity and monoculturalism and the third era empires pushes to monoculturalise the tamrielic peoples, are as follows:

Highlander (Torellians)-the once nomadic and a large portion ethnically nordic people of the northern highlands

Bretonics- The subdivision commonly found throughout the highlands in village enclaves, significantly breton in ethnicity

Waldics-The people of the weald, eastern southern highland, and a significant portion of the larger great forest villages; they are as close to multicultural as the colovians get, absorbing facets of nibenese culture through proximity and trade.

Kvetchi-A people of the southern highland and the long dry plateau bordering Hammerfell. They have interbred significantly with the Redguards, and are the majority in Kvatch and Sutch.

Abeceans- The people of the Gold Coast and the island of Stirk.

Colovian culture:

Colovians are rigid and strict, and emphasize godliness, efficiency, honor, pragmatism, honesty (to the point of sometimes lacking tact), and loyalty as virtues.  Their honor codes commonly involve things such as the respect to sovereignty outside of formal war (which is glorified and viewed as honorable in itself), proper treatment of prisoners, respect to those in positions of power, and a few odd things like the refusal to use magic of any kind in one on one combat unless the opponent establishes it as allowed by using it first- magic is seen as cheap and dishonest, and if the opponent does not consent to the use of magic against him, it is dirty combat to use it.  Service is an important virtue to the colovians, especially military service.  Colovians make up the majority of legion soldiers and nearly all of its commanders, alongside nords and orcs.  Many of Colovia's families consider themselves military families, at least their eldest son almost always joining the legion to continue the family's legacy.

Colovians value religion above all other things. Unlike the nibenese and the heartlanders, mainstream colovia worships the eight or nine divines alone, and views the worship of other gods as foolish, being useless, backwards, pointless, and self detrimental at the best (yoku gods, nordic gods, green pact) and devious blasphemy at the worst (the veneration of daedra). They do not worship the saints, but rather aspire to them, viewing the saints of the temple as individuals who lived as the nine would desire. They often refuse to acknowledge the more mythic aspects of many saints, preferring non-deifieng mundane heroics to the miraculous and metaphysical favored by the nibenese. As such, individuals like Reman are often discussed not as the child born from a hill with the amulet on his brow, but as one of Tamriel's greatest emperors and generals and the man who recovered the amulet of kings (while viewing the sexual aspects of the stories as just reflections of his kinky predelictions, which are just better to be left unspoken). The only real exceptions are Alessia, Pelinal, and Morihaus, who while still not worshipped in cults are held a stage higher than the other saints and accepted when it comes to the mythic sides of their stories. (Morihaus as a winged bull- though colovians prefer to interpret this as a winged minotaur than a literal bull with wings- for example). They view the nibenese way of venerating the nine to be backwards and blasphemous, and as drug addled sermons given by uncivilized and superstitious tribals.

Though Colovians often use more nordic names for gods, like Shor instead of Shezarr or Kyne instead of Kynareth, they do not worship the nordic gods. They simply refer to the nine by different names.

While Nibenese worship is varied in how it is practiced, Colovian worship is fairly uniform, and for its simplicity the style that is often instituted at missions to the divines in Valenwood, Auridon, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Skyrim, and Morrowind. Colovian cities and towns favor having only a few temples per settlements, preferrably one, where sermons are delivered on the virtues of the divines, the stories of saints and their values told, and selected portions from religious texts read. Congregations gather to these temples usually once a week, sometimes in groups on different days of the week if the entirety of the town cannot fit at one time. Despite this the temples remain open at all times, in case an individual feels the need to be with the divines, whether they are in need of comfort or guidance or have sins to disclose.

Colovian architecture and aesthetics are for the most part simple and pragmatic, involving little unnescessary decoration. Tapestries and art usually depict things like historical events, often in simple and straightforward ways. In tapestry woven solely for decoration it is common to see repetitive and simple patterns composed of repeating right angles, perhaps with a single more floral design accentuating it. Colovian weapons and armor are rarely specially decorated or fanciful, with the exception of a few iconic things like the ridge crest upon helmets, 'gladiator' helmets, the scutum (both in smaller oval forms and the large rectangular tower form), or the occasional musculatum breastplate. Colovian clothes are simple, using the cheapest dyes if not the natural color and simple fabrics, like cotton, wool, and flax. Noblemen and the wealthy dress surprisingly humble compared to men of equal positions across tamriel, wearing perhaps a single simple monocolored garment of eastern silk alongside simple (if well fitted and tailored) pieces. Jewelry is often limited to unpatterned rings or amulets, with perhaps a single cut gemstone. In the north and during the winter the colovians dress in furs, made from the coats of beavers, bears, mountain lions, and river otters. The many varieties of sleek fur hats and coats are one of the few places where colovia has the rest of tamriel beat on fashion, and are relatively common among colovian exports. (think Ushankas, fur Toques, Subaras, Shtreimels, Papakhas, Karvalakkis, and of course, the 'Colovian Fur Helm'.)

Common Colovian crops include various grains like barley and wheat, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, apples, grapes, carrots, spices like basil, and especially corn. Domesticated farmed animals include cows, horses, pigs, chicken, sheep, and goats. Beer, brandy, cognac, wine, whiskey, mead, and vodka are all commonly brewed, the wine especially. Much of the grape vineyards of the weald lying in the lands between skingrad and sarchal are utterly devoted to the production of wine.

Colovian identity revolves around being the sword and shield of the imperials, and also the opposition to the percieved moral degeneracy of the east, protecting cyrodiil with might against threats without, and by humble, morally righteous, and godly way of life protecting it from the eastern threat within.

Colovians very often feud against each other, being almost as bad as High Rock in the manner by which its lords frequently enter into armed conflict with each other. However, it is all done by a strict and respected set of social rules on proper and polite means of declaring and perpetrating war, and an attack from outsiders upon any one of the lords of Colovia will almost always draw the ire of the other lords and drive many to ally in the attacked lords defense, even if they were in opposition to each other.

Regions of Colovia:

The Northern Highlands

The Northern Highlands are the northernmost portion of Colovia, and its borders are formed by the Jerall mountains to the north and west, the beginnings of the central floodplains to the southeast, a noticeable decrease in the ruggedness of the hills to the south. The eastern central side of the highlands is the location of Chorrol, on the edge of the northwestern tip of the great forest and in a large valley between large hills, bordering the reach of the floodplains. Within sight from Chorrol the hills rise up into the rugged mountain hills of the southern Jeralls, and to the north the jagged and mighty mountains. These rocky, rolling, densely packed hills are riddled with wide valleys and rainwater rivers, and before the founding of chorrol was the home of the local nomad freedslaves, the Torellians, who by the third era are all but gone as a culture . The Torellians lives revolved around the hills, with each tribe or family claiming a hill as a home hill, bearing its names and burying their dead their. The Torellian tombs are extensive and exist in the hundreds across the hills and mountains, and range from simple caves in which coffins have been placed to more nordic cairns to extensive and elaborate mausoleums. Few ethnic Torellians today bear hill names still (names like Sessildor and Cuptor and Hassildor), and fewer still bury their dead at their family tombs.

The valley around chorrol is filled with fields and breweries dedicated to the production of beer- the establishment of which was the reason that hill nomads founded a city in a valley in the first place.  Beer is the favored beverage of the torellian highlands, and most beers across Colovia are brewed in the Chorradorallen valley.  Chorrol is known for two things in colovia- its great and ancient oak, and its annual drinking festival celebrating the passing of the year, the continuation of an old nomad celebration dedicated to Arkay.
The northern highlands are also the site of Sancre Tor, a site which is holy ground to both the colovian and nibenese, and which draws many pilgrims from the niben to its location every year.
The primary peoples who inhabit the northern highland in large minorities (10-20%) are cyro-nords, bretonic colovians, torellians, heartlanders, and surprisingly enough, Dunmer.  Chorrol has large enclaves of Dunmer, larger still after the refugees of red mountain.  Orcs are also found here, many of whom are or are descended from northern orcs who served in the legion, settled in Cyrodiil, and found the Cyrodiilic north to be comfortable.

reference pictures a tomb in the mountainside narrow valleys run throughout jagged hills closer to hammerfell the hills become mountainous rock hills Chorrol the southern sides and sides approaching the great forest are a little less jagged

The Great Forest

The Great Forest, along with a slow but steady rise in elevation, is one of the primary features that marks the generally accepted border between the heartlands and colovia. The old Cyrodiilic name for this forest is rather grim: The Massiqueran Mors, which translates roughly to 'the Forest of Massacre', though more accurately to 'The Forest of Frequent Violent Conflicts', named so for all the skirmishes that have taken place in and around it, from the feuds of colovian lords to the vicious conflicts between the 1st era west and east to the struggles of rival warlords seeking to march on a second era Imperial Isle. No cities lie here, but many villages and towns do, occupying clearings within the woods or offering those traveling through the woods to colovia a place to rest, or in the case of Hackdirt, avoiding the outside world within the seclusion provided by dense woodland. The people here are primarily waldics, heartlanders, cyro-nords, and bretonics.

reference pictures Deep forest is dark and foreboding numerous clearings home to villages smaller clearings common trees densely packed

The Weald

The Weald is the name of the region between the hills bordering Elsweyr and the great forest that seperates them, which transitions to the east into wetlands until finally becoming one with nibenay. In ancient ayleid times the weald's forests covered its entirety and stretched across to the Strid where it bordered the Valenwood. However, when the nord mercenary lords and their freedslave subjects settled the west, they gathered their lumber from the weald, establishing the hilltown of Skingrad atop a high hill to oversee, alongside other small villages. Skingrad blossomed as the forest around it was cut down and hauled across colovia, and when Belharza established the first roads connecting colovia to the east, he chose to pierce the weald and bring the road past Skingrad on the way to larger cities like anvil and kvatch. Skingrad continued to grow, and by the mid first era and enveloped the road, overtaking it. By the late first era the Weald was in the state its in today, with the ancient oaks all chopped down and leaving only hill valleys and smaller trees. This barren western weald would become, alongside the space between Skingrad and Sarchal, the site of the vast majority of colovia's wine production, where wine is as much a way of life as it is a trade good.

The Waldics are the colovian peoples who are native to this area, and are often considered to be the most colorful and varied of the colovian peoples- even if that just means they occasionally wear reds and blues rather than browns and greys. The weald's status as the gateway to the east exposed them to eastern culture and traditions, and while the majority of them have been ignored, some are retained.  Skingrad has been home to many colovian artists and playwrights, its people often wear silk, cults are for the most part ignored, and dishes like the nibenese rice noodles have made their way through in the form of noodles made from more familiar grains, usually served covered in thick sauces.  
Though not technically in the Weald, Skingrad's sister city Sarchal, located not far to the northwest, on the eastern edge of the southern highlands, is worth mentioning.  Like Skingrad, Sarchal is located in wine country, as indicated by the vineyards spread throughout the highlands around it.  Sarchal is the one city in Colovia who's primary inhabitants are the bretonic colovians, and it is there that the majority of varieties of colovian cheeses and wines (like their brandies and cognacs) have been invented, fueled by the breton cultural love of food.
The primary peoples of the weald and Skingrad are Waldics, Cyro-Nords, Bretonics, West Valley Nibenese, and Wood Elves, the majority of whom worship the nine and embrace waldic traditions and mannerisms.
Skingrad is also the seat of the Duke of Colovia, who resides in a great manor within the city.

reference pictures the castle of skingrad a farm village vineyards dot the weald said vineyards are numerous and extensive border with Elsweyr divided by rocky spires eastern weald is wet and thickly forested

The Southern Highlands

The Southern Highlands are the location of the majority of Colovia's population, and the second largest region following the Northern Highlands. It is bordered by The Weald and the Great Forest on the east, the Gold Coast to the west, The River Strid and the forests of Valenwood to the south, and the plateau dividing the deadlands from cyrodiil to the north. It's geography is varied but for the most part consists of gently rolling hills and plains with great rocky hills scattered throughout, atop which the locals have historically built their towns. Spires and plateaus of limestone and granite dot the countryside, the largest of which (not counting the one seperating the border, which stretches on longways for hundreds of miles and in width dozens) is the great plateau atop which the whole of the city of Kvatch has sat since the early first era. Small but dense copses are everywhere, and much of the plains and smaller hills are covered in farm, huge fields devoted to nothing but corn or wheat or potato. It's southern edge along the Strid is in some places overgrown forest, the life of Valenwood sprawling out a mile or too inland across the river. It is home to two cities, Kvatch in its west and Sarchal in its east, not far from Skingrad.

The city of Kvatch itself was founded early in the first era, the Nordic mercenary lords finding the massive plateau upon which it sits to be the ideal location for a fortress.  The great mesa is over 300 feet tall, with sheer cliffs on all sides that are almost impossible to scale.  Though not at all a regular shape, the table is a little over a mile and a half in diameter, capable of holding the entirety of the city comfortably and only being accessible by the winding path that zig zags up its irregular southern face.  The city was so secure merely by its insiegable geography that only the southern face of the table, near the location of the original walled fortress and its feudal dwellings that blossomed outwards to cover the whole surface over the ages, is walled.  The rest is left unwalled, with residences placed all the way to the very precarious edge.
The architecture is a strange blend of both the tightly packed uniform stone houses on cobble streets favored by the hilltown peoples of both the Weald and the Southern Highland (see:  Skingrad's architecture) and the styles native to the Redguards who have merged into the populace- it is not uncommon in the newer (read:1E1200s construction onwards) portions of the city to see the onion domes common in places like Sentinel and Rihad.
The fall of Kvatch to the daedra at the end of the third era was the first time Kvatch had ever fallen or been razed in siege or direct battle, and came as a huge blow to the morale of the colovian peoples- Their impregnable bastion city, long thought impervious to attempts at invasion, had fallen in hours and was burned nearly to the ground.  By the 200th year of the 4th era, half of the city is rebuilt and inhabited with the population growing and tearing down the old structures as they go, though certain structures were unsalvageable and remain abandoned in disrepair, such as the great cathedral of Akatosh, and sadly, the arena of Kvatch, an ancient arena built in image of Redguard tradition a decade before one was established in the east upon the Isle.  
The inhabitants of the southern highlands and Kvatch are primarily Kvetchi, Redguards and Redguard Kvetchi, Bretonics, and 'civilized' Bosmer, though some more tribal Bosmer villages are located along the northern edge of the forested sections of the River Strid.

reference pictures: Rock spires dot the landscape. Kvatch manor Many towns upon cliffs and rocky hills spires of sandstone hill town another hill town More cliffs of Kvatch

Brena River Plateau

Sometimes just considered to be a part of the Southern Highlands and the Gold Coast, The Brena River Plateau is the name given to the sharply rising long table that stretches from the southern mountain hills of the Jerall nearly to the Abecean coast, seperating the Brena river and the dry grasslands of Rihad from the hills of Colovia. The climate is dramatically different from the southern highlands here, much more dry and arid and in many places flat, with the exception of great rock formations and massive mesas. Small branching rivers from the Brena slice through the plateau, creating deep canyons and river gorges that in some places penetrate all the way into the Southern highlands. The widest such river, and the widest gap in the plateaus, is home to the valley in which Sutch resides, where it was established early on by colovians to defend the greatest chink in the defenses against deathland hordes- both orcish and ra gada. Over the Course of the first and second era the city exchanged hands between colovian and redguard warlords frequently, producing the saturation of redguard kvetchi who live within the city and the northern half of the southern highlands. Few settlements can be found on the plateau, most of it too dry for colovian comfort when much more hospitable land is available in the south.

What peoples do live here include Kvetchi, Redguard Kvetchi, and in a few small villages, outright Redguard peoples.

reference pictures: Rock formations - overlooking the southern highlands mesas deeper within the plateau steep river gorges across its face arid rock desert closer to Hammerfell dry prarie More pleasant portions

Gold Coast and the near Abecean

Forming the westernmost edge of Cyrodiil, the cliffs and rolling hills of the Gold Coast (or Strident Coast as it is sometimes known) stretches from the mouth of the Brena to the north down to the Mouth of the Strid in the south. The hills of the southern highland become smoother at the intersection of the two regions, and the rock spires begin to dissapear as you continue west. The hills descend in elevation, each one slightly below the one before it for miles until it culminates into sheer cliffs and sandy tropical beaches. Abecean palms can be found miles inland, and fishing villages dot the beaches, stairs or in some cases lifts allowing the villagers to descend from the town atop the cliff to the docks below it. It's northern edge is dry, and its southern edge bears small jungles overflowing from the Valenwood, but in general the whole of the region is bare rolling hills, covered in grasses and sparse shrubs and trees. The only exception are the many flowers, ferns, and small succulents that cover the landscape, sometimes in great fields, as well as the local farms.

Anvil, the great colovian port, is located on the southern side of the coastlines, on a stretch of land where the hills rush to the shore particularly gently.  The city advances up the hill quite a bit, filling the beach and the small plain completely, as well as more than one small island off the shore.  Like most locations across the Abecean, the population of the city is racially diverse, though still primarily colovian.  The houses are built in the common Abecean Colov style, with stark white stone walls and red baked clay tile roofs.
The people native to the region are the Abecean Colovs, whose society historically revolved around the abecean almost entirely, whether it was as a merchant, soldiers in the army of a naval warlord, or fishermen.  Their primary city of Anvil was founded early on by the Nord mercenary kings, specifically named in honor of the first king of the region, whose first name is lost to time and war but whose clan name is known as Anvil-Breaker.  The culture of the city has been greatly influenced by interaction with bretons, redguards, and altmer, with several of the peoples names native to the region recognizable as bastardizations of altmeri names.  (Auriel-->Uriel, for example)  The city is famous as the home of the All Flags Navy and the birthplace of the Colovian Estates under the children of Bendu Olo, but the city from which Bendu and his children ruled is long gone.  The original city fell into the hands of rebels and pirates in the mid third era, after which it was torched to the ground by the cruel but effective colovian named Fasil Umbranox, who would be given a grant to rebuild the city and set about returning it to foreign glory.  One of the most significant of the losses was the old palace, which was constructed in the style of stonework familiar to the ancient nords who ruled the city.  Atop its ruins the new castle was constructed, and the old palace's catacombs and tombs are rumored to be accessible by hidden tunnels.
Not too far from Anvil across open ocean lies the colony island of Stirk, the largest of the Abecean's many tropical islands.  Though its passed through many hands in its time, modern days feature it as part of county Anvil and the primary docks of the western imperial fleet.  Aside from its military functionality as a base from which to patrol the abecean waters, it also serves as a tropical resort city, where nobles and wealthy merchants from across the abecean and sometimes other parts of Tamriel come to relax in the warm but not burning sun while the waves gently rock against the beach.  
The primary inhabitants are Abecean colovs, Bretonic Colovs, Bretons, Redguard Abeceans, Redguards, Colovian Bosmer, and Cyro-Nords.

reference pictures: cliffs meet the sea In some places the hills don't break into cliffs but just roll down to the water The villas of Abecean merchants dot the landscape Part of Anvil Stirk

Aaaaand that's about it! I'm going to start working on the Heartlander Identity guide probably tomorrow, and whenever I get done with the concise high rock history I'll make a concise cyrodiilic history as well. For now though, if you have any further questions about the people of the Colovian west and their history, feel free to ask in the comments. If you have photos that you feel match the locations described, feel free to share. If you have photos of how you feel colovia should look independent to this, I'd love to see them.

edit: in case you're wondering what parts are entirely mine: most of the ancient history and origin of cities, the entirety of the brena river plateau, and the ethnic subgroups. All of these were invented by me in my attempts to fill out colovia and make it more interesting than what we got in Oblivion, but if you want to use them, feel free.