The Treachery of Empress Carina

[Derived from ancient texts of the Alessian Order, found in a ruined monastery in the Colovian Highlands]

Published 4th of Evening Star, 2E 583

Few remember Empress Carina, the fourth ruler of the Alessian Empire. She was known by many titles, such as "Carina the Beautiful", or "Karina the Loved" in Nibenay. She was crowned in 1E 376, following her father Ami-El's death at 71 from "old age".

Or so the citizens of the Empire believed.

As many inhabitants of Tamriel currently know, a coup occurred in the Imperial City on 1E 361. Yes, they did allow him to remain the Emperor following the coup, as he was a blood descendant of Alessia, but in secret the ruling priests of the Order had wanted him gone from the start, according to a number of their writings in the monastery. Part of this stemmed from their hatred of minotaurs, and while Ami-El was only one fourth of such a creature, his small horns and thick hair covering parts his body was just enough for the Order to despise his very existence. Who knows what they would have done to Belharza, had he been the Emperor during the coup.

Following the coup, Ami-El essentially remained as a figurehead for the Order, as they forced the Emperor to sway his hand in whatever opinion they had a liking towards. When "he" issued the ultimatum expelling the Ayleids of Cyrodiil in 373 (mainly those whom remained loyal to Alessia during, as the rest had already fled or been slaughtered) out of what was left of their homes, he had finally had enough with the Order's demands.

For two years, Ami-El chose the opinion during all political meetings that would spite the Order the most, though not many remained as the Order had achieved much progress in Cyrodiil. He made excuses as to why, saying he had a slip of tongue or merely forgot, as his "advisors"/puppetmasters noted in their journals. The Order began to catch on, and when they threatened Ami-El with their conclusions, he remarked "How dare you accuse me of such things? To defy me is to defy the gods themselves!"

When the superiors of the Order exited Ami-El's chambers, disgruntled with their progress and confused on what course of action to take, they headed towards the White-Gold Tower Library in search of texts of the Order regarding what to do in such a situation. Enter the 29-year-old Princess Carina, emerging with a book written by Marukh himself.

This dusty relic detailed what to do in the case that the ruling Emperor/Empress had gone insane, whether by dementia from aging or raw madness from Sheogorath. It stated that if such an unfortunate case were to occur, the Emperor should be executed pre-maturely, but in such a manner that would not cause the citizens of the Empire to fear the Order. And so began Carina's plans to assassinate her father.

Why the princess was so willing to go through such a plan is a reason known to no one but Carina herself. Judging from her Order-mandated religious tutor's journal in 1E 362, Carina was fascinated with the newly-emerged Order and the teachings of Marukh. Her mother Empress Aelia died when she was only six-years-old, and the advisors noted she was never very close from her father to begin with. It is highly likely the Order was her true calling.

Ami-El died in his sleep on the eve of the 5th of Rain's Hand, 1E 376. His final meal contained a poison which would kill him without leaving any signs of struggle, planned out by Carina herself. The document containing this portion of info was found in the most hidden and secure part of the monastery, likely so that a new initiate would never stumble upon it and spread the word across the Empire. It was likely for the better that Carina's deception stayed hidden, as the Alessian Empire would have crumbled long before the War of Righteousness should it have gotten out.

Carina was crowned empress on the 7th of Rain's Hand, at the age of 30. During her father's funeral the day before, it is said she shed not a single tear the entire event.

Carina's rule was generally met with peace among the Empire's citizens. She was fortunate enough to live until 1E 453, dying purely from old age, unlike her father. She was succeeded by her son Vespas, who ruled for a brief eight years before his son Gorieus was crowned ruler of the empire.

Few records of Carina exist outside of Colovia, with most being documents in the Imperial City, and two found in Nibenay referring to her as "Karina". She was regarded as the kindest and most beloved of all Alessian rulers, second only to Saint Al-Esh herself.

In truth, it was not her father who was under the influence of Sheogorath, but likely herself.