Bill-Board: *University of Observing* looking for Scholars!

>This is a open letter, stiched on a bill-board on some worthy interested institutions like the universities and mage guildes of Tamriel. It is printen quite clear and good readable, with much effort in it in big letters, but without any artificial design. Just plane information, although glowing in the dark. It is the 20th Sundawn of 2E582.

My dear fellow scholars of Tamriel!

This is an important message to all of you, who are interested in the habits and thoughts of our minds. Ever considered to be a part of a college of supreme science, who have the goal to explore the mortal mind to understand and maybe help him? I know, it sounds first like a phantasm or pure heratic behaviour, but I will you assure that it has it's solid ground and it is own reason to be discussed at all!

It will be better if I explain to you what we have already reached, so you can at least be convinced how serious our attempt is to build a whole new dialogue with scholars on this topic! We settled down here in Corinth, Elsweyr Confederation. And simply by the reason that is the best location for this kind. Our founder Mealeor Mindheart, Y'ffre hold him in peace, wished to found this college in Valenwood, but was expelled by scholars who thought of his ideas as ridiclious or even blasphemic to the green pact. So he tried his luck elswhere and arrived finally here in Corinth 50 years ago. After attemps in Orcrest and Torval, the Mane himself helped him to settle here as long as he don't come near Torval ever again... I disgress!

Now, since then we do our precious work in the University of Observing. I know, a mighty titel for such small college and yet we are growing every year in students and room for teaching. The core is hold by our main theme: The Mind Theory ,as I proprose it as the current decan. I try to give you a summery of this by my own, but keep in mind (ha!) that this is not worthy of the whole fleshed out theory we preserve.

As it is clear to most scholars, we know much about the Animus, the soul and the vestige. But what is with the other part of ourself, the even more important one which give as conciousness to live on our own? We call it here the Persona ,because it forms our Personality. And how forms it? That is our primar opinion: The memory. By gathering input and rebuilding it to remember it is the main factor what forms our identity. On this ground we observe what happens with the mind under certain circumstances, what stress it and how we can help. And all that without cruel installments. All we do is to observe, hence the name. We let our clients first describe their mind/their problems and let them take notes in a journal first. Everything on freely basis. Then a dialogue follows where we take notes. Then we compare it to others to understand the Personas nature and if we did this, we try to help clients who fought with certain problems.

I will take it further: No one will be harmed. And no one is shown disrespect here, even the scholars. We have the concept that no mind is so different that he is not worthy to be understood, to be helped or to be respected. If someone has trouble with his mind, so he has trouble in his life. we take care to be objective and helping. They are clients, no objects! And if you say: All Sheggoraths work. Than tell me you no. Madness is true, true of his kind, especiall when it comes to Skooma, but there are differences and you might help us to differ here.

Beside this success (we did help many clients), we have established 20 years ago the Institute Corpora in our collage. There are the more body-interested scholars, who choose to compare our theories to the actions of the body. If you want to learn about them, you have to contact Tip-of-the-tongue ,a clever guy, although I am irritated by his new methode called 'hypnosis'.

So, is there a special reason why I send this letter to all who it may concern with my not fleshed-out Tamrielic? There are two in fact. First, we are currently in progress to establish our School of Analysis , a way to teach our learned lessons to the next generations of Observer.

The second is more complicated. The 'Institut of Insight' has opened their doors in Cloudrest as well... as these flesh-twister have not enough to do! They try not mimic us, no. They try to evolve their own theory, but without reading the mind. They call it 'Instinct Theory' and see the mortal being just as consciouss being that are driven by its instinct more than the mind, as we were just animals! So I warn you with this about these imposters. The only way to learn something about the topic and really helping people is here, in Corinthe.

Many words, short sense: We would be pleasured to welcome you fellow scholar to our home of possibilities! Learn about the future of medicine and the past of our minds. Together we will bring a new entlightment to Tamriel. So, in awaiting of your answers. sincerly

Ra'Fhejal, Decan of University of Observing