The philosophic monologue: Namira

>Inspired by this thread

Namira, Namiira!

Your word is decay, just to the ones who don't understand you. But what is then your work, your duty, your love? It is known as Usablility and Necessity. What live shall be usable, shall use and be used. Use and Abuse don't differ much if they come to the same result at the end. Everything has a purpose on Nirn, even the slightest animus, the tiniest 'monstrous' and 'vile' insect. It lives and it lives among you. Part of the world like you are.

How can a worm in the earth be of use to anyone? He consumes your corpse after you're dead, that he does. Than he will be probably be eaten by a bird or any other animal. The bird is eaten by the fox and the fox by you? This is the circle of life, the circle of usability. A necessity to live. Kill to live, be killed to let live others. Time works against you. So, it may decay, but it is not one without use.

Are the beggars the decay of sociality? She is here to proof you wrong, giving them purpose in the little things. Overhears by everyone they are predestinied to be the best listeners, gathering all the secrets for the use of their own. Their meanings become important in the whole construct. Decay is the first step to recycling. The first step to arise anew. The beggar is the decay of a king, and he is the king of the social decay. Why do she even intervine in sociality? She doesn't. She helps to let find every animus its purpose. Looking at the big wheel.

But isn't killing for the matter of use a hunt like Hircine does? No, not every one needs to hunt for this. Not the worm, not the farmer. What about murder? There are cults of cannibalism around her, the lady. Betraying the proper image of her attitude? Not at all. Murder can be a need to accomplish an use, but she don't desire to put it as the main goal. Necessity, as said. And if any is killed, it has to be used. There is no other way. The decision how some or any is used lays by the user. If there is a reason, a sense, it is well in her eyes.

Isn't this the way of Y'ffre? He tangles her sphere, but although his rule is the same, the followers of the green pact don't like it often to taste their own flesh. But Namiras asks her followers why this have to be? It don't has to be, it is just a need, a thing like anything else. Everybody talking about his disgust to things that are actually important. Insects, Decay, Instincts. Your moralities hinder you to enjoy it. To honor your use, to not let all be rotten without being consumed, the last honor possible to give.

Namira teaches this to you: Don't be afraid of what you are and what you like. Natures Course. It is of course a path were you bend your mind from what you thought is moral and social acceptable, but just until you realize that you now stand straight and the others are bent to their constructs of habits. Embrace your dark side, your original spirit.

It is not animal at all, it is freedom. Open your eyes. You have a need to fulfill, so feed your needs.