Maormer Sea Songs

The following piece was salvaged from a Maormer ship that was destroyed off the coast of Auridon.

They're singing. I'm sure they haven't noticed me, hiding below decks. I'm the stowaway bosmer. I was supposed to be scouting the ship, but they weighed anchor and are preparing for another round of attacks. I hope I'm able to get off ship before it's destroyed!

I never heard any real sea songs come to think of it. I'll write these down. Might come in handy if I'm ever sailing. I can't tell what they're doing up there. Some kind of work. Song seems to reflect it.

Raise them up, raise them up, raise them up, hey,
The lines and the rigging won't be tangled today,
We’ll hoist up the sails when the seas are just fine,
Keep on a coasting, when everything’s fine.

Sail away from the shore,
Keep on working, never get bored.
When we take back the land, that was ours first day,
Many a mer will sink in the sea today.

Well, that was just lovely. Oh, they're starting another one. They sound drunk.

What do ye do when the seas are calm?
Wait out the doldrums all the day long.
What do ye do when the winds are wild?
Batten down the hatches til things get mild.
What do ye do with a drunken crewmate?
Roll em up, throw em up, make em learn their fate.
What do ye do when faced with boarders?
Repel them all, butcher them, throw em overboard.

I missed some of that last song. They were so drunk I couldn't understand half of it.

It's been quiet for a while. I wonder what they're - oh, Y’ffre’s bones, they're singing again. It sounds like they're ready for a fight.

The blades are sharpened, our weapons are ready,
Our leathers are bonded, our armor is steady,
Our serpents are coiled, poised for attack,
We'll make them yield, send them to pack,
Midnight run, we'll ambush them as they sleep.
We're set to make Summerset ours to keep. We'll sound off the horns and make our battle cry,
See how many fools we can make die!

Don't question your orders, do as you're told,
Turn the seas red, let their blood run cold,
Face them head first, don't give them a cause,
If you're not dead, there's no reason to pause,
Close your mind to the pain, ignore the screams,
Fight onwards until nothing seems obscene,
Let none of them live, make them all cry,
See how many mer we can make die!

Take care of family, send them to the meridian,
We'll kill the curs, send them to Oblivion.
Teach them the meaning of how to fight,
We’ll make those Eagles take flight!
Use your magic and employ your shield,
We won't stop killing, even when they yield.
We'll take over Summerset and hoist our flags high,
How many mer can we make die!

Be ready fellow serpents, the time has come,
We’ll drive them out, and sound the drum.
We'll take Summerset, it'll be our land,
While their bodies all rot in the warm sand,
Fight as one unit, with soul and heart,
The King will give us the proper start.
Once more with vigor, we stand and we cry,
How many mer can we make die!

Oh, someone's down here, better put this…

NOTE: These are almost all original works. The last one was inspired by “March of Cambreadth”. I just gave it my own twist to make it into a Maormer war song.